Agency for Health Care Administration, Certificate of Need



    Certificate of Need


    The Agency for Health Care Administration hereby notices withdrawal from review of the following Certificate of Need applications:


    County: AlachuaService District: 3-2

    CON #10399Decision Date: 12/23/2015Decision: W

    Facility/Project: HSP Florida, LLC

    Applicant: HSP Florida, LLC

    Project Description: Establish a new 94-bed community nursing home


    County: LeeService District: 8-5

    CON #10407Decision Date: 12/23/2015Decision: W

    Facility/Project: Lee County Development, LLC

    Applicant: Lee County Development, LLC

    Project Description: Establish a new 133-bed community nursing home


    County: EscambiaService District: 1-SA 1

    CON #10418Decision Date: 12/23/2015Decision: W

    Facility/Project: Ark Hospice, LLC

    Applicant: Ark Hospice, LLC

    Project Description: Establish a new hospice program


    A request for administrative hearing, if any, must be made in writing and must be actually received by this department within 21 days of the first day of publication of this notice in the Florida Administrative Register pursuant to Chapter 120, Florida Statutes, and Chapter 59C-1, Florida Administrative Code.

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