Invitation to Bid # 08-001
Pursuant to Section 287.057, F.S., sealed bids will be received by the Third District Court of Appeal, 2001 S. W. 117th Ave., Miami, Florida 33175-1716 until 3:00 p.m. (Local Time), January 6, 2009, for the selection of a contractor supplying all labor and materials required for the renovation of the lawyers lounge bathrooms to Americans With Disability accessibility standards, Project #08-001. Scope of work and contractor requirements of ITB 08-001 are located at Addendums must be picked up at the Marshals Office.
Additional information can be obtained from the Marshals Office at (305)229-3200, ext. 3234. All requests and responses shall be written.
Americans with Disability Act of 1991 Contact the Marshals Office if special accommodations are needed in order to attend the pre-proposal conference.