Electronic Card System, Patron Slot Machine Gaming Accounts  

    61D-14.076: Electronic Card System
    61D-14.078: Patron Slot Machine Gaming Accounts
    Notice is hereby given that the following changes have been made to the proposed rule in accordance with subparagraph 120.54(3)(d)1., F.S., published in Vol. 32 No. 39, September 29, 2006 issue of the Florida Administrative Weekly.

    The changes are in response to written comments received from interested parties in the pari-mutuel industry, and comments made at a public rule hearing on October 24, 2006.

    61D-14.076 Player Tracking System.

    (1) Each slot machine licensee that offers the use of a card or device to its patrons for accessing funds from a patron account established under Rule 61D-14.078, F.A.C., or, uses such a card or device for tracking player history, shall include a description of this program or system as part of its internal control procedures and submit the internal control procedures to the division for approval.

    (2) Any card or device used as referenced in (1) shall only be used for the establishment of a promotional account slot machine gaming at the slot machine license facility where the card or device was issued.

    (3) No change.

    (4) Each card or device issued to a patron shall require at least a four digit Personal Identification Number (PIN) for use or redemption of promotional items as outlined in (1).

    (5) The following errors related to the use of a card or device shall be recorded by the facility based monitoring system and a message shall be displayed by the slot machine or automatic ticket redemption machine to the patron:

    (a) through (b) No change.

    (c) Inactive or closed account. as determined by Rule 61D-14.078(2)(g), F.A.C.; or

    (d) Attempt to use a card or device that has been reported to the slot machine licensee as lost or stolen.

    Specific Authority 551.103(1), 551.122 FS. Law Implemented 551.103(1)(d), (1)(e) FS. History–New _______.

    61D-14.078 Patron Slot Machine Wagering Gaming Accounts.

    (1) A slot machine licensee shall only establish wagering accounts for its patrons who are real persons. Controls for such wagering accounts (Wagering Patron Accounts) shall be included within the slot machine licensee’s system of internal controls. The licensee’s system of internal controls may allow for the use of test accounts for the purposes of testing and troubleshooting wagering accounts. Test accounts established will be clearly marked in the patron name area as “test” to differentiate the test account from active accounts.

    (2) The system of internal controls for Wagering Patron Accounts shall include procedures for the following:

    (a) No change.

    (b) Retention of a copy of the form of identification produced by the patron and a current photograph of the patron. Should the identification required to be retained by this rule contain a current photograph, then one copy of the identification and correlating photograph will be sufficient.

    (c) Maintenance of the last provided current street and mailing address and telephone number of the patron;

    (d) through (e) No change.

    (f) Reconciliation of the balances of the Wagering Patron Accounts, Wagering Patron Account Transaction Forms, and the log of transactions referenced in (7) made by patrons during a shift;

    (g) Auditing and rendering inactive all AFT [Advanced Funds Transfer] – related associations of Wagering Patron Accounts that have had no activity or those having a zero balance for a period of 90 days;

    (h) The system shall use, at a minimum, a SAS 6.01 protocol for AFT internal slot system at a minimum; and

    (i) A requirement to reactivate a Wagering patron account, the patron shall present identification at the cage as required by Rule 61D-14.010, F.A.C., in person.

    (3) through (5)(f) No change.

    (g) All voided original and duplicate Wagering Patron Account Transaction Forms shall be marked “VOID” and shall require the signatures and occupational license numbers of the preparer and a supervisor.

    (6) After preparation of the Wagering Patron Account Transaction Form, the cashier shall obtain the patron's signature and shall distribute the copies in the following manner:

    (a) through (8) No change.

    Specific Authority 551.103(1), 551.122 FS. Law Implemented 551.103(1)(d), (1)(e) FS. History–New _______.