Licensure Procedures, Postpartum Care  



    Health Facility and Agency Licensing


    59A-11.003Licensure Procedures

    59A-11.016Postpartum Care


    Notice is hereby given that the following changes have been made to the proposed rule in accordance with subparagraph 120.54(3)(d)1., F.S., published in Vol. 44 No. 165, August 23, 2018 issue of the Florida Administrative Register.


    59A-11.003 Licensure Procedures.

    (1) through (2) No change

    (3) In addition to the requirements found in Chapter 408, Part II, F.S., an application for initial licensure shall include proof of compliance with local zoning requirements for the address of record.

    (3)(4) An application for a change of ownership shall include a signed agreement with the Agency to correct deficiencies listed in the most recent licensure and life safety inspections. In addition to the requirements found in Chapter 408, Part II, F.S., an application for a change of ownership shall include:

    (a) Proof of accreditation, if applicable;

    (b) A signed agreement with the Agency to correct deficiencies listed in the most recent licensure and life safety inspections; and,

    (c) A copy of the closing documents, which must include an effective date and the signatures of both the transferee and the transferor.

    (4)(5) No change.

    Rulemaking Authority 383.309, 408.819 FS. Law Implemented 383.305, 408.805, 408.806, 408.809, 408.810 FS. History–New 3-4-85, Formerly 10D-90.03, 10D-90.003, Amended 9-27-94, 2-12-96, 9-17-96, 9-28-14,_____.


    59A-11.016 Postpartum Care.

    (1) through(13) No change

    (14) Infant (postnatal) screening shall be offered and documented in accordance with the following statute and rule administered by the Department of Health: section 383.14, F.S. and chapter 64C-7, F.A.C. The Healthy Start Postnatal Screening Instrument, shall be offered as specified in Rule 64C-7.008, F.A.C.

    Rulemaking Authority 383.309, FS. Law Implemented 383.318 FS. History–New 3-4-85, Formerly 10D-90.16, 10D-90.016, Amended 9-27-94, 2-12-96,______.