Library Grant Programs  


    Division of Library and Information Services

    1B-2.011: Library Grant Programs


    Notice is hereby given that the following changes have been made to the proposed rule in accordance with subparagraph 120.54(3)(d)1., F.S., published in Vol. 33, No. 38, September 21, 2007 issue of the Florida Administrative Weekly.

    The rule has been changed to add an additional form. The rule also incorporates by reference guidelines and forms relating to the Library Cooperative Grant Program. Changes have been made to the guidelines and forms for the Library Cooperative Grant Program in response to comments received. Changes have been made to the Grant Agreement form to address technical changes.

    COPIES OF THE FULL TEXT OF THE CHANGES MAY BE OBTAINED BY CONTACTING: Judith Ring, Director, Division of Library and Information Services, R. A. Gray Building, 500 South Bronough Street, Tallahassee, FL 32399-0250, (850)245-6600



    1B-2.011 Library Grant Programs.

    (1) This rule provides procedures for library grant programs administered by the Division of Library and Information Services (Division). Each program shall be governed by guidelines which contain information on eligibility requirements, application review procedures, evaluation and funding criteria, grant administration procedures, if applicable, and application forms. All grant awards shall be subject to final approval by the Secretary of State.

    (2) Applicants for grants shall meet the eligibility and application requirements as set forth in the following guidelines for each grant program:

    (a) The State Aid to Libraries Grant Guidelines and Application, effective 4-1-98, amended 11-20-01, amended 12-28-03, amended 2-21-07, which contain guidelines and application forms, State Aid to Libraries Grant Application (Form DLIS/SA01), effective 4-1-98, amended 12-28-03; State Aid to Libraries Grant Application – Multicounty Library (Form DLIS/SA02), effective 4-1-98, amended 12-28-03; Certification of Credentials – Single Library Administrative Head (Form DLIS/SA03), effective 4-1-98, amended 12-28-03; State Aid to Libraries Grant Application – Summary Financial Report (Form DLIS/SA04), effective 4-1-98, amended 12-28-03.

    (b) The Library Construction Grant Guidelines and Application, effective 4-1-98, amended 2-14-99, amended 1-9-03, amended 2-21-07, which contain instructions, grant application (Form DLIS/PLC01), effective 4-1-98, amended 2-14-99, amended 4-4-00, amended 12-18-00, amended 1-9-03; Payment Request #1 (Form DLIS/PLC02) effective 1-9-03; Payment Request #2 (Form DLIS/PLC03) effective 1-9-03; Payment Request #3 (Form DLIS/PLC04) effective 1-9-03; Payment Request #4 (Form DLIS/PLC05) effective 1-9-03; and Closeout Report (Form DLIS/PLC06) effective 1-9-03.

    (c) The Library Cooperative Grant Guidelines and Application, effective 4-1-98, amended______, which contain instructions, grant and application (Form DLIS/LCG01), effective 4-1-98, amended 4-4-00, amended_______; Mid-Year Report (Form DLIS/LCG02) effective_______, Annual Report Form (Form DLIS/LCG03) effective______, and Annual Statistical Report Form for Multitype Library Cooperatives (Form DLIS/LCG02 04), effective 4-1-98, amended 4-4-00, amended_______and Grant Agreement (Form DLIS/LCG05), effective________.

    (d) The Library Services and Technology Act Grant Guidelines and Application, effective 4-1-98, amended 2-14-99, amended 11-20-01, which contain instructions and application (Form DLIS/LSTA01), effective 4-1-98, amended 2-14-99, amended 4-4-00, amended 12-18-00, amended 11-20-01; Mid-Year Report (Form DLIS/LSTA02), effective 2-14-99, amended 4-4-00, amended 12-18-00, amended 11-20-01; and Annual Report (Form DLIS/LSTA03), effective 4-4-00, amended 12-18-00, amended 11-20-01.

    (e) The Florida Library Literacy Grants Guidelines and Application, effective 4-4-00, amended 11-20-01 which contain instructions and application (Form DLIS/FLL01), effective 4-4-00, amended 11-20-01; Mid-Year Report (Form DLIS/FLL02), effective 4-4-00, amended 11-20-01; and Annual Report (Form DLIS/FLL03), effective 4-4-00, amended 11-20-01.

    (f) The Community and Library Technology Access Partnership Grants Guidelines and Application which contain instructions and application (Form DLIS/CLTA01), effective 12-18-00; and Annual Report (Form DLIS/CLTA02), effective 12-18-00.

    (g) The Community Libraries in Caring Program Application, effective 11-16-04, which contains instructions and application (Form DLIS/CLIC01), effective 11-16-04; Annual Report (Form DLIS/CLIC02), effective 11-16-04; and Grant Agreement (Form DLIS/CLIC03), effective 11-16-04, revised 2-21-06, amended 2-21-07.

    (3) Guidelines and forms in this rule are incorporated by reference and may be obtained from the Director of the Division, Florida Department of State, Division of Library and Information Services, R. A. Gray Building, 500 South Bronough, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0250.

    (4) The Division of Library and Information Services will waive the financial matching requirements on grants for rural communities that have been designated in accordance with Sections 288.0656 and 288.06561, F.S. Eligible communities applying for Library Services and Technology Act grants, Florida Library Literacy Grants, and Library Construction grants must request waiver of matching requirements at the time of grant application.

    (5) This section supersedes Chapters 1B-3 and 1B-5, F.A.C.

    Specific Authority 257.14, 257.191, 257.192, 257.24, 257.41(2) FS. Law Implemented 240.5186, 257.12, 257.14, 257.15, 257.16, 257.17, 257.171, 257.172, 257.18, 257.19, 257.191, 257.192, 257.195, 257.21, 257.22, 257.23, 257.24, 257.25, 257.40, 257.41, 257.42 FS. History–New 1-25-93, Amended 7-17-96, 4-1-98, 2-14-99, 4-4-00, 12-18-00, 11-20-01, 3-20-02, 1-9-03, 12-28-03, 11-16-04, 2-21-06, 2-21-07,_________.

Document Information

Related Rules: (1)
1B-2.011. Library Grant Programs