Bid No. 2013031C Fisherman’s Wharf Outfall Improvements
BID NO. 2013031C Fisherman’s Wharf Outfall Improvements
The Department of Environmental Protection is soliciting formal competitive bids from certified or registered contractors licensed to work in the jurisdiction for the project listed below:
PROJECT NAME: Fisherman’s Wharf Outfall Improvements
SCOPE OF WORK: The Contractor will provide all equipment, materials, supplies, and labor necessary to construct stormwater improvements for the Fisherman’s Wharf Outfall Improvements in accordance with the specifications contained in the bid documents and any related documents including the plan set; FDOT maintenance agreement; local, State, and Federal laws, rules, and guidelines; and, generally accepted construction practices. This project will include the removal of existing asphalt parking area, concrete piping an existing concrete retaining wall, with the installation of temporary concrete barrier walls and erosion control. The new work will include the installation a hydraulic separation system, 36” concrete piping, manhole, junction box, replacement of demolished paving with stabilized sub-grade, asphaltic paving, curb and gutter, pavement striping and landscaping. In addition, the Contractor will provide all equipment, materials, supplies, and labor following the conclusion of construction activities needed to repair erosion, or damage to the surrounding parking facilities caused by the construction activities. Pursuant to Executive Order 07-126 and Section 255.252(3), F.S. the Department requires the proposed project be designed and constructed in accordance with green building standards where applicable.
PROJECT BUDGET: $300,000.00
PROJECT LOCATION: The Fisherman’s Wharf Outfall Improvement project is located at 206 Harbor Blvd (Hwy 98) in the waterfront commercial district of the City of Destin, Okaloosa County, Florida.
MINORITY BUSINESS REQUIREMENT: The Department of Environmental Protection supports diversity in its Procurement Program and requests that all sub-contracting opportunities afforded by this bid embrace diversity enthusiastically. The award of sub-contracts should reflect the full diversity of the citizens of the State of Florida. The Department will be glad to furnish a list of Minority Owned Firms that could be offered sub-contracting opportunities.
PREQUALIFICATION: When the total Bid including Alternates exceeds $200,000, each Bidder whose field is governed by Chapter 399, 455, 489, or 633 Florida Statutes, for licensure or certification, must submit the following prequalification data of their eligibility to submit bids 240 hours (10 days) PRIOR TO the Bid Opening date, unless the Bidder has been previously qualified by the Department of Environmental Protection for the current biennium (July 1 - June 30) of odd numbered years in accordance with 60D-5.004(2), F.A.C., as evidenced by a letter from DEP to the Bidder, which letter shall be presented to DEP upon request. If the Department requires clarification or additional information, Bidder shall submit such information by 120 hours (5 days) prior to Bid Opening. Material submitted after those deadlines shall disqualify the Bidder.
INSTRUCTIONS: Any firm desiring plans for this project may obtain a copy at’s%20Wharf/ or by contacting Jim Reynolds with the Procurement Section at (850) 245-2361or
ADA REQUIREMENTS: Any person with a qualified disability shall not be denied equal access and effective communication regarding any bid/proposal documents or the attendance at any related meeting or bid/proposal opening. If accommodations are needed because of disability, please contact Jim Reynolds with the Procurement Section at (850) 245-2361 at least five (5) workdays prior to openings. If you are hearing or speech impaired, please contact the Florida Relay Services by calling (800) 955-8771 (TDD) or (800) 955-8770 (Voice).
PRE-BID MEETING/SITE VISIT: a MANDATORY pre-bid meeting and site visit will be held on Thursday, December 6, 2012 at 10:00 AM (CT) beginning at the Destin City Hall, 4200 Indian Bayou Trail, Destin, FL, 32541. Directions may be obtained by calling (850) 837-4242. The initial meeting at the Destin City Hall will be followed with visit to the project site. Directions to the project site will be provided at the initial meeting.
BID SUBMITTAL DUE DATE: No later than 2:30 PM (ET), Thursday, December 27, 2012 to the following address: Florida Department of Environmental Protection, Procurement Section, Room 235, 3800 Commonwealth Boulevard, MS # 93, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000, attention Jim Reynolds, OMC Manager, (850) 245-2361. The Department reserves the right to reject any or all bids.
BID AWARD POSTING DATE: No later than 8:30 AM (ET), Wednesday January 2, 2013 unless extended by the Department for good cause.
NOTICE OF RIGHTS: Notice of Intent to Protest the Bid Specifications must be filed with (received by) the Procurement Section, Department of Environmental Protection, 3800 Commonwealth Boulevard, MS#93, Carr Building, Room 235, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000, during the 72-hour period after Bid Specifications are posted on the Vendor Bid System. Failure to file a Notice of Intent to Protest or a formal, written Protest in accordance with Rule 28-110, F.A.C., within ten days after the 72-hour period ends, as prescribed in Section 120.57(3), Florida Statutes, shall constitute a waiver of your right to an administrative hearing on the Bid Specifications under Chapter 120, Florida Statutes. Rules for bid protests can be found in sections 120.569 and 120.57, F.S., and Chapter 28-110, Florida Administrative Code. A bid protester shall comply with these statutes and rules.