Other Agencies and Organizations, Environmental Protection Agency  



    Environmental Protection Agency

    Outer Continental Shelf Air Permit OCS-EPA-R4019 and OCS-EPA-R4020 for Anadarko Petroleum Corporation

    *** PUBLIC NOTICE ***

    U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

    Outer Continental Shelf Air Permits OCS-EPA-R4019 and OCS-EPA-R4020

    for Anadarko Petroleum Corporation

    Public Comment Period: November 14, 2014 –December 15, 2014

    The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is seeking public comment on two draft Clean Air Act (CAA) Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) air permits for Anadarko Petroleum Corporation (Anadarko), 1201 Lake Robbins Drive, The Woodlands, Texas 77380. Anadarko has applied for two OCS air permits pursuant to section 328 of the Clean Air Act (CAA) from EPA Region 4. The proposed air permits will regulate air emissions from exploratory drilling operations within the Eastern Gulf of Mexico of the OCS. The proposed project associated with draft permit OCS-EPA-R4019 will mobilize the exploratory drillship Diamond BlackHawk and the proposed project associated with draft permit OCS-EPA-4020 will mobilize the Diamond BlackHornet. Each project will use up to two support vessels to transport personnel and supplies and up to four support vessels for well completion. The drilling areas are located on the OCS east of longitude 87.5, west of the Military Mission Line (86°41’ west longitude), at least 100 miles from the Louisiana shoreline, and at least 125 miles from the Florida shoreline. The proposed projects are for exploratory drilling and well completion and maintenance activities only and do not include the establishment of any permanent production platforms.

    EPA Region 4 is the agency responsible for implementing and enforcing CAA requirements for OCS sources in the Gulf of Mexico east of longitude 87.5º. Pursuant to section 328 of the CAA (42 U.S.C. § 7627) and the air quality regulations applicable to OCS sources set forth in Title 40, Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), part 55, these projects are required to obtain OCS air quality permits and are subject to Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) requirements that apply to major sources and also to title V operating permitting requirements. Anadarko must apply best available control technology (BACT), among other requirements, for emissions of NOX, CO, VOC, PM, PM2.5, PM10, and GHGs. The maximum potential annual emissions in tons per year for each drilling vessel and its support vessels are detailed in the application materials and in the preliminary determination/statement of basis associated with each draft permit. Potential annual emissions are also summarized in the project summary sheet.

    Permit Documents: EPA has prepared two draft permits for public comment, as well as a preliminary determination/statement of basis for each draft permit that explains the permit conditions. The draft permit conditions and preliminary determination documents are the same for both projects; they simply reference different drilling rigs. These documents are available on EPA Region 4’s website at: http://www.epa.gov/region4/air/permits/ocspermits/ocspermits.html. To request a copy of these documents or to be added to our Anadarko OCS permit mailing list, please contact: Ms. Rosa Yarbrough, Permit Support Specialist, at (404)562-9643 or yarbrough.rosa@epa.gov. For questions on the draft permits, please contact: Ms. Eva Land at (404)562-9103 or land.eva@epa.gov. Ms. Yarbrough and Ms. Land may also be reached by mail at USEPA Region 4, Air Permits Section APTMD, 61 Forsyth Street, SW, Atlanta, GA 30303. EPA’s draft permits and preliminary determinations/statements of basis; Anadarko’s applications and supporting documentation/data; and comments received from the public, other government agencies, and the applicant during the public comment period will become part of the administrative record for these permits. All data submitted by the applicant is also available as part of the administrative record. The administrative record is available at www.regulations.gov (docket #EPA-R04-OAR-2014-0728), which can also be accessed through EPA’s website given above and at the EPA Region 4 office (please call in advance for available viewing times) at: 61 Forsyth Street, SW, Atlanta, GA 30303, phone: (404)562-9643. The websites can be accessed through free internet services available at local public libraries.

    Public Comments: All comments on the draft permits must be received by email at R4OCS permits@epa.gov, submitted electronically via www.regulations.gov (docket #EPA-R04-OAR-2014-0728) or postmarked by December 15, 2014. Comments sent by mail should be addressed to: USEPA Region 4, Air Permits Section APTMD, 61 Forsyth Street, SW, Atlanta, GA 30303, Attn: Rosa Yarbrough. An extension of the 30-day comment period may be granted if the request for an extension is submitted during the 30-day public comment period and it adequately demonstrates why additional time is required to prepare comments.

    Any interested person may submit written comments on the draft permits during the public comment period. If you believe that any conditions in the permits are inappropriate, you must raise all reasonably ascertainable issues and submit all reasonably available arguments supporting your position by the end of the comment period. Any documents supporting your comments must be included in full and may not be incorporated by reference unless they are already part of the administrative record for these permits or consist of state or federal statutes or regulations, EPA documents of general applicability, or other generally available reference materials. Comments should focus on the draft air quality permits. If you have comments regarding offshore leasing, non-air quality impacts, drilling safety, discharge, or other similar issues not subject to this public comment period, you should submit them during the leasing and approval proceedings of the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, which is the lead agency for offshore drilling.

    All comments will be included in the administrative records without change and will be made available to the public, including any personal information provided, unless the comment includes Confidential Business Information or other information whose disclosure is restricted by statute. Information that you consider Confidential Business Information or otherwise protected must be clearly identified as such and should not be submitted through email. If you send email directly to EPA, your email address will be captured automatically and included as part of the public comment. An email or postal address must be provided with your comments if you wish to receive direct notification of EPA’s final decisions regarding the permits and response to comments submitted during the public comment period.

    OCS-EPA-R4019 and OCS-EPA-R4020 contain the same permit terms. Hence, all comments will be considered for both permits and do not need to be repeated. All timely and relevant comments on the draft permits will be considered in making the final decision. EPA will respond to all significant comments on the proposed permits and may summarize and group similar comments in our response. EPA will not respond to individual commenters directly.

    Public Hearing: Requests for a public hearing on the draft air permits must be in writing and received by EPA by December 8, 2014. Requests should be sent by email to R4OCSpermits@epa.gov or by mail addressed to: USEPA Region 4, Air Permits Section, 61 Forsyth Street, SW, Atlanta, GA 30303, Attn: Rosa Yarbrough. EPA will hold a public hearing on the draft air permits pursuant to 40 CFR §§ 71.11(f) and 124.12 if the Agency determines that there is a significant degree of public interest in the draft permits. Requests for a public hearing must state the nature of the issues proposed to be raised in the hearing. If a public hearing is held, you may submit oral and/or written comments on the proposed permits at the hearing. You do not need to attend the public hearing to submit written comments. If EPA determines that there is a significant degree of public interest, EPA will hold a public hearing from 5:30 to 7:00 p.m. on December 18, 2014, at: West Florida Public Library, 239 North Spring Street, Pensacola, Florida 32502, (850)436-5043.

    If a public hearing is held, the public comment period will automatically be extended to the close of the public hearing. If no timely requests for a public hearing are received, or if EPA determines that there is not a significant degree of public interest, a hearing will not be held. Such an announcement will be emailed to our OCS public notice list and posted on EPA’s website identified above, or you may call EPA at the contact number above to determine if the hearing will not be held.

    If a public hearing is held, EPA staff will be available prior to the hearing, from 4:005:30 pm to answer questions and provide information on this proposed action during an informal public information session. You are not required to attend the information session to comment at the public hearing, and you may also obtain additional information about the project at EPA’s website listed above.

    Final Determination: EPA will make a final decision to issue the permits or to deny the application for the permits after the Agency considers all comments on the draft air permits. Notice of the final decision shall be sent to each person who has submitted written comments or requested notice of the final permit decisions, provided EPA has adequate contact information.

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