Department of Environmental Protection, Departmental  



    Florida Energy Office-Office of Siting Coordination


    The Department has received an application for certification of a transmission line pursuant to the Transmission Line Siting Act, Section 403.52 et seq., Florida Statutes, concerning:

    Progress Energy and Tampa Electric Company

    Lake Agnes – Gifford

    Transmission Line Siting Application No. TA07-16

    OGC Case No. 07-2216

    DOAH Case No. 07-5691TL

    The Department is reviewing the application to allow construction and operation of a 230 Kilovolt (KV) transmission line connecting Tampa Electric Company’s Lake Agnes Substation in Polk County to Progress Energy Florida’s planned Gifford Substation in Orange County. The total length of the proposed transmission line corridor to be certified is approximately 27.5 miles. A copy of the application for certification is available for review in the office of Michael P. Halpin, Siting Coordination Office, Department of Environmental Protection, 2600 Blair Stone Road, M.S. 48, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2400, (850)245-8002.

    Pursuant to Chapter 403.526, F.S., statutory parties to the site certification proceeding should review the application and submit their reports and recommendations.


    This notice does not serve as a point of entry for any person. However, In the future, a public certification hearing will be announced. The certification hearing will address environmental impacts. Pursuant to Section 403.527(4)(c), F.S., the following shall become parties to the proceeding upon the filing with the administrative law judge of a notice on intent to be a party no later than 30 days prior to the certification hearing: 1) Any agency not listed in Section 403.527(4)(a), F.S., as to matters within its jurisdiction, and 2) Any domestic nonprofit corporation or association formed, in whole or in part, to promote conservation of natural beauty; to protect the environment, personal health, or other biological values; to preserve historical sites, to promote consumer interests; to represent labor, commercial, or industrial groups; or to promote comprehensive planning or orderly development of the area in which the proposed transmission line or corridor is to be located. Additionally, any person who is not a statutory party to the certification proceeding and whose substantial interest is affected and being determined by the proceeding may file a motion to intervene in the proceeding at least 30 days before the date of the certification hearing. Failure to act within the time frame constitutes a waiver of the right to become a party. The petition must be filed (received) with T. Kent Wetherell II, Administrative Law Judge, Division of Administrative Hearings, The Desoto Building, 1230 Apalachee Parkway, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060.

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