Fictitious Name Registration, Mortgage Broker Examination, Continuing Education Requirements for Mortgage Brokers, Loan Originators, and Principal Representatives, Permit for Mortgage Business School, Mortgage Business School Permit Renewal, ...  



    69V-40.021: Fictitious Name Registration
    69V-40.025: Mortgage Broker Examination
    69V-40.0271: Continuing Education Requirements for Mortgage Brokers, Loan Originators, and Principal Representatives
    69V-40.028: Permit for Mortgage Business School
    69V-40.029: Mortgage Business School Permit Renewal
    69V-40.031: Application Procedure for Mortgage Broker License
    69V-40.051: Application Procedure for Mortgage Brokerage Business License
    69V-40.058: Application Procedure for Mortgage Brokerage Business Branch Office License
    69V-40.099: Change of Name, Change of Entity and Change in Control or Ownership
    69V-40.100: Application Procedure for Change in Ownership or Control of Saving Clause Mortgage Lender
    69V-40.105: Branch Office License for Change in Ownership or Control of Saving Clause Mortgage Lender
    69V-40.160: Principal Brokers
    69V-40.165: Branch Brokers
    69V-40.200: Application Procedure for Mortgage Lender License
    69V-40.220: Application Procedure for Correspondent Mortgage Lender License
    69V-40.240: Application Procedure for Mortgage Lender or Correspondent Mortgage Lender Branch Office License
    69V-40.242: Principal Representative


    Notice is hereby given that the following changes have been made to the proposed rule in accordance with subparagraph 120.54(3)(d)1., F.S., published in Vol. 33 No. 40, October 5, 2007 issue of the Florida Administrative Weekly.

    Changes are made to address comments received from the staff of the Joint Administrative Procedures Committee. The changes are as follows:

    69V-40.021 Fictitious Name Registration.

    No mortgage business school, mortgage brokerage business or lender person having a license or permit pursuant to Chapter 494, F.S., will be permitted to use a fictitious name unless they have provided evidence to the Office of Financial Regulation that such fictitious name is duly registered with the Florida Secretary of State, pursuant to Section 865.09, F.S.

    Specific Authority 494.0011(2) FS. Law Implemented 494.0029(2)(e), 494.00311(3)(e), 494.0041(2)(q), 494.0072(2)(q), 865.09 FS. History–New 8-7-97, Formerly 3D-40.021, Amended             ________.


    69V-40.025 Mortgage Broker Examination.

    (1) Form and Grading. The Office of Financial Regulation or its designee shall be responsible for the administration and grade notification of the Mortgage Broker Examination. The Office of Financial Regulation or its designee shall notify each applicant of the time, place and date of the examination(s) and shall provide the applicant with an official admission notice which shall be required for admission to sit for the examination. Information contained on the official admission notice shall supersede any other information at the assigned examination location.

    (2) Examination Proctors. All examinations shall be administered and supervised by proctors who are Office of Financial Regulation employees or its designees. During the examination the examinees shall abide by the instructions of the proctors.

    Specific instructions for completion of the examination shall be communicated prior to the examination read by the proctor(s) and the examinees shall be permitted to ask reasonable questions relating to the instructions. The Office of Financial Regulation or its designee shall be responsible for determining that the student taking the examination is the actual person authorized to take the examination. Examinees shall not give or receive help from other examinees. There shall be no talking or communication between the examinees while the exam is in progress. Reference materials shall not be permitted in the examination room unless specifically authorized in the instructions.

    (3) Cheating on an examination or violating test center or examination procedures published orally, in writing, or electronically at the test site by Office of Financial Regulation employees or its designees shall be grounds for denial of licensure by the Office of Financial Regulation. Admission after examination has commenced. Candidates arriving at the assigned examination location after the designated starting time shall be permitted to sit for the examination only after signing a statement clearly specifying the late arrival time and agreeing that they shall have only the time remaining in the examination period to complete the examination. Any candidate that refuses to sign such statement shall be disqualified from the examination and will be rescheduled for the next available examination date if that date is within the candidate’s ninety (90) day application period. However, no candidate shall be admitted to the examination if any other candidate has completed the examination and left the examination room.

    (4) Conduct which is grounds for exclusion. The following behavior(s) by any candidate is grounds for exclusion, anyone of which shall result in immediate removal from the examination room:

    (a) Unnecessary noise or other disturbance that interferes with the examination process.

    (b) Cheating or attempting to cheat.

    (c) Observing the examination questions or answers of those candidates being tested.

    (d) Removal of any examination materials from the examination room. Conduct from candidates resulting in the exclusion from an examination shall be grounds for may result in denial of licensure by the Office of Financial Regulation.

    (5) Review procedures. Candidates failing the examination will be notified of the review procedures and will automatically be rescheduled for the next examination date provided that date is within their ninety (90) day application period. Candidates who fail the examination may review their examination one time, for a $30 fee, and must do so at the time and place designated. Candidates reviewing shall have the right to have access to the examination questions booklet, a copy of their examination responses answer sheet, and the correct answers grading key. Rules of examinee conduct during the review are the same as those for the examination.

    (6) Examination content. Examinations will be written and composed of 100 multiple choice questions. Examinations will be written according to the weight content area as provided in the candidate Study Guide. The following conditions shall apply:

    (a) Candidates must use a number 2 lead pencil to mark their choices on the answer sheet provided.

    (b) The examination will be scored on the basis of 100 points for a perfect examination.

    (c) An applicant who receives a grade of 75 points or higher shall be passed. A passing score will be valid for a period of 2 years 365 days from the date of passing the examination.

    (d) Candidates will be allowed 3 hours to complete the examination, provided the candidate was not admitted to the examination late in which case the candidate will be limited to the time remaining in the original 3 hour period.

    (e) Candidates may use a non-programmable hand held or battery type calculator.

    (f) Test scores will be derived from the number of correct responses. Only those answers indicated by the candidate on the answer sheet will be used in computing the examination score.

    (g) Candidates will not be permitted to refer to any notes, books or memoranda.

    (7) Candidates will be allowed 3 hours to complete the examination, provided the candidate was not admitted to the examination late in which case the candidate will be limited to the time remaining in the original 3 hour period. Candidates will be permitted to may use a non-programmable hand held or battery type calculator.

    (8)(7) Notification of results. The applicant will be notified of the results of the examination by the Office of Financial Regulation or its designee. Said notification will be sent via U.S. mail within 10 business days of the examination date.

    Specific Authority 494.0011(2) FS. Law Implemented 494.0033(2)(b) FS. History–New 10-1-91, Amended 6-8-92, Formerly 3D-40.025, Amended_________.


    69V-40.0271 Professional Continuing Education Requirements for Mortgage Brokers, Loan Originators, and Principal Representatives.

    (1) Effective October 1, 2001, All all persons licensed as a mortgage broker shall satisfactorily complete fourteen (14) hours of professional continuing education (“continuing education”) covering primary and subordinate financing transactions and appropriate laws and regulations governing such transactions. The course of study shall include at least four (4) hours on the laws in Chapter 494, F.S., and the rules in Chapter 69V-40, F.A.C.

    (2) Effective October 1, 2002, The the principal representative, and each loan originators, and associates of a mortgage lender, correspondent mortgage lender, or mortgage lender pursuant to the savings clause shall satisfactorily complete fourteen (14) hours of professional continuing education covering primary and subordinate financing transactions and appropriate laws and regulations governing such transactions. The course of study shall include at least four (4) hours on the laws in Chapter 494, F.S., and the rules in Chapter 69V-40, F.A.C.

    (3) Qualifying hours may be obtained by attendance at a duly permitted and accredited Mortgage Business School or an accredited college, university, community college, or area vocational-technical school in this State which offers the fourteen (14) hour professional continuing education course(s). Qualifying hours of at least 4 hours may be obtained by attending training courses covering the provisions of Chapter 494, F.S., and Chapter 69V-40, F.A.C., that are conducted by the Office of Financial Regulation or its Regional Offices.

    (4) For the purpose of this rule, the following definitions will apply:

    (a) “Hour” shall mean 60 minutes of class time, of which 50 minutes shall be instruction, with a maximum of 10 minutes of break per hour.

    (b) “School” shall mean any duly permitted and accredited Mortgage Business School and any accredited college, university, community college, or area vocational-technical school in this State, which offers the fourteen (14) hour professional continuing education course.

    (c) “Student” shall mean all persons licensed as a mortgage broker, the principal representative, and loan originators of a mortgage lender, correspondent mortgage lender, or mortgage lender pursuant to the savings clause.

    (d) “Good Cause” means an incident or occurrence which is beyond the control of the student and which prevents attendance.  Examples of good cause include, but are not limited to, disabling accident, illness, call to military duty, or declared national emergency.

    (5) The fourteen (14) hours of professional continuing education can be taken in one or more courses at one or more schools.

    (6) Schools shall not issue certificates of completion to students who do not attend or complete the scheduled hours for any professional continuing education course.

    (a) Schools shall be responsible for determining that the student attending or completing the professional continuing education course is the actual person scheduled to complete the class or session.

    (b) At the discretion of the school, students may miss a class or session and attend a make-up class or session to complete the attendance requirements upon showing good cause.

    (c) The school may hold makeup classes or sessions to accommodate the student.

    (7) An instructor of a school who teaches a professional continuing education course may use the course toward the satisfactory completion of the professional continuing education requirement.

    (8) Neither students nor instructors may earn professional continuing education credit for attending or instructing at any subsequent offering of the same professional continuing education course during any two (2) year period.

    (9) The continuing education requirements are waived for the license renewal of the mortgage broker, for the biennial license period in which the individual became licensed as a mortgage broker.

    (10) The continuing education requirements for the principal representative are waived for the license renewal of the mortgage lender, correspondent mortgage lender, or mortgage lender pursuant to the savings clause, for the biennial license period in which the principal representative completes the 24 hours of classroom education in accordance with Rule 69V-40.027, F.A.C., and also passed a written test in accordance with Rule 69V-40.025, F.A.C., in order to qualify to be designated as a principal representative.

    (9)(11) The professional continuing education courses may be offered through classroom instruction, electronic transmission (“Internet”), or distance education (“correspondence course”).

    (10)(12) The professional continuing education courses taught by using the Internet and correspondence courses shall have:

    (a) Course subject matter, assignment work, scholastic standards and other related requirements substantially similar to the course offered by classroom instruction, having due regard however, to the different methods of presentation.

    (b) Shall provide students with instructions on how to contact an instructor to answer inquiries. The school shall also disclose to the student when the instructor will be available, however the instructor shall respond within 2 business days to the student's inquiries.

    (c) When the course is in the form of a video tape or CD-Rom, the presentation must be of a quality that permits the student to view and listen to the presentation without interfering with the learning process.

    (11)(13) Within five (5) days of completion of each professional continuing education course, each permitted the  school shall submit to the student a certificate of completion indicating successful completion of the course, and the number of hours that course consisted of. Within five (5) days of completion of each professional continuing education course, each permitted school shall submit to the Office of Financial Regulation the full name and mortgage broker license number or social security number of each student, the school’s name and license number, the number of hours completed by the student, and the completion date for individuals licensed as mortgage brokers. Each permitted school shall submit the required information on the Office of Financial Regulation’s website at The schools are not to submit copies of the continuing education requirement certificates to the Office of Financial Regulation. Each mortgage business school shall maintain all student course completion records for at least four (4) three (3) years from the completion dates.

    Specific Authority 494.0011(2), 494.00295(4) 494.00295(3) FS. Law Implemented 494.0016, 494.0029, 494.00295, 494.0034, 494.0064, 494.0067 FS. History– New 12-9-01, Formerly 3D-40.027, Amended             _________.


    69V-40.028 Permit for Mortgage Business School.

    (1) Application Process. Each person, school, or institution desiring to obtain a permit for a Mortgage Business School shall apply to the Office of Financial Regulation by submitting the following:

    (a) A completed Application for Mortgage Business School Permit, Form OFR-494-04MBS-101, revised 10/01, which is hereby incorporated by reference and available by mail from the Office of Financial Regulation, 200 East Gaines Street, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0375.

    (b) A nonrefundable application fee of $500 which shall be the permit fee for the annual period beginning October 1 of each year or any part thereof.

    (c) A $400 nonrefundable accreditation fee which shall be for the annual period beginning October 1 of each year or any part thereof.

    (d) for schools teaching the 24-hour pre-licensing course, all training materials that the applicant plans to distribute to course participants including a copy of all teaching aids, such as flash cards, hand-outs, audio/video materials, computer disks/cd’s, and any computer based training.

    (2) Request for Additional Information. Any request for additional information will be made by the Office of Financial Regulation within thirty (30) days after receipt of the application by the Office of Financial Regulation. The additional information must be received by the Office of Financial Regulation within thirty (30) days from the date of the request. Failure to respond to the request shall be construed by the Office of Financial Regulation as grounds for denial for failure to complete the application, and the application shall be denied pursuant to subsection 120.60(1), F.S.

    (3) Amendments to Pending Applications. If the information contained in any application for a permit for a Mortgage Business School or in any amendment thereto, becomes inaccurate for any reason, the applicant shall file an amendment correcting such information within thirty (30) days of the change on Form OFR-494-04. An applicant may amend the application as to those factors generally within the control or selection of the applicant once, as a matter of course, at any time within thirty (30) days from receipt of the application by the Office. Otherwise, the application may be amended only with prior written permission from the Office.  Refunds. If the application is withdrawn or denied, the application fee is nonrefundable. The accreditation fee shall be refunded when the application is withdrawn prior to a decision being rendered by the Office of Financial Regulation.

    (4) Withdrawal of Application. An application may be withdrawn if the applicant submits a written request for same that is approved by the Office of Financial Regulation before the application is approved or denied.

    (5) Valid Period of Permit. Upon approval of an application, a permit will be issued for the remainder of the annual license period, which ends each September 30th. The permit will be valid for this period unless the Office of Financial Regulation takes administrative action against it or unless the permit is terminated by the holder.

    (4) Withdrawal of Application. An applicant may request withdrawal of an application prior to a determination of the application being made by the Office of Financial Regulation by submitting a written request that the application be withdrawn.  Withdrawals will be deemed effective upon receipt by the Office.

    (5) Refunds. If the application is withdrawn or denied, all fees are non-refundable.

    (6) Valid Period of Permit. Upon approval of an application, a permit will be issued for the remainder of the annual license period, which ends each September 30th. The permit will be valid for this period unless the Office of Financial Regulation takes administrative action against it or unless the permit is terminated by the holder.

    (7) Form OFR-494-04 is incorporated by reference in subsection 69V-40.002(1), F.A.C.

    Specific Authority 494.0011(2), 494.0029(1), (3)(b) FS. Law Implemented 120.60(1), 494.0029 FS. History–New 11-5-95, Amended 8-22-99, 12-9-01, Formerly 3D-40.028, Amended________.


    69V-40.029 Mortgage Business School Permit Renewal.

    (1) Each active Mortgage Business School permit shall be renewed for the annual period beginning October 1 of each year upon submission of the following:

    (a) A permit renewal fee of $500. and a completed renewal form, Form OFR-MBS-202, Mortgage Business School Renewal Form, revised 10/01, which is hereby incorporated by reference and available by mail from the Office of Financial Regulation, 200 East Gaines Street, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0375; and

    (b) A recertification accreditation fee of $400 for the school.; and

    (c) For schools teaching the 24-hour pre-licensing course, all training materials that the applicant plans to distribute to course participants including a copy of all teaching aids, such as flash cards, hand-outs, audio/video materials, computer disks/cd’s, and any computer based training.

    (2) Renewal fees shall be sent directly to the Office of Financial Regulation or may be paid electronically by the following the applicable instructions on the Office of Financial Regulation’s website at The Office of Financial Regulation shall deem a renewal received upon receipt of the requisite fees and training materials at such time as it has been dated stamped by the Cashier’s Office of the Department of Financial Services or the date the renewal process has been completed on the Office’s website. All renewal fees and training materials must be received by September 30 of the year in which the permit expires. If September 30 falls on a Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday pursuant to Section 110.117, F.S., the renewals received on the next business day will be considered timely received.

    (3)(2) Failure to submit the fees and training materials renewal form required in subsection (1) prior to October 1 or each renewal year shall automatically result in the permit becoming expired. After the license has expired, there is no provision for reinstatement. A new application for a permit must be submitted as described in Rule 69V-40.028, F.A.C.

    Specific Authority 494.0011(2), 494.0029(1), (3)(b) FS. Law Implemented 494.0029 FS. History–New 11-5-95, Amended 8-22-99, 12-9-01, Formerly 3D-40.029, Amended_________.


    69V-40.031 Application Procedure for Mortgage Broker License.

    (1) Each person desiring to obtain licensure as a mortgage broker shall apply to the Office of Financial Regulation by submitting the following:

    (a) A completed Application for Licensure as a Mortgage Broker, Form OFR-494-03 OFR-MB-101, revised 03/05, which is hereby incorporated by reference and available by mail from the Office of Financial Regulation, 200 East Gaines Street, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0375. The application must be completed and signed within thirty (30) days prior to receipt by the Office;

    (b) The statutory nonrefundable application fee required by Section 494.0033, F.S., which shall be the fee for the biennial period beginning September 1 of each odd-numbered year or any part thereof;

    (c) A completed fingerprint card (FL921050Z) mailed to the Office of Financial Regulation, 200 East Gaines St., Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0376; accompanied by a $23 nonrefundable processing fee; and

    (d) A nonrefundable fingerprint card processing fee of $42.25;

    (e)(d) Evidence that the applicant has completed the mortgage broker education requirements of subsection 494.0033(3), F.S.; and

    (f) Evidence that the applicant has passed the mortgage broker examination as defined in Rule 69V-40.025, F.A.C.

    (2) Request for Additional Information. Any request for additional information, including a passing score on the Mortgage Broker Examination, will be made by the Office of Financial Regulation within thirty (30) days after receipt of the application by the Office of Financial Regulation. The additional information must be received by the Office of Financial Regulation within ninety (90) days from the date of the request. Failure to respond within ninety (90) days from the date of request shall be construed by the Office of Financial Regulation as grounds for denial for failure to complete the application and the application shall be denied pursuant to Section 120.60(1), F.S.

    (3) Amendments to Pending Applications. Amendment of Application. If the information contained in an Application for Licensure as a Mortgage Broker or any amendment thereto becomes inaccurate for any reason before the applicant becomes licensed, the applicant shall file an amendment be responsible for correcting the inaccurate such information within thirty (30) ten (10) days of the change on Form OFR-494-03 occurring by following the procedures set forth in this subsection. An applicant may amend the application as to those factors generally within the control or selection of the applicant once, as a matter of course, at any time within thirty (30) days from receipt of the application by the Office its receipt for filing. Otherwise, the application may be amended only with prior written permission from the Office of Financial Regulation.  The Office will grant permission to amend the application , unless the amendment constitutes a material change to the application.  Requests to make changes which are material to the application will or to the Office of Financial Regulation’s evaluation of the application filed at any time after the application has been received may be deemed by the Office of Financial Regulation to be grounds for denial, and a new application, accompanied by the appropriate filing fee(s) fee, will may be required. A material change means a change to a response to the disclosure questions listed in section 10 on Form OFR-494-03.

    (4) Withdrawal of Application. An applicant may request withdrawal of an application prior to a determination of the application being made by the Office of Financial Regulation by submitting a written request that the application be withdrawn.  Withdrawals will be deemed effective upon receipt by the Office.

    (5) Refunds. If the application is withdrawn or denied, the application fee and fingerprint processing fee are nonrefundable.

    (6) Upon approval of an application, a license will be issued for the remainder of the biennial licensure period.

    (7) Restoration of Civil Rights.

    (a) If one’s civil rights have been restored and the conviction did not directly relate to the mortgage industry, the applicant shall provide evidence of restoration of civil rights.

    (b) If one’s civil rights have been restored and the conviction is directly related to the mortgage industry, the applicant shall provide evidence of restoration of civil rights and rehabilitation. Evidence of rehabilitation should include, but is not limited to, employment history and letters from probation officers and employers.

    (7)  All applications, fees, data and forms required, except the fingerprint card, to be filed under this rule shall be filed electronically at An application and fees submitted electronically on the Office’s website shall be considered received on the date the Office issues a confirmation of submission and payment to the applicant via the Office’s website. A confirmation is issued by the Office upon successful submission of an application and payment of all fees.

    (8) Any person may petition for waiver of the requirement of electronic submission of applications, fees, data and forms by filing a petition pursuant to Rule 28-106.301, Florida Administrative Code. Such petition shall demonstrate a technological or financial hardship that entitles the person to file the application, fees, data or form in a paper format.

    (9) Form OFR-494-03 and Form FL921050Z are incorporated by reference in subsection 69V-40.002(1), F.A.C.

    Specific Authority 215.405, 494.0011(2) FS. Law Implemented 120.60(1), 494.0033 FS. History–New 10-30-86, Amended 1-30-89, 5-23-89, 11-28-89, 10-1-91, 6-8-92, 6-3-93, 6-6-93, 4-25-94, 5-14-95, 9-3-95, 11-24-97, 8-22-99, 12-12-99, 12-11-03, Formerly 3D-40.031, Amended 5-24-05,________.


    69V-40.051 Application Procedure for Mortgage Brokerage Business License.

    (1) Each person desiring to obtain licensure as a mortgage brokerage business shall apply to the Office of Financial Regulation by submitting the following:

    (a) A completed Application for Licensure as a Mortgage Brokerage Business and Lender License, Form OFR-494-01 MB-201, revised 10/01, which is hereby incorporated by reference and available by mail from the Office of Financial Regulation, 200 East Gaines Street, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0375;

    (b) through (c) No change.

    (2) Each ultimate equitable owner of 10% or greater interest, each chief executive officer, each chief financial officer, chief operations officer, chief legal officer, chief compliance officer , control person, member, partner, joint venturer, the chief executive officer and each director of an entity applying for licensure as a mortgage brokerage business, shall submit a completed fingerprint card (FL921050Z) and Biographical Summary from, Form OFR-494-01MBB-BIO-1 (revised 10/99), to the Office of Financial Regulation along with a $42.25 23 nonrefundable processing fee. Form OFR-MBB-BIO-1 is hereby incorporated by reference and available by mail from the Office of Financial Regulation, 200 East Gaines Street, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0375.

    (a) Any entity that is a wholly-owned subsidiary of a state or federally approved financial institution is exempt from the provisions of subsection (2).

    (b) For purposes of this rule, “chief executive officer” means the person primarily responsible for the operation of the business, and a “financial institution” means a state or federal association, bank, trust company, international bank agency, or credit union.

    (a)(c) If any ultimate equitable owner of 10% or greater interest, chief executive officer, chief financial officer, chief operations officer, chief legal officer, chief compliance officer, the individual owner, director, or chief executive officer, control person, member, partner, joint venturer, of the applicant holds an active mortgage broker's license with the Office of Financial Regulation, they are exempt from the provisions of subsection (2).

    (b)(d) If an entity holds an active license under Chapter 494, F.S., with the Office of Financial Regulation, it is exempt from the provisions of subsection (2) when it applies for a different type of license under Chapter 494, F.S., unless there has been a change of control of 25 50% or more of the ownership interest or in controlling interest since the time its initial license was approved by the Office of Financial Regulation.

    (c)(e) Any claim to any of the above exemptions shall be supported by attaching evidence of the exemption with the application for license.

    (3) Request for Additional Information. Any request for additional information will be made by the Office of Financial Regulation within thirty (30) days after receipt of the application by the Office of Financial Regulation. The additional information must be received by the Office of Financial Regulation within forty-five (45) days from the date of the request. Failure to respond to the request within forty-five (45) days from the date of request shall be construed by the Office of Financial Regulation as grounds for denial for failure to complete the application and the application shall be denied pursuant to Section 120.60(1), F.S.

    (4) Amendments to Pending of Applications. If the information contained in an Application for Licensure as a Mortgage Brokerage Business or in any amendment thereto becomes inaccurate for any reason before the applicant becomes licensed, the applicant shall file an amendment be responsible for correcting the inaccurate such information within thirty (30) ten (10) days of the change on Form OFR-494-01 occurring by following the procedures set forth in this subsection. An applicant may amend the application as to those factors generally within the control or selection of the applicant once, as a matter of course, at any time within thirty (30) days from receipt of the application by the Office its receipt for filing. Otherwise, the application may be amended only with prior written permission from the Office of Financial Regulation. The Office will grant permission to amend the application, unless the amendment constitutes a material change to the application. Requests to make changes which are material to the application will or to the Office of Financial Regulation's evaluation of the application filed at any time after the application has been received may be deemed by the Office of Financial Regulation to be grounds for denial, and a new application, accompanied by the appropriate filing fee, will may be required.  Material changes include:

    1. A change to a response to the disclosure questions listed in section 8 on Form OFR-494-01,

    2. A change to disclosure questions listed in section 3 on the biographical summary on Form OFR-494-01, or

    3. The substitution or addition of an ultimate equitable owner of 10% or greater interest, a chief executive officer, a chief financial officer, a chief operations officer, a chief legal officer, a chief compliance officer, a control person, a member, a partner, a joint venturer, or principal broker.

    (5) Withdrawal of Application. An applicant may request withdrawal of an application prior to a determination of the application being made by the Office of Financial Regulation by submitting a written request that the application be withdrawn. Withdrawals will be deemed effective upon receipt by the Office.

    (6) Refunds. If the application is withdrawn or denied, all the application fees are is nonrefundable.

    (7) Upon approval of an application, a license will be issued for the remainder of the biennial licensure period.

    (8) Restoration of Civil Rights.

    (a) If one's civil rights have been restored and the conviction did not directly relate to the mortgage industry, the applicant shall provide evidence of restoration of civil rights.

    (b) If one's civil rights have been restored and the conviction is directly related to the mortgage industry, the applicant shall provide evidence of restoration of civil rights and rehabilitation. Evidence of rehabilitation should include, but is not limited to, employment history and letters from probation officers and employers.

    (8) Form OFR-494-01 and Form FL921050Z are incorporated by reference in subsection 69V-40.002(1), F.A.C.

    Specific Authority 215.405, 494.0011(2), 494.0031(2) FS. Law Implemented 494.0031, 494.0035, 494.004(6) FS. History–New 10-30-86, Amended 1-30-89, 11-28-89, 10-1-91, 6-6-93, 5-14-95, 7-14-96, 11-24-97, 8-22-99, 12-12-99, 12-9-01, 12-11-03, Formerly 3D-40.051, Amended_________.


    69V-40.058 Application Procedure for Mortgage Brokerage Business Branch Office License.

    (1) Every mortgage brokerage business which conducts mortgage brokerage business in this state from a branch office shall apply to the Office of Financial Regulation for a license to operate a branch office by submitting the following:

    (a) A completed Application for Mortgage Brokerage Business Branch Office License, Form OFR-494-02MB-301, revised 10/99, which is hereby incorporated by reference and available by mail from the Office of Financial Regulation, 200 East Gaines Street, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0375;

    (b) The statutory, nonrefundable license fee required by Section 494.0036, F.S., which shall be the fee for the biennial period beginning September 1 of each even-numbered year of any part thereof.

    (2) Any office or location shall be deemed to be a branch office if it meets the definition in subsection 494.001(7), F.S.

    (3) Request for Additional Information. Any request for additional information will be made by the Office of Financial Regulation within thirty (30) days after receipt of the application by the Office of Financial Regulation. The additional information must be received by the Office of Financial Regulation within forty-five (45) days from the date of the request. Failure to respond to the request within forty-five (45) days from the date of request shall be construed by the Office of Financial Regulation as grounds for denial for failure to complete the application and the application shall be denied pursuant to Section 120.60(1), F.S.

    (4) Amendments to Pending Applications of Application. If the information contained in an Application for Mortgage Brokerage Business Branch Office License or in any amendment thereto becomes inaccurate for any reason before the applicant becomes licensed, the applicant shall file an amendment be responsible for correcting the inaccurate such information within thirty ten (30) (10) days of the change on Form OFR-494-02 occurring by following the procedures set forth in this subsection. An applicant may amend the application as to those factors generally within the control or selection of the applicant once, as a matter of course, at any time within thirty (30) days from receipt of the application by the Office its receipt for filing. Otherwise, the application may be amended only with prior written permission from the Office of Financial Regulation. Requests to make changes which are material to the application or to the Office of Financial Regulation's evaluation of the application filed at any time after the application has been received may be deemed by the Office of Financial Regulation to be grounds for denial, and a new application, accompanied by the appropriate filing fee, may be required.

    (5) Withdrawal of Application. An applicant may request withdrawal of an application prior to a determination of the application being made by the Office of Financial Regulation by submitting a written request that the application be withdrawn. Withdrawals will be deemed effective upon receipt by the Office.

    (6) Refunds. If the application is withdrawn or denied, all  the license  fees are is nonrefundable.

    (7) Upon approval of an application, a license will be issued for the remainder of the biennial licensure period.

    (8) Form OFR-494-02 is incorporated by reference in subsection 69V-40.002(1), F.A.C.

    Specific Authority 494.0011(2), 494.0036(2) FS. Law Implemented 494.0036 FS. History–New 10-1-91, Amended 6-6-93, 5-14-95, 8-22-99, 12-12-99, Formerly 3D-40.058, Amended_________.


    69V-40.099 Amendments, Change of Name, Change of Entity and Change in Control or Ownership.

    (1) Each person licensed as a mortgage broker, mortgage brokerage business, mortgage lender, or correspondent mortgage lender, or permitted mortgage business school which proposes to change its name, form of business organization, or any other information contained in any initial application form or any amendment thereto, must file an amendment pursuant to Sections 494.004(6) and 494.0067(4), F.S., not later than thirty-days (30) after the effective date of the change on Form OFR-494-01 for Mortgage Brokerage Businesses and Lenders, Form OFR-494-02 for Branch Offices, Form OFR-494-03 for Mortgage Brokers, and Form OFR-494-04 for Mortgage Business Schools. changes her or his name of record, as filed with the initial application for licensure, or any subsequent change on file and acknowledged by the Office of Financial Regulation thereafter, shall notify the Office of Financial Regulation, in writing, of the name change and shall provide documentation authorizing such name change within thirty (30) days of the date effecting such change. Any licensee pursuant to Sections 494.0061 or 494.0062, F.S., shall additionally provide a completed surety bond, on Form OFR-494-05ML-444, Mortgage Brokerage and Mortgage Lending Act Surety Bond, which is hereby incorporated by reference (effective 10/91), executed in the new name of the licensee as documented by the requirements of this subsection. The form is available by mail from the Office of Financial Regulation, 200 East Gaines Street, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0375Name changes pursuant to this subsection shall not involve any change in controlling interest of the licensed entity.

    (2) Each licensed mortgage brokerage business, mortgage lender, or correspondent mortgage lender which proposes to change any personnel described in Sections 494.004 and 494.0067, F.S., listed in any initial application form or any amendment thereto must file an amendment not later than thirty-days (30) prior to the effective date of the change or within two (2) business days after the date the licensee first received notice of the change on Form OFR-494-01 for Mortgage Brokerage Businesses and Lenders. In the event the change in personnel in Sections 494.004 and 494.0067, F. S., listed in any initial application or any amendment thereto results in the addition of anyone referenced in this subsection, such persons must comply with Subsections 494.0031(2)(c) & (d), 494.0061(2)(g) & (h), 494.0062(2)(g) & (h), or 494.0065(5)(e) & (f), F.S. unless such person has previously complied with an entity currently licensed under this chapter and the person is currently affiliated with such entity.  the entity licensed with the Office of Financial Regulation shall file a new application for licensure pursuant to Section 494.0031, 494.0061, or 494.0062, F.S. Application forms are available by mail from the Office of Financial Regulation, 200 East Gaines Street, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0375.

    (3) Applications for licensure as Any person or persons, who directly or indirectly, seeks to own, control, or hold with power to vote, or holds proxies representing 50 percent or greater of any class of equity securities or ultimate equitable ownership of a mortgage brokerage business, mortgage lender or correspondent mortgage lender required as a result of an acquisition of a controlling interest in a licensee pursuant to Subsection 494.004(6) & 494.0067(4), F.S., must be filed in a timely manner as to allow the Office to complete its review of the application prior to the effective date of the acquisition, but no later than thirty (30) days prior to the date of such acquisition.  Such applications must be filed in accordance with shall file a new application for licensure pursuant to Section 494.0031, 494.0061, or 494.0062, F.S., prior to the effective date of the change in ownership or control interest.

    (4) Any person who is subjected to the requirements of subsection (2) or (3) herein, and who seeks to own, control, or hold power to vote of a mortgage lender licensed pursuant to the Saving Clause, Section 494.0065, F.S., is subjected to the net worth requirements as specified in subsection 494.0065(1)(a)2., F.S., when reapplying for licensure as required in subsections (2) and (3) above. An application for licensure under this subsection shall be submitted in accordance with Rule 69V-40.100, F.A.C.

    (5) The office shall waive the requirement for a licensee to file a new application pursuant to Subsections 494.004(6) & 494.0067(4), F.S.:

    (a) when a person or group of persons proposing to purchase or acquire a controlling interest in a licensee has previously filed the information with the Office required in Subsections 494.0031(2)(c) & (d), 494.0061(2)(g) & (h), 494.0062(2)(g) & (h), or 494.0065(5)(e) & (f), F.S., with a mortgage brokerage business or lender currently licensed to the office, provided that such person is currently affiliated with the mortgage brokerage business or lender licensee; or

    (b) when the acquirer is currently licensed with the office as a mortgage broker, mortgage brokerage business or lender.

    (6) If the requirement to file a new application for a change in controlling interest is waived pursuant to subsection 5 of this rule, the licensee must file an amendment as prescribed in subsection 2 of this rule to report the change in controlling interest.

    (5) Restoration of Civil Rights.

    (a) If one's civil rights have been restored and the conviction did not directly relate to the mortgage industry, the applicant shall provide evidence of restoration of civil rights.

    (b) If one's civil rights have been restored and the conviction is directly related to the mortgage industry, the applicant shall provide evidence of restoration of civil rights and rehabilitation. Evidence of rehabilitation should include, but is not limited to, employment history and letters from probation officers and employers.

    (6) Upon approval of an application, a letter informing the applicant of the Office of Financial Regulation’s intent to approve the application will be sent to the applicant's mailing address as indicated on the application. Upon the Office of Financial Regulation's receipt of the original license issued to the former owners, notification that the change in ownership or control has been finalized and the effective date of closing, a license will be issued, effective the later of the date of closing or the date of notice of intent to approve, for the remainder of the biennial licensure period. Failure to respond to the Office of Financial Regulation's notice of intent to approve within thirty (30) days of the date of that letter will result in the application being withdrawn.

    (6) Form OFR-494-01, Form OFR-494-02, Form OFR-494-03, Form 494-04, and Form 494-05 are incorporated by reference in subsection 69V-40.002(1), F.A.C.

    Specific Authority 494.0011(2) FS. Law Implemented 494.0029(1)(d), 494.0031, 494.0061, 494.0062, 494.0065 FS. History–New 1-10-93, Amended 5-14-95, 9-3-95, 12-12-99, 11-1-00, Formerly 3D-40.099, Amended________.


    69V-40.100 Application Procedure for Transfer Change in Ownership or Control of Saving Clause Mortgage Lender.

    (1) Each person who seeks to obtain a controlling ownership or voting interest in a mortgage lender licensed pursuant to the saving clause shall apply to the Office of Financial Regulation by submitting the following:

    (a) A completed application form Application for Mortgage Brokerage Business and Lender License Change in Ownership or Control of Saving Clause Mortgage Lender, Form OFR-494-01 MLST, revised 9/02, which is hereby incorporated by reference and available by mail from the Office of Financial Regulation, 200 East Gaines Street, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0375;

    (b) A nonrefundable application fee of $500, which shall be the fee for the biennial period beginning September 1 of each even-numbered year or any part thereof;

    (c) Audited financial statements documenting a minimum net worth of $25,000 as of the applicant's most recent fiscal year end. If the application is submitted within three (3) months of the most recent fiscal year end and an audited statement from the most recent fiscal year is not available, then an audited statement from the previous fiscal year end is acceptable.

    (d) Designate a principal representative who shall operate and exercise control over the licensee's business. Beginning October 1, 2001, the principal representative must have completed 24 hours of classroom education in accordance with Rule 69V-40.027, F.A.C., and must also have passed a written test in accordance with Rule 69V-40.025, F.A.C., prior to the application being approved. If the designated principal representative holds an active mortgage broker license with the Office of Financial Regulation and was licensed as a mortgage broker on or after July 1, 1992, he or she will have satisfied the 24-hour classroom education and testing requirements of this section. Each mortgage lender applicant pursuant to the saving clause transfer shall include as part of the application a statement that the principal representative will operate and exercise control over the business as defined in subsection 69V-40.001(12), F.A.C.

    (2) Each ultimate equitable owner of 10% or greater interest, principal representative, chief executive officer, chief financial officer, chief operations officer, chief legal officer, chief compliance officer, the chief executive officer and each director, control person, member, partner, or joint venturer of an entity applying for licensure as a mortgage lender licensed pursuant to the savings clause, shall submit a completed fingerprint card (FL921050Z) and Biographical Summary from Form OFR-494-01, Form OFR-ML-BIO-1 (revised 10/99), to the Office of Financial Regulation along with a $42.25 $23 nonrefundable processing fee. Form ML-BIO-1 is hereby incorporated by reference and available by mail from the Office of Financial Regulation, 200 East Gaines Street, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0375.

    (a) Any entity that is a wholly-owned subsidiary of a state or federally approved financial institution is exempt from the provisions of subsection (2).

    (b) For purposes of this rule, “chief executive officer” means the person primarily responsible for the overall activities of the business, and a “financial institution” means a state or federal association, bank, trust company, international bank agency, or credit union.

    (a)(c) If the individual owner, director, principal representative, chief executive officer, chief financial officer, chief operations officer, chief legal officer, chief compliance officer, principal representative, control person, member, partner, or joint venturer or chief executive officer holds an active mortgage broker's license with the Office of Financial Regulation, he or she is exempt from the provisions of subsection (2).

    (b)(d) If an entity holds an active license under Chapter 494, F.S., with the Office of Financial Regulation, it is exempt from the provisions of subsection (2) when it applies for a different type of license under Chapter 494, F.S., unless there has been a change of control of 25 50% or more of the ownership or in controlling interest since the time its initial license was approved by the Office of Financial Regulation.

    (c)(e) Any claim to any of the above exemptions shall be supported by attaching evidence of the exemption with the application for license.

    (3) Request for Additional Information. Any request for additional information will be made by the Office of Financial Regulation within thirty (30) days after receipt of the application by the Office of Financial Regulation. The additional information must be received by the Office of Financial Regulation within ninety (90) days from the date of the request. Failure to respond to the request within ninety (90) days from the date of request shall be construed by the Office of Financial Regulation as grounds for denial for failure to complete the application and the application shall be denied pursuant to subsection 120.60(1), F.S.

    (4) Amendments to Pending of Applications. If the information contained in any application for a license for a Saving Clause Mortgage Lender or in any amendment thereto, becomes inaccurate for any reason, the applicant shall file an amendment correcting such information within thirty (30) days of the change on Form OFR-494-01. An applicant may amend the application as to those factors generally within the control or selection of the applicant once, as a matter of course, at any time within thirty (30) days from receipt of the application by the Office. Otherwise, the application may be amended only with prior written permission from the Office. The Office will grant permission to amend the application, unless the amendment constitutes a material change to the application  Requests to make changes which are material to the application will be deemed by the Office to be grounds for denial and a new application, accompanied by the appropriate filing fees, will be required. Material changes include:

    1. A change to a response to the disclosure questions listed in section 8 on Form OFR-494-01.

    2. A change to disclosure questions listed in section 3 on the biographical summary on Form OFR-494-01.

    3. The substitution or addition of an ultimate equitable owner of 10% or greater interest, a chief executive officer, a chief financial officer, a chief operations officer, a chief legal officer, a chief compliance officer, a control person, a member, a partner, a joint venturer, or principal representative.

    4.  A change to the applicant’s net worth.

    (a) An applicant shall notify the Office of Financial Regulation within ten (10) days of the occurrence of any change in the information reported on the application.

    (b) An applicant may amend the application as to those factors generally within the control or selection of the applicant once, as a matter of course, at any time within (30) days from its receipt for filing. Otherwise the application may be amended only with prior written permission from the Office of Financial Regulation. Requests to make changes which are material to the application or to the Office of Financial Regulation's evaluation of the application filed at any time after the application has been received may be deemed by the Office of Financial Regulation to be grounds for denial, and a new application, accompanied by the appropriate filing fee, may be required.

    (5) Withdrawal of Application. An applicant may request withdrawal of an application prior to a determination of the application being made by the Office of Financial Regulation by submitting a written request that the application be withdrawn. Withdrawals will be deemed effective upon receipt by the Office.

    (6) Refunds. If the application is withdrawn or denied, all the application fees are is nonrefundable.

    (7) Upon approval of an application, a letter informing the applicant of the Office of Financial Regulation's intent to approve the application will be sent to the applicant's mailing address as indicated on the application. Upon the Office of Financial Regulation's receipt of the original MLS license issued to the former owners, notification that the change in ownership or control has been finalized and the effective date of closing, a license will be issued effective, the later of the date of closing or the date of notice of intent to approve, for the remainder of the biennial licensure period. Failure to respond to the Office of Financial Regulation's notice of intent to approve within thirty (30) days of the date of that letter will result in the application being withdrawn.

    (7) Form OFR-494-01 and Form FL921050Z are incorporated by reference in subsection 69V-40.002(1), F.A.C.

    Specific Authority 494.0011(2), 494.0061(3), (8), (10), 494.0065(3), FS. Law Implemented 120.60, 494.001(30)(29), 494.0061(1), (3), (8), 494.0065, 494.0067(3), (4) FS. History–New 8-24-93, Amended 9-3-95, 8-22-99, 12-12-99, 12-9-01, 12-8-02, 12-11-03, Formerly 3D-40.100, Amended___________.


    69V-40.105 Branch Office License for Transfer Change in Ownership or Control of Saving Clause Mortgage Lender.

    (1) Each person applying for a transfer change in ownership or control of a saving clause mortgage lender, who also wishes to operate branch offices of that saving clause mortgage lender shall apply to the Office of Financial Regulation for a license to operate each branch office by submitting the following:

    (a) A completed Application for Mortgage Lender Branch Office or Correspondent Mortgage Lender Branch Office License. Form OFR-494-02 ML-222B, revised 10/99, which is hereby incorporated by reference and available by mail from the Office of Financial Regulation, 200 East Gaines Street, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0375.

    (b) The statutory, nonrefundable license fee required by Section 494.0066, F.S., which shall be the fee for the biennial period beginning September 1 of each even-numbered year or any part thereof.

    (2) Any office or location shall be deemed to be a branch office if it meets the definition in subsection 494.001(7), F.S.

    (3) Request for Additional Information. Any request for additional information will be made by the Office of Financial Regulation within thirty (30) days after receipt of the application by the Office of Financial Regulation. The additional information must be received by the Office of Financial Regulation within forty-five (45) days from the date of the request. Failure to respond to the request within forty-five (45) days from the date of request shall be construed by the Office of Financial Regulation as grounds for denial for failure to complete the application and the application shall be denied pursuant to Section 120.60(1), F.S.

    (4) Amendments to Pending of Applications. If the information contained in any application for a license for a branch office of a Savings Clause Mortgage Lender or any amendment thereto, becomes inaccurate for any reason, the application shall file an amendment correcting such information within thirty (30) days of the change on Form OFR-494-02. An applicant may amend the application as to those factors generally within the control or selection of the applicant once, as a matter of course, at any time within (30) days from receipt of the application by the Office its receipt for filing. Otherwise the application may be amended only with prior written permission from the Office of Financial Regulation. Requests to make changes which are material to the application or to the Office of Financial Regulation's evaluation of the application filed at any time after the application has been received may be deemed by the Office of Financial Regulation to be grounds for denial, and a new application, accompanied by the appropriate filing fee, may be required.

    (5) Withdrawal of Application. An applicant may request withdrawal of an application prior to a determination of the application being made by the Office of Financial Regulation by submitting a written request that the application be withdrawn. Withdrawals will be deemed effective upon receipt by the Office.

    (6) through (7) No change.

    (8) Form OFR-494-02 is incorporated by reference in subsection 69V-40.002(1), F.A.C.

    Specific Authority 494.0011(2) FS. Law Implemented 494.0065, 494.0066 FS. History–New 8-24-93, Amended 9-3-95, 8-22-99, 12-12-99, Formerly 3D-40.105, Amended___________.


    69V-40.160 Principal Brokers.

    (1) Each mortgage brokerage business shall designate a licensed mortgage broker as the principal broker and the individual designated shall accept responsibility by completing the Principal Broker/Representative Designation section of, Form OFR-494-01MB-PB, effective 10/91, which is hereby incorporated by reference and available by mail from the Office of Financial Regulation, 200 East Gaines Street, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0375.

    (2) Upon any change of principal broker, the licensee and the newly designated principal broker shall amend complete the Principal Broker/Representative Designation section of, Form OFR-494-01MB-PB pursuant to subsection 69V-40.099(1), F.A.C. Form OFR-494-01MB-PB shall be maintained at the principal office of the mortgage brokerage business, and a copy shall be mailed to the Office of Financial Regulation at the above address or electronically transmitted to the Office of Financial Regulation's website at on the Internet within thirty (30) days of said designation or change in designation. Anyone being designated as a principal broker on or after October 1, 2001, must have been actively licensed as a mortgage broker pursuant to Section 494.0033, F.S., for at least one year, or has demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Office of Financial Regulation that the designated principal broker has been actively engaged in a mortgage-related business for at least one year, as defined in Rule 69V-40.051, F.A.C.

    (3) The penalty for failure to maintain the Principal Broker/Representative Designation section of Form OFR-494-01MB-PB shall be the issuance of a “notice of noncompliance” for a first offense. Any subsequent finding of a violation of this rule during an examination or investigation shall be a fine of $500. In cases where the failure to maintain the Principal Broker/Representative Designation section of Form OFR-494-01MB-PB is intentional, the penalty shall be a fine of $5,000.

    (4) Each licensee  principal broker shall notify the Office of Financial Regulation, 200 East Gaines Street, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-03765 in writing, within thirty (30) days, of the termination or resignation of a principal broker status.

    (5) Form OFR-494-01 is incorporated by reference in subsection 69V-40.002(1), F.A.C.

    Specific Authority 494.0011(2), 494.0035 FS. Law Implemented 120.695, 494.0011(2), 494.0016, 494.0035, 494.0041(1)(e) FS. History–New 10-7-91, Amended 7-25-96, 12-12-99, 12-9-01, Formerly 3D-40.160, Amended________.


    69V-40.165 Branch Brokers.

    (1) Each mortgage brokerage business shall designate a licensed mortgage broker as the branch broker of the branch office, and the individual shall accept such responsibility by completing the Branch Broker/Employee in Charge Designation, section of Form OFR-494-02 MB-BB (effective 10/91), which is hereby incorporated by reference and available by mail from the Office of Financial Regulation, 200 East Gaines Street, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0375.

    (2) Upon any change of Branch Broker, the licensee and the newly designated branch broker shall complete the Branch Broker/Employee in Charge Designation, section of Form OFR-494-02MB-BB pursuant to subsection 69V-40.099(1), F.A.C. Form OFR-494-02MB-BB shall be maintained at the applicable branch office of the mortgage brokerage business, and a copy shall be mailed to the Office of Financial Regulation at the above address or electronically transmitted to the Office of Financial Regulation's website at on the Internet within thirty (30) days of said designation or change in designation.

    (3) The penalty for failure to maintain Form OFR-494-02MB-BB shall be the issuance of a “notice of noncompliance” for a first offense. Any subsequent finding of a violation OFR-494-02MB-BB is intentional, the penalty shall be a fine of $5,000.

    (4) Each licensee  branch broker shall notify the Office of Financial Regulation in writing, within thirty (30) days, of termination or resignation of a branch broker status.

    (5) Form OFR-494-02 is incorporated by reference in subsection 69V-40.002(1), F.A.C.

    Specific Authority 494.0011(2), 494.0035(2) FS. Law Implemented 120.695, 494.0011(2), 494.0016, 494.0035(2) , 494.0041(1)(e) FS. History–New 10-7-91, Amended 7-25-96, 12-12-99, 12-9-01, Formerly 3D-40.165, Amended_________.


    69V-40.200 Application Procedure for Mortgage Lender License.

    (1) Each corporation, general partnership, limited partnership, limited liability company, or other lawful entity desiring to obtain licensure as a mortgage lender shall apply to the Office of Financial Regulation by submitting the following:

    (a) A completed Application for Mortgage Brokerage Business and Licensure as a Mortgage Lender License, Form OFR-494-01ML-222, revised 09/02, which is hereby incorporated by reference and available by mail from the Office of Financial Regulation, 200 East Gaines Street, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0375;

    (b) The statutory, nonrefundable fee required by Section 494.0061, F.S., which shall be the fee for the biennial period beginning September 1 of each even-numbered year or any part thereof;

    (c) Audited financial statements documenting a minimum net worth of $250,000 as of the applicant's most recent fiscal year end. If the application is submitted within three (3) months of the most recent fiscal year end and an audited statement from the most recent fiscal year is not available, an audited statement from the previous fiscal year end is acceptable;

    (d) A surety bond, issued by a bonding company or insurance company authorized to do business in this State, in the amount of $10,000; and submitted on Form OFR-494-05ML-444, Mortgage Brokerage and Mortgage Lending Act Surety Bond, effective 10-1-91, which is hereby incorporated by reference and available by mail from the Office of Financial Regulation, 200 East Gaines Street, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0375.

    (e) Designate a principal representative who shall operate and exercise control over the licensee’s business. Beginning October 2, 2001, the principal representative must have completed 24 hours of classroom education in accordance with Rule 69V-40.027, F.A.C., and must also have passed a written test in accordance with Rule 69V-40.025, F.A.C., prior to the application being approved. If the designated principal representative holds an active mortgage broker license with the Office of Financial Regulation and was licensed as a mortgage broker on or after July 1, 1992, he or she will have satisfied the 24-hour classroom education and testing requirements of this section. Each mortgage lender applicant shall include as part of the application a statement that the principal representative will operate and exercise control over the business as defined in subsection 69V-40.001(12), F.A.C.

    (2) Each ultimate equitable owner of 10% or greater interest, principal representative, the chief executive officer, chief financial officer, chief operations officer, chief legal officer, chief compliance officer, control person, member, partner, joint venturer, and each director of an entity applying for licensure as a mortgage lender, shall submit a completed fingerprint card (FL921050Z) and Biographical Summary from, Form OFR-494-01ML-BIO-1 (revised 10/99), to the Office of Financial Regulation along with a $42.25 23 nonrefundable processing fee. Form OFR-ML-BIO-1 is hereby incorporated by reference and available by mail from the Office of Financial Regulation, 200 East Gaines Street, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0375.

    (a) Any entity that is a wholly-owned subsidiary of a state or federally approved financial institution is exempt from the provisions of subsection (2).

    (b) For purposes of this rule, “chief executive officer” means the person primarily responsible for the overall activities of the business, and a “financial institution” means a state or federal association, bank, trust company, international bank agency, or credit union.

    (a)(c) If any ultimate equitable owner of 10% or greater interest, principal representative, chief executive officer, chief financial officer, chief operations officer, chief legal officer, chief compliance officer, control person, member, partner, joint venturer, or  the individual owner, director of the applicant, or chief executive officer holds an active mortgage broker's license with the Office of Financial Regulation, they are exempt from the provisions of subsection (2).

    (b)(d) If an entity holds an active license under Chapter 494, F.S., with the Office of Financial Regulation, it is exempt from the provisions of subsection (2) when it applies for a different type of license under Chapter 494, F.S., unless there has been a change of control of 25 50% or more of the ownership or in controlling interest since the time its initial license was approved by the Office of Financial Regulation.

    (c)(e) Any claim to any of the above exemptions shall be supported by attaching evidence of the exemption with the application for license.

    (3) Request for Additional Information. Any request for additional information will be made by the Office of Financial Regulation within thirty (30) days after receipt of the application by the Office of Financial Regulation. The additional information must be received by the Office of Financial Regulation within ninety (90) days from the date of the request. Failure to respond to the request within ninety (90) days from the date of request shall be construed by the Office of Financial Regulation as grounds for denial for failure to complete the application and the application shall be denied pursuant to subsection 120.60(1), F.S.

    (4) Amendments to Pending of Applications. If the information contained in an Application for Licensure as a Mortgage Lender or in any amendment thereto becomes inaccurate for any reason before the applicant becomes licensed, the applicant shall file an amendment be responsible for correcting the inaccurate such information within thirty ten  (30) (10) days of the change on Form OFR-494-01ML-222 occurring by following the procedures set forth in this subsection. An applicant may amend the application as to those factors generally within the control or selection of the applicant once, as a matter of course, at any time within thirty (30) days from receipt of the application by the Office its receipt for filing. Otherwise, the application may be amended only with prior written permission from the Office of Financial Regulation. The Office will grant permission to amend the application, unless the amendment constitutes a material change to the application   Requests to make changes which are material to the application will or to the Office of Financial Regulation’s evaluation of the application filed at any time after the application has been received may be deemed by the Office of Financial Regulation to be grounds for denial, and a new application, accompanied by the appropriate filing fee, will may be required.  Material changes include:

    1.  A change to a response to the disclosure questions listed in section 8 on Form OFR-494-01.

    2.  A change to disclosure questions listed in section 3 on the biographical summary on Form OFR-494-01.

    3.  The substitution or addition of an ultimate equitable owner of 10% or greater interest, a chief executive officer, a chief financial officer, a chief operations officer, a chief legal officer, a chief compliance officer, a control person, a member, a partner, a joint venturer, or principal representative.

    4.  A change to the applicant's net worth.

    5.  Any change relating to the surety bond.

    (5) Withdrawal of Application. An applicant may request withdrawal of an application prior to a determination of the application being made by the Office of Financial Regulation by submitting a written request that the application be withdrawn. Withdrawals will be deemed effective upon receipt by the Office.

    (6) Refunds. If the application is withdrawn or denied, all fees are the fee is nonrefundable.

    (7) Upon approval of an application, a license will be issued for the remainder of the biennial licensure period.

    (8) Restoration of Civil Rights.

    (a) If one’s civil rights have been restored and the conviction did not directly relate to the mortgage industry the applicant shall provide evidence of restoration of civil rights.

    (b) If one's civil rights have been restored and the conviction is directly related to the mortgage industry, the applicant shall provide evidence of restoration of civil rights and rehabilitation. Evidence of rehabilitation should include, but is not limited to, employment history and letters from probation officers and employers.

    (8) Form OFR-494-01, Form 494-05, and Form FL921050Z  are incorporated by reference in subsection 69V-40.002(1), F.A.C.

    Specific Authority 215.405, 494.0011(2), 494.0061(3), (8), (10) FS. Law Implemented 120.60, 494.001(29), 494.0061, 494.0067(4) FS. History–New 10-1-91, Amended 6-6-93, 5-14-95, 9-3-95, 11-5-95, 7-14-96, 11-24-97, 8-22-99, 12-12-99, 12-9-01, 12-8-02, 12-11-03, Formerly 3D-40.200, Amended_________.


    69V-40.220 Application Procedure for Correspondent Mortgage Lender License.

    (1) Each corporation, general partnership, limited partnership, limited liability company, or other lawful entity desiring to obtain licensure as a correspondent mortgage lender shall apply to the Office of Financial Regulation by submitting the following:

    (a) A completed Application for Mortgage Brokerage Business and Licensure as a  Correspondent Mortgage Lender License, Form OFR-494-01CL-333, revised 09/02, which is hereby incorporated by reference and available by mail from the Office of Financial Regulation, 200 East Gaines Street, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0375;

    (b) The statutory, nonrefundable fee required by Section 494.0062, F.S., which shall be the fee for the biennial period beginning September 1 of each even numbered year or any part thereof;

    (c) Audited financial statements documenting a minimum net worth of $25,000 as of the applicant's most recent fiscal year end. If the application is submitted within three (3) months of the most recent fiscal year end and an audited statement from the most recent fiscal year is not available, an audited statement from the previous fiscal year end is acceptable;

    (d) A surety bond, issued by a bonding company or insurance company authorized to do business in this State, in the amount of $10,000; and submitted on Form OFR-494-05 ML-444, Mortgage Brokerage and Mortgage Lending Act Surety Bond, effective 10-1-91, which is hereby incorporated by reference and available by mail from the Office of Financial Regulation, 200 East Gaines Street, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0375.

    (e) Designate a principal representative who shall operate and exercise control over the licensee's business. Beginning October 2, 2001, the principal representative must have completed 24 hours of classroom education in accordance with Rule 69V-40.027, F.A.C., and must also have passed a written test in accordance with Rule 69V-40.025, F.A.C., prior to the application being approved. If the designated principal representative holds an active mortgage broker license with the Office of Financial Regulation and was licensed as a mortgage broker on or after July 1, 1992, he or she will have satisfied the 24-hour classroom education and testing requirements of this section. Each correspondent mortgage lender applicant shall include as part of the application a statement that the principal representative will operate and exercise control over the business as defined in subsection 69V-40.001(12), F.A.C.

    (2) Each ultimate equitable owner of 10% or greater interest, principal representative, each the chief executive officer, each chief financial officer, chief operations officer, chief legal officer, chief compliance officer, control person, member, partner, joint venturer, and each director of an entity applying for licensure as a correspondent mortgage lender, shall submit a completed fingerprint card (FL921050Z) and Biographical Summary from, Form OFR-494-01CL-BIO-1 (revised 10/99), to the Office of Financial Regulation along with a $42.25 23 nonrefundable processing fee. Form OFR-CL-BIO-1 is hereby incorporated by reference and available by mail from the Office of Financial Regulation, 200 East Gaines Street, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0375.

    (a) Any entity that is a wholly-owned subsidiary of a state or federally approved financial institution is exempt from the provisions of subsection (2).

    (b) For purposes of this rule, “chief executive officer” means the person primarily responsible for the overall activities of the business, and a “financial institution” means a state or federal association, bank, trust company, international bank agency, or credit union.

    (a)(c) If the individual principal representative, owner, director, or chief executive officer holds an active mortgage broker's license with the Office of Financial Regulation, they are exempt from the provisions of subsection (2).

    (b)(d) If an entity holds an active license under Chapter 494, F.S., with the Office of Financial Regulation, it is exempt from the provisions of subsection (2) when it applies for a different type of license under Chapter 494, F.S., unless there has been a change of control of 2550% or more of the ownership or in controlling interest since the time its initial license was approved by the Office of Financial Regulation.

    (c)(e) Any claim to any of the above exemptions shall be supported by attaching evidence of the exemption with the application for license.

    (3) Request for Additional Information. Any request for additional information will be made by the Office of Financial Regulation within thirty (30) days after receipt of the application by the Office of Financial Regulation. The additional information must be received by the Office of Financial Regulation within ninety (90) days from the date of the request. Failure to respond within ninety (90) days from the date of request shall be construed by the Office of Financial Regulation as grounds for denial for failure to complete the application and the application shall be denied pursuant to subsection 120.60(1), F.S.

    (4) Amendments to Pending of Applications. If the information contained in an Application for Licensure as a Correspondent Mortgage Lender or in any amendment thereto, becomes inaccurate for any reason before the applicant becomes licensed, the applicant shall file an amendment be responsible for correcting the inaccurate such information within thirty (30) ten (10) days of the change on Form OFR-494-01 occurring by following the procedures set forth in this subsection. An applicant may amend the application as to those factors generally within the control or selection of the applicant once, as a matter of course, at any time within thirty (30) days from receipt of the application by the Office its receipt for filing. Otherwise, the application may be amended only with prior written permission from the Office of Financial Regulation. The Office will grant permission to amend the application, unless the amendment constitutes a material change to the application   Requests to make changes which are material to the application will or to the Office of Financial Regulations evaluation of the application filed at any time after the application has been received may be deemed by the Office of Financial Regulation to be grounds for denial, and a new application, accompanied by the appropriate filing fee, will may be required.  Material changes include:

    1.  A change to a response to the disclosure questions listed in section 8 on Form OFR-494-01.

    2.  A change to disclosure questions listed in section 3 on the biographical summary on Form OFR-494-01.

    3.  The substitution or addition of an ultimate equitable owner of 10% or greater interest, a chief executive officer, a chief financial officer, a chief operations officer, a chief legal officer, a chief compliance officer, a control person, a member, a partner, a joint venturer, or principal representative.

    4.  A change to the applicant's net worth.

    5.  Any change relating to the surety bond.

    (5) Withdrawal of Application. An applicant may request withdrawal of an application prior to a determination of the application being made by the Office of Financial Regulation by submitting a written request that the application be withdrawn.  Withdrawals will be deemed effective upon receipt by the Office.

    (6) Refunds. If the application is withdrawn or denied, all fees are the fee is nonrefundable.

    (7) Upon approval of an application, a license will be issued for the remainder of the biennial licensure period.

    (8) Restoration of Civil Rights.

    (a) If one's civil rights have been restored and the conviction did not directly relate to the mortgage industry, the applicant shall provide evidence of restoration of civil rights.

    (b) If one's civil rights have been restored and the conviction is directly related to the mortgage industry, the applicant shall provide evidence of restoration of civil rights and rehabilitation. Evidence of rehabilitation should include, but is not limited to, employment history and letters from probation officers and employers.

    (8) Form OFR-494-01, Form OFR-494-05, Form FL921050Z are incorporated by reference in subsection 69V-40.002(1), F.A.C.

    Specific Authority 215.405, 494.0011(2), 494.0062(3), (8), (11), (13) FS. Law Implemented 494.0062, 494.0067(4) FS. History–New 10-1-91, Amended 6-6-93, 5-14-95, 9-3-95, 11-5-95, 7-14-96, 11-24-97, 8-22-99, 12-12-99, 12-9-01, 12-8-02, 12-11-03, Formerly 3D-40.220, Amended_________.


    69V-40.240 Application Procedure for Mortgage Lender or Correspondent Mortgage Lender Branch Office License.

    (1) Every mortgage lender or correspondent mortgage lender which conducts mortgage lending business in this state from a branch office shall apply to the Office of Financial Regulation for a license to operate a branch office by submitting the following:

    (a) A completed Application for Mortgage Lender Branch Office or Correspondent Mortgage Lender Branch Office License, Form OFR-494-02ML-222B, revised 10/99, which is hereby incorporated by reference and available by mail from the Office of Financial Regulation, 200 East Gaines Street, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0375;

    (b) The statutory, nonrefundable license fee required by Section 494.0066, F.S., which shall be the fee for the biennial period beginning September 1 of each even-numbered year or any part thereof.

    (2) Any office or location shall be deemed to be a branch office if it meets the definition in subsection 494.001(7), F.S.

    (3) Request for Additional Information. Any request for additional information will be made by the Office of Financial Regulation within thirty (30) days after receipt of the application by the Office of Financial Regulation. The additional information must be received by the Office of Financial Regulation within forty-five (45) days from the date of the request. Failure to respond to the request within forty-five (45) days from the date of request shall be construed by the Office of Financial Regulation as grounds for denial for failure to complete the application and the application shall be denied pursuant to Section 120.60(1), F.S.

    (4) Amendments to Pending of Applications. If the information contained in an Application for Mortgage Lender Branch Office or Correspondent Mortgage Lender Branch Office License or in any amendment thereto, becomes inaccurate for any reason before the applicant becomes licensed, the applicant shall file an amendment be responsible for correcting the inaccurate such information within thirty  (30) ten (10) days of the change on Form OFR-494-02 occurring by following the procedures set forth in this subsection. An applicant may amend the application as to those factors generally within the control or selection of the applicant once, as a matter of course, at any time within thirty (30) days from its receipt for filing. Otherwise the application may be amended only with prior written permission from the Office of Financial Regulation.  Requests to make changes which are material to the application or to the Office of Financial Regulation's evaluation of the application filed at any time after the application has been received may be deemed by the Office of Financial Regulation to be grounds for denial, and a new application, accompanied by the appropriate filing fee, may be required.

    (5) Withdrawal of Application. An applicant may request withdrawal of an application prior to a determination of the application being made by the Office of Financial Regulation by submitting a written request that the application be withdrawn. Withdrawals will be deemed effective upon receipt by the Office.

    (6) through (7) No change.

    (8) Form OFR-494-02 is incorporated by reference in subsection 69V-40.002(1), F.A.C.

    Specific Authority 494.0011(2) FS. Law Implemented 494.0066 FS. History–New 10-1-91, Amended 6-6-93, 5-14-95, 9-3-95, 8-22-99, 12-12-99, Formerly 3D-40.240, Amended_________.


    69V-40.242 Principal Representative.

    (1) Effective October 1, 2001, each  Each mortgage lender, correspondent mortgage lender, and mortgage lender pursuant to the saving clause shall designate a principal representative who operates and exercises control over the business and the individual so designated shall accept responsibility by completing the Principal Broker/Representative Designation section of, Form OFR-494-01ML/CL-PR, revised 09/02, which is hereby incorporated by reference and available by mail from the Office of Financial Regulation, 200 East Gaines Street, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0375.

    (2) Each mortgage lender, correspondent mortgage lender, and mortgage lender pursuant to the saving clause shall maintain the a Principal Broker/Representative Designation section of Form, OFR-494-01ML/CL-PR, revised 09/02, which includes a statement notifying the licensee that the principal representative is required by statute to operate and exercise control over the business as defined in subsection 69V-40.001(12), F.A.C.

    (3) Upon any change of principal representative, the licensee and the newly designated principal representative shall amend complete the Principal Broker/Representative Designation section of, Form OFR-494-01ML/CL-PR, revised 09/02 pursuant to subsection 69V-40.099(1), F.A.C. Form OFR-494-01ML/CL-PR, revised 09/02, shall be maintained at the principal office of the mortgage lender, correspondent mortgage lender, or mortgage lender pursuant to the saving clause, and a copy shall be mailed to the Office of Financial Regulation at the above address or electronically transmitted to the Office of Financial Regulation's website at on the Internet within thirty (30) days of said designation or change in designation.

    (4) Anyone being designated as a principal representative or any change in the principal representative after October 1, 2001, must submit evidence that he or she was originally licensed as a mortgage broker pursuant to Section 494.0033, F.S., on or after July 1, 1992, or has completed 24 hours of classroom education in accordance with Rule 69V-40.027, F.A.C., and has passed a written test in accordance with Rule 69V-40.025, F.A.C.

    (4)(5) The penalty for failure to maintain the Principal Broker/Representative Designation section of Form OFR-494-01ML/CL-PR shall be the issuance of a “notice of noncompliance” for a first offense. Any subsequent finding of a violation of this rule during an examination or investigation shall be a fine of $500. In cases where the failure to maintain the Principal Broker/Representative Designation section of Form OFR-494-01ML/CL-PR is intentional, the penalty shall be a fine of $5,000.

    (5)(6) Each licensee principal representative shall notify the Office of Financial Regulation, 200 East Gaines Street, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-03765 in writing, within thirty (30) days, of the termination or resignation of its his or her principal representative status.

    (6) Form OFR-494-01 is incorporated by reference in subsection 69V-40.002(1), F.A.C.

    Specific Authority 494.0011(2), 494.0016(4), 494.0061(1), (3), (8), 494.0062(3), (11) FS. Law Implemented 120.60, 120.695, 494.001(31), 494.001(29), 494.0016(1), 494.0061, 494.0062, 494.0067, 494.0072 FS. History–New 1-27-02, Amended 12-8-02, Formerly 3D-40.242, Amended________.