Estuary-Specific Numeric Interpretations of the Narrative Nutrient Criterion  




    62-302.532Estuary-Specific Numeric Interpretations of the Narrative Nutrient Criterion


    Notice is hereby given that the following changes have been made to the proposed rule in accordance with subparagraph 120.54(3)(d)1., F.S., published in Vol. 40 No. 209, October 27, 2014 issue of the Florida Administrative Register.

    The corrections/changes below were approved by the Environmental Regulation Commission at a public hearing held on November 19, 2014, and published as a Notice of Correction in Vol. 40, No. 238, December 10, 2014 issue of the Florida Administrative Register.   At the request of the Joint Administrative Procedures Committee, the previously published Notice of Correction is being republished as a Notice of Change.  The notice of proposed rule inadvertently reflected certain language as existing rule language and did not underline the text that is shown as underlined below:


    (1) No change to introductory paragraph.



    Total Phosphorus

    Total Nitrogen

    Chlorophyll a

    (a) through (c) No change.

    (d) Charlotte Harbor/Estero Bay

    Criteria expressed as annual means are arithmetic means and are not to be exceeded more than once in a three year period. For criteria expressed as long-term averages, the long-term average shall be based on data from the most recent seven-year period and shall not be exceeded.  Criteria expressed as annual geometric means (AGM) are not be exceeded more than once in a three year period.  For criteria expressed as not to be exceeded in more than 10 percent of the samples, the criteria shall be assessed over the most recent seven year period. Nutrient and nutrient response values do not apply to tidally influenced areas that fluctuate between predominantly marine and predominantly fresh waters during typical climatic and hydrologic conditions.

    1. through 11. No change.

    12. Water Turkey Bay

    0.057 mg/L as AGM

    0.47 mg/L as AGM

    5.8 µg/L as AGM

    13. through 16. No change.

    (e) through (o) No change.

    (p) Apalachicola Bay and Alligator Harbor

    For bay segments with criteria expressed as annual geometric means (AGM), the values shall not be exceeded more than once in a three year period. For all other bay segments, the criteria shall not be exceeded in more than 10 percent of the measurements and shall be assessed over the most recent seven year period. Nutrient and nutrient response values do not apply to tidally influenced areas that fluctuate between predominantly marine and predominantly fresh waters during typical climatic and hydrologic conditions.

    1. through 4. No change.

    5. Apalachicola Offshore

    0.032 mg/L

    0.57 mg/L

    8.2 µg/L

    6. No change.

    (q) through (cc) No change.


    (2) through (4) No change.