Agenda items shall include approval of minutes; legislative update; election of Vice Chair & officers; 2011 Board appointment process; 2011 meeting schedule; 401K amendment; operations report; financial report; application notary requirements; and ...  

  • The FWCJUA, Board of Governors announces a telephone conference call to which all persons are invited.
    DATE AND TIME: December 7, 2010, 10:00 a.m.
    PLACE: To participate in the teleconference meeting, please contact Kathy Coyne at (941)378-7408
    GENERAL SUBJECT MATTER TO BE CONSIDERED: Agenda items shall include approval of minutes; legislative update; election of Vice Chair & officers; 2011 Board appointment process; 2011 meeting schedule; 401K amendment; operations report; financial report; application notary requirements; and committee reports on: Audit Committee Charter procedures checklist; agency authorization process; application submission process; compliance review of the current investment portfolio; a review of policy and guidelines for the investment of assets and associated matters; investment manager selection; 2011 reinsurance program; reinsurance commutation matters; executive compensation & benefits; Executive Director’s employment agreement; server equipment co-location/cloud hosting services RFP selection; phone system RFP selection; telecommunications services RFP selection; 2011 business plan & forecast; disaster recovery matters; budget expense considerations; report on operations; application form revisions; Operations Manual reformat; 2011 rate filing; and Milliman’s engagement.
    A copy of the agenda may be obtained by contacting: Kathy Coyne at (941)378-7408 or from the FWCJUA’s website: