Department of Environmental Protection, Departmental  


    The Florida Department of Environmental Protection (Department) hereby provides notice of an intent to modify the Power Plant Conditions of Certification issued pursuant to the Florida Electrical Power Plant Siting Act, Section 403.501 et seq., Florida Statutes, concerning: Lee County Solid Waste Energy Recovery Facility (SWERF), Power Plant Siting Application No. PA90-30, OGC Case No. 09-2895. On June 2, 2009 the Department received a petition to modify the Conditions of Certification for the SWERF from Lee County pursuant to Section 403.516(1)(c), Florida Statutes, for the addition of a Construction and Demolition Debris Recycling Facility (CDRF) at the site. The Department proposes to modify the Conditions of Certification for the new CDRF, and to incorporate Department initiated updates. A copy of the proposed modification may be obtained by contacting: Michael P. Halpin, P.E., Administrator, Siting Coordination Office, Department of Environmental Protection, 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard, MS #48, Tallahassee, Florida 32399‑3000, (850)245‑2002. Pursuant to Section 403.516(1)(c)2., Florida Statutes, parties to the certification proceeding have 45 days from issuance of notice to such party’s last address of record in which to object to the requested modification. Failure of any of the parties to file a response will constitute a waiver of objection to the requested modification. Any person who is not already a party to the certification proceeding and whose substantial interest is affected by the requested modification has 30 days from the date of publication of this public notice to object in writing. The written objection must be filed (received) in: Office of General Counsel of the Department, 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard, MS #35, Tallahassee, Florida 32399‑3000. If no objections are received, then a Final Order approving the modification shall be issued by the Department. If objections are raised and agreement can not be reached, then pursuant to Section 62-17.211, Florida Administrative Code, the applicant may file a petition for modification seeking approval of those portions of the request for modification to which written objections were timely filed. Mediation is not available in this proceeding.


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