The purpose of this rule is to clarify the requirements for admission and continued enrollment in the Florida School for the Deaf and the Blind.  



    Florida School for the Deaf and the Blind


    6D-3.002Admission and Enrollment Requirements

    PURPOSE AND EFFECT: The purpose of this rule is to clarify the requirements for admission and continued enrollment in the Florida School for the Deaf and the Blind.

    SUMMARY: Amends the requirements for admission and continued enrollment in the Florida School for the Deaf and the Blind.

    SUMMARY OF STATEMENT OF ESTIMATED REGULATORY COSTS AND LEGISLATIVE RATIFICATION: The Agency has determined that this will not have an adverse impact on small business or likely increase directly or indirectly regulatory costs in excess of $200,000 in the aggregate within one year after the implementation of the rule. A SERC has not been prepared by the Agency.

    Any person who wishes to provide information regarding a statement of estimated regulatory costs, or provide a proposal for a lower cost regulatory alternative must do so in writing within 21 days of this notice.

    RULEMAKING AUTHORITY: 1002.36(4)(c) FS.

    LAW IMPLEMENTED: 1002.36(4)(e) FS.






    6D-3.002 Admission and Enrollment Requirements.

    (1) Definitions. All references to School” shall mean the Florida School for the Deaf and Blind (FSDB).

    (a) Admission. The registration of a student who has been determined to meet the Schools eligibility criteria for enrollment as a full-time student in the educational program at the School.

    (b) Applicant. A child or adult student who seeks admission into the educational program of the School.

    (c) Application. The form entitled Application for Student Evaluation Application (FSDB 2013-01), effective as of January 30, 2014, incorporated by reference, available on the internet at also available on the internet at, or Application for Student Evaluation Application (FSDB 2013-01 SP), effective as of January 30, 2014, incorporated by reference, available on the internet at, also available on the internet at, or by sending a request to Florida School for the Deaf and the Blind, Admissions, 207 N. San Marco Avenue, St. Augustine, Florida 32084, provided by the School to all individuals seeking admission to the Schools educational program. Accurate completion of the form is mandatory and a prerequisite to the process for determining a students eligibility for admission.

    (d) Application process. Also known as the Intake Process. The process for determining a students eligibility for admission to the Schools educational program. The process shall start with the applicant submitting a complete and accurate application, shall include a thorough review of the applicants records, including the results of any new evaluations obtained by School professionals, and shall conclude with the determination of the applicants eligibility or ineligibility for admission.

    (e) Assignment. The determination by the staffing committee of the educational program(s) in the School to which the student is assigned.

    (f) Deaf or Hard-of-Hearing. Applicants or students who meet the following criteria shall satisfy the hearing loss requirement for eligibility to attend the School:

    1. An audiological evaluation documents a permanent or fluctuating hearing threshold level that interferes with progress in any one (1) of the following areas: developmental skills or academic performance, social-emotional development, or linguistic and communicative skills as evidenced by:

    a. A hearing threshold level of 25 decibel (dbB) ± 5 dB or greater based on pure tone average or average of 500, 1000, and 2000 Hz unaided in the better ear; or

    b. A high frequency hearing threshold level of 25 dB ± 5 dB or greater based on pure tone average of 1000, 2000, and 3000 Hz unaided in the better ear; or

    c. A unilateral hearing threshold level of 50 dB ± 5 dB or greater based on pure tone average of 500, 1000, and 2000 Hz unaided; or

    d. Auditory Evoked Potential responses evidencing permanent hearing loss at multiple frequencies equivalent to or in excess of the decibel hearing loss threshold criteria for pure tone audiometric testing specified in subparagraphs (f)(1)a., b., and c., of this rule; and,

    2. The student needs special education as defined in paragraph 6A-6.03411(1)(kk), F.A.C., effective as of December 22, 2008, 23, 2014, incorporated by reference, available on the internet at https://www/, also available on the internet at

    (g) Dual-Sensory Impaired. Applicants or students who meet the following criteria shall satisfy the dual-sensory impairment requirement for eligibility to attend the School:

    1. For students who are diagnosed with a medical condition having the potential for dual sensory loss:One or more of the following visual impairments

    a. A medical report from a physician licensed in Florida in accordance with Chapter 458 or 463, F.S., unless a report of medical examination from a physician licensed in another state is permitted in accordance with paragraph 6A-6.0331(3)(e), F.A.C., effective as of December 23, 2014, available on the internet at, confirming the existence of such a diagnosis, its prognosis, and the potential for dual sensory loss; and a. A visual acuity of 20/70 or less in the better eye after best correction;

    b. The student needs special education as defined in paragraph 6A-6.03411(1)(kk), F.A.C.; or

    b. A peripheral field loss;

    c. A progressive vision loss; or

    d. Other documented visual conditions including but not limited to extreme light sensitivity or lack of contrast sensitivity; and,

    2. For students with vision and hearing loss: One or more of the following hearing impairments:

    a. Evidence of a vision loss as established in paragraph 6D-3.002(1)(p), F.A.C., or functional blindness as defined by paragraph 6A-6.03022(1)(b), F.A.C., effective as of December 23, 2014, available on the internet at; and Hearing impairment of 30db or greater unaided in the better ear;

    b. Evidence of a hearing loss as established in paragraph 6D-3.002(1)(f), F.A.C., or functional hearing loss as defined by paragraph 6A-6.03022(1)(c), F.A.C.; and, Other documented auditory conditions including but not limited to monaural loss or an inability to screen out auditory background sounds; or

    c. The student needs special education as defined in paragraph 6A-6.03411(1)(kk), F.A.C. A progressive

    3. A combination of the visual and auditory impairments as specified above which adversely effects, or has the potential to adversely effect, the students abilities to acquire information, communicate, or function within the environment, unless special instruction, materials, adaptations, or counseling are provided; or

    4. A diagnosed degenerative condition or syndrome which will lead to dual-sensory impairment and is likely to adversely affect the areas listed above; and

    5.  The student needs special education as defined in paragraph 6A-6.03411(1)(kk), F.A.C.

    (h) Educational program. The placement, services, and individualized instruction provided to a student specifically tailored to address the students educational strengths, weaknesses and objectives. All references to the term educational program in this rule shall refer to the day program of the School.

    (i) Enrollment. The registration by the School of the applicants name on the Schools student roster for purposes of recording with the State the students attendance at the School. The student may be enrolled as either a fully admitted student who meets the Schools eligibility criteria, or as a student on Temporary Assignment pending an eligibility determination.

    (j) File Review process. The process of conducting a comprehensive review of an application for admission to the Schools educational program, as well as all accompanying records to determine whether additional records or information is or are necessary before the applicant can be scheduled for Intake evaluations.

    (k) Florida applicant. An applicant whose residence is within the state of Florida.

    (l) Residence” means The actual physical presence in a place as the parent, legal guardian or adult applicant’s place of abode, with the intention to remain there permanently or for an indefinite period of time. Actual presence of the parent, legal guardian or adult applicant for the sole purpose of receiving free education shall not be considered residence.

    (m) Staffing Committee. Committee of School professionals, including the Staffing Coordinator, evaluators, assistant principals, and Individual Education Plan (IEP) Coordinators, who participate in making a determination as to whether a student meets the Schools eligibility criteria for admission to the educational program. An Eligibility Staffing Committee makes the recommendation as to whether an applicant meets the Schools eligibility criteria. A Continuation Staffing Committee makes the recommendation as to whether an enrolled student continues to meet the Schools admission criteria.

    (n) Staffing Coordinator. School professional who facilitates an applicants file review process, is knowledgeable about the Schools enrollment criteria, and serves as the Chairperson of Eligibility and Continuation Staffing Committee meetings. The Staffing Coordinator is the Presidents Designee and makes the final decision on the applicants eligibility for the School.

    (o) Temporary Assignment. An applicants attendance (with parental or guardian consent if the student is a minor) in the School for no more than 90 school days for the School staff to complete evaluations and gather additional information to make an eligibility determination. Temporary Assignment status does not guarantee admission to the educational program as a student who meets the Schools eligibility criteria. If the Eligibility Staffing Committee determines that a student on Temporary Assignment status is not eligible for admission to the educational program, the student shall return to the students local educational agency. If the student pursues a due process hearing to challenge the Schools ineligibility determination, the students stay put” placement shall not be the School, but shall be the students local educational agency.

    (p) Visually Impaired. Applicants or students who meet the following criteria shall satisfy the vision loss requirement for eligibility to attend the School:

    1. Medical. A licensed ophthalmologist or optometrist has documented an eye condition that causes an impairment as manifested by at least one of the following:

    a. A visual acuity of 20/70 or less in the better eye after best possible correction;

    b. A peripheral field so constricted that it affects the students ability to function in an educational setting;

    c. A progressive loss of vision which may affect the students ability to function in an educational setting, not including students who have learning problems that are primarily the result of either or both of visual perceptual and visual motor difficulties; or

    d. For children birth to five (5) years of age or students who are otherwise unable to be assessed, bilateral lack of central, steady, or maintained fixation of vision with an estimated visual acuity of 20/70 or less after best possible correction; bilateral central scotoma involving the perimacula area (20/80-20/200); bilateral grade III, IV, or V Retinopathy of Prematurity (ROP); or documented eye impairment as stated in paragraph 6A-6.03014(3)(a), F.A.C., effective as of April 1, 2015 March 1, 2008, incorporated by reference, available on the internet at,, also available on the internet at

    2. The student needs special education as defined in paragraph 6A-6.03411(1)(kk), F.A.C.

    (2) Criteria for Admission and Continued Enrollment.

    (a) Florida applicants who meet the School’s admission criteria are qualified for enrollment or continued enrollment without the payment of tuition. Non-Florida applicants who meet admission criteria other than residency shall be enrolled on a tuition basis provided that such enrollment does not deny admission to any qualified applicant who is a resident of Florida.

    (b) In addition to meeting the criteria for admission, an applicant shall be classified as a “Florida student” or a “non-Florida student.” A non-Florida student shall be required to pay the tuition charges annually established by the Board of Trustees.

    1. In determining residence, the School shall consider such matters as voter registration, driver’s license, automobile registration, location of bank accounts, rent receipts or any other similar evidence that tends to show the intent to abide in a jurisdiction permanently or for an indefinite period of time.

    2. If the applicant is a minor:

    a. The applicant shall be presumed to have the same residence as the applicant’s parents or as the parent who has legal custody of the applicant, in the absence of contrary evidence.

    b. If the applicant’s parents reside outside Florida or if the parent who has legal primary custody of the applicant resides outside Florida, the applicant will be presumed to be a non-Florida student in the absence of contrary evidence.

    c. If the applicant claims entitlement to be classified as a Florida student due to the appointment by a court of competent jurisdiction of a guardian, or if the applicant has a legal custodian other than the applicant’s parents, the burden of establishing a Florida residence is on the applicant.

    3. Application for admission as a “Florida student” shall include a written statement by the applicant if 18 years of age or older, or made by the applicant’s parents, guardian or legal custodian if a minor, that the applicant is entitled to classification as a Florida student under this rule.

    (c) Eligible aApplicants shall may be offered enrollment in the Schools day program upon attaining three (3) years of age.

    (d) Eligible aApplicants eighteen years or older shall may be offered enrollment admission through the age of twenty-one.

    (e) An applicant is qualified for admission to the School’s program for the deaf and hard-of-hearing if the applicant meets all of the following admission criteria:

    1. Evidence of a hearing loss as established in paragraph 6D-3.002(1)(f), F.A.C.

    2. The applicant must possess evidence of the following minimum daily living skills:

    a. Finger feeds self, chews and swallows most foods;,

    b. Indicates awareness of being soiled or wet;,

    c. Assists in dressing self;, and,

    d. Cooperates in bathing.

    3. Evidence that the deaf or hard-of-hearing applicant does not exhibit behaviors that adversely affect functioning. Such determination shall be based on:

    a. Evidence of an uneven developmental profile and a pattern of qualitative impairments in social interaction, and communication and the presence of any of restricted, or repetitive, stereotyped patterns of behavior, interests, or activities.

    b. Medically diagnosed physical or psychiatric condition which is acute or catastrophic in nature, or a chronic illness, or a repeated intermittent illness due to a persisting persistent medical problem which confines the student to home or hospital, and restricts activities for an extended period of time.

    c. Measured level of intellectual functioning more than three (3) standard deviations below the mean on an individually measured, standardized test of intellectual functioning; and level of adaptive functioning either more than three (3) standard deviations below the mean on the adaptive behavior composite or on two (2) out of three (3) domains on a standardized test of adaptive behavior.

    (f) An applicant is qualified for admission to the School’s program for the visually impaired if the applicant meets all of the following admission criteria:

    1. Evidence of Medical. aA vision loss as established in paragraph 6D-3.002(1)(p), F.A.C.

    2. The applicant must possess evidence of the following minimum daily living skills:

    a. Finger feeds self, chews and swallows most foods;

    b. Indicates awareness of being soiled or wet;

    c. Assists in dressing self; and,

    d. Cooperates in bathing.

    3. Evidence that the visually impaired applicant does not exhibit behaviors that adversely affect functioning. Such determination shall be based on:

    a. Evidence of an uneven developmental profile and a pattern of qualitative impairments in social interaction, communication and the presence of one or more of restricted, or repetitive, or stereotyped patterns of behavior, interests, or activities.

    b. Medically diagnosed physical or psychiatric condition which is acute or catastrophic in nature, or a chronic illness, or a repeated intermittent illness due to a persisting persistent medical problem which confines the student to home or hospital, and restricts activities for an extended period of time.

    c. Measured level of intellectual functioning more than three (3) standard deviations below the mean on an individually measured, standardized test of intellectual functioning; and level of adaptive functioning either more than three (3) standard deviations below the mean on the adaptive behavior composite or on two (2) out of three (3) domains on a standardized test of adaptive behavior.

    (g) An applicant is qualified for admission into the School’s program for the dual-sensory impaired if the applicant meets the following admission criteria:

    1. Evidence of a dual-sensory loss as established in paragraph 6D-3.002(1)(g), F.A.C. Meets the definition of dual-sensory impaired as established by Rule 6A-6.03022, F.A.C., effective as of December 15, 2009, incorporated by reference, available on the internet at, also available on the internet at

    2. The applicant must possess evidence of the following minimum daily living skills:

    a. Finger feeds self, chews and swallows most foods;,

    b. Indicates awareness of being soiled or wet;,

    c. Assists in dressing self;, and,

    d. Cooperates in bathing.

    3. Evidence that the dual-sensory impaired applicant does not exhibit behaviors that adversely affect functioning. Such determination shall be based on present:

    a. Evidence of an uneven developmental profile and a pattern of qualitative impairments in social interaction, and communication, and the presence of one or more of restricted, or repetitive, or stereotyped patterns of behavior, interests, or activities.

    b. Medically diagnosed physical or psychiatric condition which is acute or catastrophic in nature, or a chronic illness, or a repeated intermittent illness due to a persisting persistent medical problem which confines the student to home or hospital, and restricts activities for an extended period of time.

    c. Measured level of intellectual functioning more than three (3) standard deviations below the mean on an individually measured, standardized test of intellectual functioning; and level of adaptive functioning either more than three (3) standard deviations below the mean on the adaptive behavior composite or on two (2) out of three (3) domains on a standardized test of adaptive behavior.

    (h) An applicant may not be qualified for admission or continued enrollment:

    1. If the applicant or student is determined to be a danger to self or others. Such determination shall be based on evidence of the students severe injurious, or potentially injurious, behaviors to self or others; lack of awareness or understanding of the surrounding environment; suicidal or homicidal statements, gestures, or ideations; non-compliance with medical management; need for a highly structured program specifically designed for students with mental illnesses or disorders, providing necessary services including extensive counseling, as well as consultation from mental health, medical, or other healthcare professionals.

    2. If the applicant or student is determined to be disruptive to other students or to the educational process of that applicant or student, or of other students. Such determination shall be based on evidence of the students threatening, aggressive, harassing behaviors towards others; level of functioning that requires continuous and excessive supervision by staff, which interferes with the ability of staff to tend to the educational or functional needs of other students; frequent, recurrent pattern of negative, defiant, disobedient, or hostile behavior toward others, including refusing to comply with rules or directives, deliberately annoying others, and blaming others for the students own misconduct.

    3. If the applicant or student is determined to have either of both of medically related health or safety issues that are beyond the scope of either or both of the School’s hHealth cCare cCenter established pursuant to paragraph 1002.36(4)(e)5., F.S., or the School’s educational program, and their resources to appropriately manage within their resources.

    4. If the parent or adult student refuses to give consent for emergency medical treatment or for the development of a health care plan for students with involved medical problems.

    (i) A determination that a student or applicant does not meet eligibility criteria for admission or continued enrollment in to the Schools educational program shall be based upon a recommendation by the Staffing Committee, in consultation with professionals. The; the Staffing Committees recommendation shall be based upon all available data, including, past evidence of past behaviors, including criminal activity, and as well as health and safety concerns. A final determination of admission or continued enrollment will be made by the President or designee. Impartial due process hearings may be initiated as provided by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), as incorporated at IDEA, and Rule 6A-6.03311, F.A.C., effective as of March 25, 2014, incorporated by reference, available on the internet at https://www/, also available on the internet at, as a result of such determinations.

    (j) There must be (an) individualized evaluation(s) by a qualified individual(s), a determination that the child is eligible to receive specially designed instruction and related services, and a proposed or current IEP, as defined by paragraph 6A-6.03411(1)(u), F.A.C., by a school district.

    (3) Procedures for Application.

    (a) The School shall maintain an initial application form, the completion of which commences the application process.

    (b) Applications for the admission of a student may be submitted by school personnel from the school district/local education agency as defined in subparagraph 6A-6.03411(1)(ee), F.A.C., in which the applicant, applicants   parents, legal guardian, or other person with legal custody resides, hereinafter called the “School District”, although a student may not be evaluated or admitted without consent of parents or parent with legal authority to apply, or legal guardian, or student if the student is an adult.

    (c) Applications for admission may be submitted directly to the School by parents or parent with legal authority to apply, legal guardian, or the adult applicant.

    (d) If the applicant has already been evaluated by the Sschool Ddistrict, pursuant to Section 1003.57, F.S., and Rule 6A-6.0331, F.A.C., and determined eligible for a special education for exceptional students as a student with a disability, the applicant shall will be considered for admission.

    (e) If the applicant has not been evaluated by the Sschool Ddistrict pursuant to Section 1003.57, F.S., and Rule 6A-6.0331, F.A.C., and determined eligible for a special education for exceptional students as a student with a disability, a Sschool Ddistrict and the School may enter into an agreement for the School to evaluate the applicant individual to determine eligibility for Eexceptional Sstudent Eeducation (ESE), as defined by paragraph 6A-6.03411(1)(n), F.A.C.

    (f) The School shall immediately send a copy of a completed application form to the Sschool Ddistrict in which the adult applicant or, if the applicant is a minor, his or her parents, legal guardian or person having legal custody of the minor applicant resides and shall request from the Sschool Ddistrict all current evaluation data and a copy of the current or proposed IEP.

    (4) Procedures for Determining Admissions and Assignment.

    (a) Upon receipt of a completed application form from a School District, parent or legal guardian, or adult student, the School shall obtain educational, medical, and other records relating to the applicant to assist the School Staffing Committee in its determination of the applicants eligibility for admission to the School.

    (b) The Staffing Committees determination of an applicants eligibility for admission shall be made after all records have been obtained and reviewed, any additional requisite evaluations have been conducted, and no additional information is deemed appropriate by the Staffing Committee.

    (c) An applicant may be considered for a Temporary Assignment for extended evaluation when a determination of the applicant’s eligibility for admission cannot be established through the initial staffing process. A Sstaffing Ccommittee may recommend that an applicant attend the School on a Temporary Assignment basis for not more than ninety (90) school days. An IEP for the applicant shall be developed and implemented by the School; every applicant attending the School on a Temporary Assignment basis shall have an IEP for the duration of the Ttemporary Aassignment.

    (d) The Eligibility Staffing Committee shall include the Staffing Coordinator as the chair of the committee and the President’s designee, the parents or legal guardian(s), the applicant, professionals qualified to interpret the evaluation results, and other professionals as necessary (for example, audiologist, assistant principal, educational diagnostician, psychologist, health care representative). In addition, a written invitation shall be extended to a representative of the applicants School District local educational agency to attend and participate in the Intake. Additional personnel may be involved in the staffing meetings as requested by the parent, School, or the sSchool dDistrict.

    (e) The location of the Sstaffing Ccommittee meeting shall be at the School unless another location is mutually agreed upon by the School, the Sschool Ddistrict, and the parent.

    (f) In making admission and assignment decisions, the Staffing Committee shall:

    1. Draw upon information from a variety of sources, including assessments, teacher recommendations, evidence of the applicants physical and emotional health, factors relating to the applicant’s social or cultural background, and indicators of the applicants level of functioning, including adaptive behavior skills;

    2. Ensure that information obtained from all of these sources is carefully considered by the Staffing Committee.

    (g) If a determination is made that an applicant meets the Schools eligibility criteria and is qualified for admission, the IEP Team shall convene and develop an IEP for the newly admitted student in accordance with Rule 6A-6.03028, F.A.C., effective as of December 23, 2014, incorporated by reference, available on the internet at, also available on the internet at

    (h) The student’s Sschool Ddistrict has the initial responsibility of identifying and evaluating the special education needs of the student. If the student then submits an application to the School for enrollment in the School’s educational program, and if the student is determined to meet the eligibility criteria for admission to the School’s educational program, the School is responsible for the provision of a free appropriate public education. However, a subsequent determination by the School that the student no longer meets eligibility criteria immediately transfers the responsibility for the provision of a special educational program and related services back to the student’s Sschool Ddistrict.

    (i) The President of the School or designee shall be responsible for the following:

    1. Reviewing the recommendations for eligibility made by a staffing committee, and, if necessary, reviewing the data relied upon by the committee.

    2. Making final decisions on eligibility.

    3. Ensuring that an adult applicant or parents or other legal guardians of a minor applicant have been appropriately informed of the Staffing Committees recommendation and the data upon which the recommendation relies, and ensuring that the consent of an adult applicant, or the parent or legal guardian of an minor applicant, has been obtained for the applicant to attend the School.

    4. Informing the appropriate Sschool Ddistrict of the School’s determination of eligibility and enrollment of each applicant.

    5. Ensuring that appropriate procedures and parent notices are completed when a student is deemed no longer eligible for continued enrollment in the School.

    (j) The School, or the parent, other legal guardian or eligible adult student, who disagrees with the IEP prepared by the School, or the assignment of the student applicant under the IEP, has a right to dispute resolution available through the Department of Education, as well as a due process hearing as provided by Rule 6A-6.03311(9), F.A.C.

    (5) Disenrollment/Continued Enrollment.

    (a) A student who no longer meets the eligibility criteria of the School described in subsection 6D-3.002(2), F.A.C., or whose re-evaluation(s) as described in Rule 6A-6.0331, F.A.C., indicate(s) that the student may no longer meet the Schools eligibility criteria may be disenrolled from the School following a Continuation Staffing.

    (b) A student shall not be allowed to remain on campus if the student is considered to be a danger to self or others.

    (c) Upon review of the Continuation Staffing Committee’s recommendations, which shall be based on current evaluative data, the President or designee shall render the final decision regarding eligibility for the School.

    (d) Parents, legal guardians, and/or adult students shall be invited to participate in the Continuation Staffing. The staffing procedures pursuant to Rule 6D-3.002, F.A.C., shall be followed. The President or designee may order an additional staffing committee meeting if it is determined proper procedures were not followed.

    (e) Disenrollment of a student shall not take effect until 14 calendar days after the President’s, or designee’s, written notification of the disenrollment to the school district and to the student’s parents or legal guardians or the adult student. The written notification of the disenrollment shall be sent by registered mail, return receipt requested. The School’s normal disciplinary procedures may be followed during these proceedings.

    (f) If the School’s mMedical dDirector suspects that a student may have medically related health and/or safety issues that are beyond the scope of care of the School’s hHealth cCare cCenter, the student shall immediately be sent home, and the student’s ensuing absences shall be registered as excused.

    (g) When a student is withdrawn by a parent or legal guardian, or if an adult student withdraws, the School shall notify by mail, as soon as possible, the student’s most current or last known local school district. A continuation staffing committee, which shall include the parents or legal guardians of a minor student or adult student, as a participant, following the procedures pursuant to Rule 6D-3.002, F.A.C., shall meet to make a recommendation as to whether a student continues to meet the Schools admissions criteria.

    (h)  Parents, legal guardians, and adult students may request a due process hearing in accordance with Rule 6A-6.03311, F.A.C., to challenge the student’s disenrollment from the School under these provisions.

    (h) When a student is withdrawn by a parent or legal guardian, or if an adult student withdraws, the School shall notify by mail, as soon as possible, the student’s most current or last known local school district.

    (i) The student, if an adult, or any of his or her parents or legal guardian, if the student is a minor,

    Rulemaking Authority 1002.36 FS. Law Implemented 1002.36 FS. History–New 12-19-74, Amended Revised 1-29-76, Amended 1-29-80, 5-2-86, Formerly 6D-3.02, Amended 5-5-87, 4-12-90, 12-20-92, 3-29-95, 3-25-96, 4-7-15,__________.



    NAME OF AGENCY HEAD WHO APPROVED THE PROPOSED RULE: Florida School for the Deaf and the Blind Board of Trustees



Document Information

Comments Open:
Amends the requirements for admission and continued enrollment in the Florida School for the Deaf and the Blind.
The purpose of this rule is to clarify the requirements for admission and continued enrollment in the Florida School for the Deaf and the Blind.
Rulemaking Authority:
1002.36(4)(c) F.S.
1002.36(4)(e) F.S.
Cindy Day, (904) 827-2221.
Related Rules: (1)
6D-3.002. Admission and Enrollment Requirements