Department of Environmental Protection, Office of the Secretary  


    The Florida Coastal Management Program (FCMP) announces the availability of federal grant funds for innovative coastal projects under its Coastal Partnership Initiative (CPI) for fiscal year 2012-2013. Eligible applicants include Florida’s 35 coastal counties and the local governments within their boundaries that are required to include a coastal element in their comprehensive plan. Florida public colleges and universities, regional planning councils, national estuary programs and nonprofit groups may also apply for CPI funds as long as an eligible local government is a partner in the project. Applications must be submitted on the CPI APPLICATION FORM, available from the FCMP website:

    Applications must be received no later than 4:00 p.m. (EST), February 29, 2012. Mail CPI applications to:

    Florida Coastal Management Program

    ATTN: CPI Applications

    Department of Environmental Protection

    3900 Commonwealth Blvd., MS #47

    Tallahassee, FL 32399-3000

    Electronic and faxed submittals will not be accepted.

    The purpose of the COASTAL PARTNERSHIP INITIATIVE is to promote the protection and effective management of Florida’s coastal resources in four priority areas: RESILIENT COMMUNITIES, COASTAL RESOURCE STEWARDSHIP, ACCESS TO COASTAL RESOURCES AND WORKING WATERFRONTS. Chapter 62S-4, F.A.C., describes the priority areas, and includes information on the CPI grant program, CPI Application Form, submittal requirements, and the criteria by which applications are scored and ranked. The CPI Application Form and Chapter 62S-4, F.A.C., are available from the FCMP grants website: Please note the following important details regarding the CPI grant process for FY 2012-2013:

    1.   Applicants must submit one originally signed application, four (4) copies of the application, and one copy of the application on CD or DVD.

    2.   Projects must be completed within one year. The funding cycle begins July 1, 2012, and ends June 30, 2013. Selected projects will be included in the FCMP application to the National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) for Fiscal Year 2012-13.

    3.   PLEASE NOTE: Due to current budget restraints, financial assistance for CPI projects (available as reimbursement grants) will be limited in the FY 12-13 grant cycle to:

          a. NO MORE THAN $30,000 AND NO LESS THAN $10,000 for construction projects, habitat restoration, invasive exotic plant removal, and land acquisition. These projects cannot involve planning and coordination activities as stated in sub-subparagraph 2.b., below, and described in subparagraph 62S-4.004(2)(a)1., F.A.C.

          b. NO MORE THAN $15,000 AND NO LESS THAN $10,000 for planning, design and coordination activities.

    4.   Recipients are required to provide 100 percent matching contributions (cash or in-kind) in the form of goods and services that directly benefit the specific grant project. No more than one-half (50%) of match can be provided by a third party.

    5.   There are additional requirements for applications involving construction, invasive exotic plant removal, habitat restoration, and land acquisition, including:

          a. Applicants proposing construction, invasion exotic plant removal and habitat restoration must conduct a preliminary consultation with appropriate local, state, and federal regulatory agencies to ensure that there are no environmental concerns that would delay or prevent project start-up. A summary of the consultation must be included in the CPI application, or the application will be considered incomplete and will not be processed.

          b. Non-profit organizations (NPOs) are not eligible to receive FCMP funds for construction, invasive exotic plant removal, habitat restoration or land acquisition. Applications submitted by NPOs that propose these activities will be disqualified.

          c. Shoreline hardening projects are not eligible for FCMP funds.

          d. Infrastructure projects should have a clear coastal management component.

          e. Construction and land acquisition activities occurring in designated Coastal Barrier Resource Act units are subject to additional review and approval by NOAA and/or the US Fish & Wildlife Service.

    For questions or to request a copy of Chapter 62S-4, F.A.C. or the CPI Application Form, please contact: Ms. Dornecia Allen at the address above, or call: (850)245-2161, or send an email:

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