Selection and Award Process  




    14-91.007Selection and Award Process


    Notice is hereby given that the following changes have been made to the proposed rule in accordance with subparagraph 120.54(3)(d)1., F.S., published in Vol. 40, No. 226, November 20, 2014 issue of the Florida Administrative Register.


    Sections 3 through 6 of Rule 14-91.007 are amended to read:

    (3) Scope of Services Requirements. The Department shall develop a request for proposal scope of services which furnishes sufficient information for Design-Build Firms to upon which Firms may prepare technical and price bid proposals and which sets forth the technical proposal evaluation criteria. The request for proposal will set forth the scope of services requirements, submittal requirements, and evaluation criteria. The request for proposal will be provided within the project advertisement for Low Bid Design-Build Projects and will be provided to all short-listed firms for Adjusted Score Design-Build and Factored Design-Build Projects.

    (4) Bid Proposal Requirements. Bid proposals are required for all Design-Build Projects and shall consist of a sealed technical proposal and a separately sealed price proposal. The technical proposal and price proposal must will be received by the Department by the deadline stated in the request for proposal stipulated in the public announcement.

    (a) Technical Proposal. A technical proposal shall include all information requested in response to the request for proposals.

    (b) Price Proposal. A price proposal shall include one lump sum for all costs of the Design-Build Pproject as defined by the request for proposal scope of services requirements. Examples of such services are: design, permits, construction engineering and inspection and construction of the proposed project.

    (5) Technical Review Committee. Proposal evaluators will be assigned to a A Technical Review Committee with will be assigned the responsibility to review and evaluate the letters of interest on Adjusted Score Design-Build Projects and Factored Design-Build Projects and review technical proposals on all Design-Build Projects (Adjusted Score, Factored, and Low Bid) in accordance with the provisions of the public advertisement and request for proposal. Proposal evaluators The members of the Technical Review Committee will be designated by the appropriate Director, or designee, based on the nature of the work requested and the complexity of the Design-Build Pproject. When non-Department personnel serve on the Technical Review Committee, Department personnel shall constitute the majority unless otherwise approved by the appropriate Director. No employee of a Design-Build Ffirm pursuing a Design-Build Pproject under consideration will serve as a proposal evaluator on the Technical Review Committee.

    (6) Project Selection Committee. The Department will establish a Project Selection Committee to review submissions on all Design-Build Projects. The Technical Review Committee’s evaluations will be submitted to the Project Selection Committee. The Project Selection Committee will review the Technical Review Committee’s evaluations during a publically held meeting. If the Project Selection Committee discovers a material error or omission in the evaluation(s) of one or more proposal evaluators that is not resolved through questioning of the proposal evaluators during the public meeting, the Project Selection Committee will return the submissions to the Technical Review Committee for further evaluation and potential corrections to the evaluations. Upon the Project Selection Committee’s determination that the Technical Review Committee has accurately evaluated all submitted letters of interests and proposals, the Project Selection Committee will award the Design-Build Project to the qualified bidder with the best overall score. The Project Selection Committee will not award the project and will reject all bids if it determines after reviewing all submissions that pursuing the Design-Build Project will not be in the best interest of the public.

Document Information

Related Rules: (1)
14-91.007. Selection and Award Process