The proposed rule amendment is being promulgated to implement changes in the administration of the District's Cooperative Assistance Program. This makes minor changes to the Cooperative Assistance program rule sections: ....  

Document Information

Comments Open:
The amendments being proposed at this time will increase potential funding for law enforcement vessels and derelict vessel removal.
The proposed rule amendment is being promulgated to implement changes in the administration of the District's Cooperative Assistance Program. This makes minor changes to the Cooperative Assistance program rule sections: Project Eligibility, and Small-Scale Derelict Vessel projects and increases potential funding for law enforcement vessels and derelict vessel removal.
Rulemaking Authority:
374.976(2) FS.
374.976(1)-(3) FS.
Related Rules: (2)
66B-1.008. Project Eligibility
66B-1.015. Small-Scale Derelict Vessel Removal Projects