To set forth the certifications and plans that must be filed by school district superintendents with the Florida Department of Education relating to instructional and library materials.  

Document Information

Comments Open:
This new rule is designed, in part, to implement House Bill 1467 regarding certification of training of persons who select library materials. It is also designed to incorporate existing forms, certifications, and plans required for the release of the instructional materials allocation to school districts. This rule clarifies that library materials, including classroom libraries, must be approved and selected by a media specialist.
To set forth the certifications and plans that must be filed by school district superintendents with the Florida Department of Education relating to instructional and library materials.
Rulemaking Authority:
1001.02(1), (2)(n), 1006.28(2)(d), 1006.29(6), F.S.
1006.28, 1006.283, 1006.29, 1011.67, F.S.
Related Rules: (1)
6A-7.0715. Certifications and Plans for Instructional Materials and Library Media