Other Agencies and Organizations, 11th Judicial Circuit  


    11th Judicial Circuit

    RFP2012-01 Batterer's Intervention Program (BIP) Service Providers



    The Eleventh Judicial Circuit of Florida ("Circuit") seeks sealed proposals from qualified entities ("Proposers") to provide, as a batterers’ intervention program ("BIP") service provider ("BIP Service Provider"), services to address domestic violence issues in Miami-Dade County, Florida. Such services will include, but are not limited to: (i) helping batterers take responsibility for their acts of violence; (ii) emphasizing alternative behaviors by teaching skills to control violent and abusive behavior; and (iii) collaborating with other community-based providers to facilitate substance abuse treatment, educational, and employment opportunities for batterers.

    In view of the high incidence of domestic violence related crimes in Miami-Dade County and the need to have qualified BIP Service Providers to provide certain services in an effort to reduce the incidence of such crimes, the Circuit, along with local justice system and social service agencies developed the "Batterers’ Intervention Program ("BIP") Service Provider Application" and the "Batterers’ Intervention Program ("BIP") Minimum Certification Standards" that comprise the Request for Proposals for Batterers’ Intervention Program ("BIP") Service Providers ("RFP #2012-01").

    RFP # 2012-01 will be available November 16, 2012 on the Eleventh Judicial Circuit’s website at www.jud11.flcourts.org under the heading "RFP #2012-01 Batterers’ Intervention Program ("BIP") Service Providers." Deadline for receipt of sealed proposals is December 14, 2012.


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