Other Agencies and Organizations, City of Ft. Lauderdale  


    City of Ft. Lauderdale


    Sealed proposals will be received until 2:00 p.m., Wednesday, December 2, 2009, in the Office of the City Engineer, Public Services Department (Engineering and Architectural Services), City Hall, 100 North Andrews Avenue, 4th Floor, City of Fort Lauderdale, Florida, and opened immediately thereafter in the Conference Room, For Project 10767A G.T. Lohmeyer Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvements – Public Address System, Liquid Oxygen And Concrete Improvements.

    This project consists of Drawing File No. WS-05-07 consisting of 69 sheets.

    The Work intended for the Contractor involves the public address system removal and replacement; liquid oxygen tanks removal and replacement; dewatering building concrete removal and repair; pretreatment building monorail removal and replacement with bridge cranes; grit classifiers removal and replacement; pretreatment building seal water system removal and replacement; pretreatment building odor control instrumentation removal and replacement; liquid oxygen building roof replacement and interior architectural finishes; dewatering building lime silo removal and roof replacement; effluent building seal water system removal and replacement; and liquid oxygen plant instrumentation upgrade removal and replacement.

    A mandatory pre-bid meeting has been scheduled for 10:00 a.m., Tuesday, November 10, 2009, 200 N. Andrews Avenue, Suite 300, Fort Lauderdale (Water Conference Room). Prospective contractors will be allowed to field visit the various locations/buildings where work will be performed in order to become acquainted with the physical conditions. A field visit is planned for 10:00 a.m., during November 12, 2009. The Construction Manager will provide information related to the meeting place to commence such field visit during the mandatory pre-bid meeting.

    The Florida Department of Environmental Protection, State Revolving Fund, funds this project in whole or in part. Bidders are encouraged to become familiar with the provisions of the Supplementary Conditions contained in these documents and in particular the requirements of Article 20, Equal Employment Opportunity.

    Bidding blanks may be obtained at the Office of the City Engineer. Plans and specifications are on file in the Office of the City Engineer.

    ADDENDA AND INTERPRETATIONS – No interpretations of the meaning of the plans, specifications or other contract documents will be made orally to any bidder. Prospective bidders must request from the Engineer such interpretation in writing. To be considered, such request must be received by November 18, 2009. Requests submitted after the aforementioned deadline will not be considered, regardless of when the plans were purchased from the Office of the City Engineer.

    It will be the sole responsibility of the bidder to clearly mark proposal as such, and ensure that proposal reaches the City prior to the bid opening date and time listed.

    A certified check, cashier’s check, bank officer’s check or bid bond for five percent (5%), made payable to the City of Fort Lauderdale, Florida, shall accompany each proposal.

    The City of Fort Lauderdale reserves the right to waive any informality in any bid and to reject any or all proposals.

    Information on bid results and projects currently out to bid can be obtained by calling the pre-recorded City of Fort Lauderdale Bid Information Line at (954)828-5688. For general inquiries please call: (954)828-5772.

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