Department of Education, School Districts  

  • HVAC Repairs & Services

    The School Board of Pinellas County, Florida will receive sealed bids in the Purchasing Department of the School Board of Pinellas County, 301 – Fourth Street S. W., Largo, Florida 33770-3536, until 3:00 p.m. (Local Time), February 1, 2011, for the purpose of selecting a Contractor for supplying all labor, material, and ancillary services required for the scope listed below.

    SEALED BID NO.: 11-968-091

    BID TITLE: HVAC Repairs & Services

    SCOPE OF PROJECT: The purpose and intent of this invitation to bid is to select (3) three qualified, “Mechanical Contractor(s)” to provide all labor, materials, equipment and supervision to perform general routine and emergency repairs and general HVAC (Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning) services, on an as needed basis, county wide. The district shall reserve the right to supply all refrigerant, and/or any parts or equipment in excess of $700. This bid shall establish firm fixed hourly labor rates and firm percentages of cost plus mark-up for materials and supplies.

    General HVAC services and repairs include, but are not limited to:

    •      Trouble shooting and repairing small and light commercial HVAC equipment.

    •      Installing and changing-out of worn equipment.

    •      Cleaning coils and comprehensive maintenance.

    •      Emergency and after hours response as needed (as defined later).

    •      Repairing and rebuilding of chilled and condenser water pumps.

    •      Repairing and installing Variable Air Volume (VAV) boxes.

    •      Repairing large industrial central air handlers up to 200 tons.

    •      Repairing and troubleshooting large commercial units including semi-hermetic chillers and centrifugals.

    •      All remodeling shall be in accordance with plans and specifications.


    The following submittals should be submitted with your bid for evaluation. The three highest scoring bidders will be asked to submit the following upon request after the bid opening if not present in the bid submittal.

    •      Name, address and phone number of the bidder’s contact person (see bid proposal page 30).

    •      A minimum of five (5) references from customers for whom you have performed work of similar scope and size as this contract. Utilize the enclosed forms on pages 20-21 for this purpose.

    •      Resumes of key personnel including journeyman level service mechanics who will be assigned to this contract. This information shall include the types of industrial chillers upon which they are certified to work, as well as documentation from each chiller OEM confirming that the individual has attended such training. Utilize the enclosed forms on pages 22-26 for this purpose.

    •      Copy of Class “A” Mechanical Contractor license with either a “CM” or “RM” occupation code.

    •      A list of all persons assigned to this contract. All shall possess an EPA UNIVERSAL refrigerant certification and the company shall have a minimum of 10 service technicians with such certifications on full time staff.

    •      Copy of licensure EPA UNIVERSAL refrigerant certifications for all persons assigned to this contract.

    •      Documented evidence that the bidder has been in the business of providing the services described in this bid for at least 4 years including the bidder’s physical address.

    PRE-BID CONFERENCE: A pre-bid conference will not be held for this project. If you have questions of a technical nature about this bid, please contact one of the following individuals.

    Jerome “PJ” Paulding, Manager

    Maintenance Department

    Walter Pownall Service Center

    11111 S. Belcher Road

    Largo, FL 33773-5210

    Phone: (727)547-7216



    Rodger D. Williams, Annual Contracts Administration

    Maintenance Department

    Walter Pownall Service Center

    Pinellas County Schools

    Ph: (727)547-7181

    Cell: (727)638-3319

    Fax: (727)547-7241


    Purchasing Department

    301 Fourth Street, S. W.

    Largo, Florida 33770


    (727)588-6129 (Fax)

    The Owner reserves the right to reject all bids.


    DR. Julie M. Janssen, Ed. D                                       janet r. clark

    SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS                                CHAIRMAN


    TO THE SCHOOL BOARD                                               MARK C. LINDEMANN



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