1. The Committee will meet regarding the general business of the Committee. 2. Such other matters as may be included on the Agenda for the December 12, 2017, Telephonic Audit Committee Meeting. ; December 12, 2017 – 3:00 p.m. until adjourned; ...  

Document Information

Hearing Meeting:
Telephonic Meeting Call In Number: 888-670-3525 Conference Code: 1388252907
1. The Committee will meet regarding the general business of the Committee. 2. Such other matters as may be included on the Agenda for the December 12, 2017, Telephonic Audit Committee Meeting.
telephone conference call
Approximately two days prior to the meeting by contacting Sheila Freaney, Board Liaison, Florida Housing Finance Corporation, 227 North Bronough Street, Suite 5000, Tallahassee, Florida 32301-1329, phone number (850) 488-4197, or by visiting the Corporation’s website at www.floridahousing.org.