Department of Education, School Districts  

  • HVAC Renovations, Bid 12-968-147


    The School Board of Pinellas County, Florida will receive sealed bids in the Purchasing Department of the School Board of Pinellas County, Florida 301 – Fourth Street S.W., Largo, Florida 33770-3536 until 3:00 p.m. (Local Time), January 18, 2012, for the purpose of selecting a Contractor for supplying all labor, material, and ancillary services required for the scope listed below.

    SEALED BID NO.: 12-968-147

    BID TITLE: HVAC Renovations

    DUE DATE/TIME: January 18, 2012, 3:00 p.m. (ET)

    SCOPE OF PROJECT: This bid will select a “General Contractor”. The work shall consist of furnishing all materials, labor, tools, equipment and supervision required to provide the detailed the abstract scope below. The contractor needs to pick-up the CD of the plans and specifications from the document center, info provided in this bid.

    General Scope:

    ·          Removal of asbestos shall be the responsibility of the owner via separate contractor within the stipulated time table.

    ·          Salvage all controls and deliver to owner.

    ·          Salvage ±170 ton Carrier chiller and deliver to the owner (Walter Pownall Service Center, 11111 S. Belcher Road, Largo, FL 33773-5210).

    ·          Temporary portable classrooms shall be provided by the owner. Owner is responsible for wiring, plumbing, and other required installations.

    ·          All removed equipment such as AHUs, FCUs, dedicated outdoor air rooftop units, pumps, smaller tonnage Carrier chiller, piping, ductwork, VAV boxes, etc. shall be piled up at an area on campus designated by the owner; the District will be responsible for the removal from the site.

    ·          Test and Balance provided by the District. Contractor to coordinate the work and implement any generated punch list.

    General Scope for Existing Work and Demolition:

    ·          Removal of lay-in ceiling in designated areas.

    ·          Removal of above the ceiling fan coil units.

    ·          Removal of designated AHUs in the mezzanine (serving the administration and media center) and the AHU in mechanical room 015 (serving the multipurpose/stage area).

    ·          Removal of rooftop outdoor air units serving classrooms.

    ·          Removal of air handling units and fan coils includes removal of all associated VAV boxes, ductwork, chilled water piping, condensate drain, air devices, sensors, controllers, communication wiring, heating elements, dampers, smoke detectors, supports, etc.

    ·          Removal of the hard ceiling in designated areas (refer to drawings).

    ·          Removal of designated exhaust fans.

    ·          Removal of chiller CH-3 and CH-4 and associated controls.

    ·          Removal of concrete housing pads.

    ·          Removal of associated pumps.

    ·          Removal of designated chilled water piping in buildings and chiller enclosure, along with all associated valves.

    ·          Removal of hydronic specialties in chiller enclosure and pump room.

    General Scope for New Work for Mechanical, Electrical and Structural:

    ·          Installation of new chilled water rooftop unit.

    ·          Installation of package self contain dehumidifier to serve the media center during the weekend or after hours.

    ·          Installation of floor mounted chilled water AHU.

    ·          Installation of suspended, all exposed fan coil unit.

    ·          Installation of all related supply and return air duct work. Outdoor air duct work on AHU.

    ·          Installation of all VAV boxes with electric heat.

    ·          Installation of duct heater.

    ·          Installation of pumps.

    ·          Installation of chiller.

    ·          Installation of ductless split system (heat pump) for the Principal’s office.

    ·          Installation of ductless split system (straight cool) for the skills lab computer room #021.

    ·          Installation of variable frequency drive.

    ·          Installation of all related underground, above ground, and above ceiling pipes.

    ·          Installation of controls.

    ·          Installation of lay-in ceiling, hard ceiling.

    ·          Installation of all related electrical, including new lighting.

    ·          Provision and modification to the structural.

    ·          Provision of Test and Balance. Test and balance by owner, coordination and any implementation of any punch list by the mechanical and control contractor.

    Bid Alternates

    There are (3) three bid alternates that need to be added on your bid proposal, here is a brief abstract of those alternates.

    1.   WARRANTY (Bid Alternate #1)

    Provide four years extended warranty on the chiller, including all parts, labor, refrigerant, and condenser coils.

    2.   MAINTENANCE SERVICE (Bid Alternate #2)

    Manufacturer shall provide an OEM full maintenance warranty in accordance with annual OEM service agreement. Agreement shall be for 5 years and shall include but not be limited to the following:

    1.   Three (3) operating inspections per year and (1) annual shutdown inspection for each of 5 years.

    2.   Report of work performed.

    3.   Oil analysis every 6 months.

    4.   Oil analysis report.

    5.   Repair work including parts and labor such as belts, filters, seals, etc.

    6.   Emergency service, 24 hours a day, 365 days per year. Response time shall be no more than 2 hours for emergency calls.

    7.   Coil cleaning of airside surface of coil.

    8.   Preventative maintenance as recommended by factory.

    9.   Lubricate as necessary.

    PAINTING (Bid Alternate #3)

    Contractor shall provide price for provision of painting in accordance to the requirements of specifications provided by the owner within this specification booklet. Contractor shall fully concentrate on this item since there are NO drawings provided for painting purposes.

    BID & PERFORMANCE SECURITY: Bid and Performance Security is required with this bid.

    LICENSING REQUIREMENTS: General Contractor

    PRE-BID CONFERENCE: A pre-bid conference will be held at the Main Offices of Southern Oaks Elementary School, 9101 Walsingham Rd., Largo, FL 33773, January 4, 2012, 9:00 a.m. (Sign-in at the front desk, and you will be escorted to the pre-bid room for the “official” sign-in). Attendance at this pre-bid conference is MANDATORY in order for all potential bidders to receive the benefit of answers to theirs and other’s technical questions first hand. If you are not the prime bidder but are attending on behalf of someone else, please make note of this when signing the attendance roster where indicated. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you, but it is imperative that all information be disseminated in a public forum with all potential bidders present to minimize confusion or misunderstandings. Additions or changes to the original bid documents resulting from this conference of a material nature, will be documented in the form of written addenda and distributed to all attendees. Please note that if you are late to this mandatory pre-bid conference you will not be eligible to sign the attendance roster and therefore may not submit a bid. You may still, however, attend the conference if you wish.

    Purchasing Department

    301 Fourth Street, S.W.

    Largo, Florida 33770


    (727)588-6129 (Fax)

    The Owner reserves the right to reject all bids.


    DR. Julie M. Janssen, Ed. D                                                                         Carol J. Cook

    SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS                                                                   CHAIRMAN


    TO THE SCHOOL BOARD                                                                                 LINDA BALCOMBE

                                                                                                    DIRECTOR, PURCHASING

Document Information