11-042-AF Purchase and Installation of Storage Sheds As Needed / FEPC
On behalf of Florida Education Purchasing Consortium
Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be accepted, and publicly opened thereafter, at the office of the Purchasing Agent, 20430 Gator Lane, Land OLakes, FL 34638-2803 on or until November 30, 2010, 2:30 p.m. (EST). Bids will be accepted and publicly opened on November 30, 2010, if date/time stamped 2:30 p.m.; date/time stamps of 2:30:01 p.m. or later will be rejected and returned unopened. Late bids, regardless of reason, will be considered non-responsive.
PROJECT: BID No. 11-042-AF, Purchase and Installation of Storage Sheds
The intent of this bid is to establish a three-year contract (renewable annually upon mutual consent of both parties) between the District School Board of Pasco County and a supplier for the Purchase and Installation of Storage Sheds on an as needed basis for various members of the Florida Education Purchasing Consortium, throughout the state of Florida. The award of this bid will be based on an all or none basis by group to the lowest and best, responsive and responsible, bidder meeting written specifications for the estimated quantities listed.
DOCUMENTS: Available through
INSURANCE: Standard Workmans Comprehensive, General Liability, etc.
The District School Board of Pasco County reserves the right to waive minor formalities in any bid and to accept any bid which they consider to be in the best public interest, and to reject any part of, or any and all bids. Award will be made to the lowest and best, responsive and responsible, bidder in the opinion and at the option of the Board. Their decision shall be final and conclusive.
l/s Heather Fiorentino
Superintendent of Schools
District School Board of Pasco County