PROJECT DESCRIPTION: St. Lucie County; Constructing a vertical Incident Management Office building at the
BID OPENING: The Florida Department of Transportation District 4 announces sealed bids will be received until 2:00 p.m., (local time) on Friday, March 7, 2008, The Procurement Office, First Floor, State of
NOTE: Bid packages will not be issued after 2:00 p.m., on Thursday, March 6, 2008.
NOTE: Contractors must be a Licensed General Contractor and shall have at least three years Office type project related experience and/or a minimum five years related experience.
BID POSTING: NOTE: Bidders are hereby notified that all bids on any of the above projects are likely to be rejected if the lowest responsive bid received exceeds the engineers estimate by more than ten percent. In the event any of the bids are rejected for this reason, the project may be deferred for re-advertising for bids until such a time that a more competitive situation exists.
Unless bidders are notified by certified mail or express delivery, return receipt, the summary of bids and the Departments decision to accept and award or reject all bids for this project will be posted at the District Four Office,
ORDERING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS INSTRUCTIONS: Bid packages will be available on February 25, 2008. To order documents, complete the FDOT official Fax Order Request Form found on the website: and fax to the number on the fax form. Charges are $31 set of plans and $9 set of specifications. You may use a credit card or send a check made payable to Florida Department of Transportation to: Attn: Lizz Holmes, Procurement Supervisor, FDOT District 4 Headquarters, 3400 West Commercial Boulevard, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309-3421.
For questions or preliminary bid opening results call Lizz Holmes, Procurement Supervisor at (954)777-4650.
BID BOND: The Department will accept sealed bids from qualified bondable contractors. A Proposal Guaranty of not less than five percent of the total actual bid in the form of either a certified check, cashiers check, trust company treasurer's check, bank draft of any national or state bank, or a Surety Bid Bond made payable to the Department of Transportation must accompany each bid in excess of $100,000.00. A check or draft in an amount less than five percent of the actual bid will invalidate the bid. Use the Bid Bond furnished with the proposal forms.
The Department strongly urges the use of Disadvantaged Business Enterprises and Minority Business Enterprises.
BONDING: A 5% Bid Bond is required for bids over $100,000. The awarded contractor shall provide at time of award a Contract Bond for the full amount of the awarded bid amount, Contract Affidavit, Power of Attorney and Contractors Affidavit Vehicle Registration.
INSURANCE: The awarded contractor shall provide certification of insurance and keep in force the applicable insurances as noted in the specifications for the duration of the contract. The Department of Transportation must be endorsed as additional insured with regards to General Liability.
BID SOLICITATION PROTEST RIGHTS: Pursuant to DOT Rule Chapter 28-110, Florida Administrative Code, and Section 337.11, Florida Statutes, any person adversely affected by a bid solicitation shall file both a notice of protest and bond within 72 hours of the receipt of the bid documents, and shall file a formal written protest within ten days after filing the notice of protest. The formal written protest shall state with particularity the facts and law upon which the protest is based. Any person who files a notice of protest as to a bid solicitation pursuant to this rule shall post with the Department, at the time of filing the notice of protest, a bond payable to the Department in the following amounts: for an action protesting a bid solicitation for which bidders must be pre-qualified by the Department to be eligible to bid, the Bond shall be $5,000.00; for an action protesting a bid solicitation, bid rejection, or contract award that does not require qualification of bidders, the bond shall be $2,500.00. The required notice of protest, bond, and formal protest must each be timely filed with the Clerk of Agency Proceedings, Florida Department of Transportation, Mail Station 58, Room 550, 605 Suwannee Street, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0458, telephone number (850)414- 5393. Failure to file a protest within the time prescribed in Section 120.57(3), Florida Statutes, shall constitute a waiver of proceedings under Chapter 120, Florida Statutes.
A protest is not timely filed unless the notice of protest, bond, and the formal protest are each received by the Clerk of Agency Proceedings within the required time limits.
AWARD/NON AWARD PROTEST RIGHTS: Any person who feels they are adversely affected by the intended decision of the Department to award a contract or to reject all bids shall file, with the Clerk of Agency Proceedings, Florida Department of Transportation, 605 Suwannee Street, Room 550, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0458, telephone number (850)414-5393, both a notice of protest and bond within 72 hours after the posting of the Summary of Bids. If notice of intended decision is given by certified mail or express delivery, the adversely affected person must file both the notice of protest and bond within 72 hours after receipt of the notice of intent. At the time of filing the notice of protest, a bond payable to the Department in the following amounts: for an action protesting a bid rejection or contract award that requires pre-qualification of bidders, the bond shall be equal to one percent of the lowest bid submitted or $5,000.00, whichever is greater. For an action protesting a bid solicitation, bid rejection, or contract award that does not require pre-qualification of bidders, the bond shall be $2,500.00. Additionally, a formal written protest must be filed within ten days after filing the notice of protest. The formal written protest shall state with particularity the facts and law upon which the protest is based. All protests must be submitted in accordance with Section 337.11, Florida Statutes, and Rule Chapter 28-110, Florida Administrative Code. Failure to file a protest within the time prescribed in Section 120.57(3), Florida Statutes, shall constitute a waiver of proceedings under Chapter 120, Florida Statutes.
A protest is not timely filed unless the notice of protest, bond, and the formal protest are each received by the Clerk of Agency Proceedings within the required time limits. A protest which is filed prematurely will be deemed abandoned unless timely renewed.
MINIMUM WAGE: Wage Rates: Pursuant to the Fair Labor Standards Act, the Minimum Wage Rates for the project(s) included in this Notice shall be $6.79 per hour.
The right is reserved to reject any or all bids.