Department of Education, University of Florida  

  • Notice of Bid

    The University of Florida, Purchasing and Disbursement Services will receive sealed bids for the following: ITB10MB-135, Jennings West & Annex Electrical Distribution & Fire Alarm, estimated budget: $230,000, to be opened March 24, 2010, 2:00 p.m., 101 Elmore Hall, Radio Road, Gainesville, FL. Scope of work: The work includes all materials, labor and equipment described in the contract documents which includes: demolition, penetration firestopping, electrical and fire alarm work. Mandatory pre-bid meeting will be held February 18, 2010, 2:00 p.m., in the Jennings Annex, Museum Road, Gainesville, FL. Questions should be directed to: Lisa Pennington, or (352)392-1331. For more information visit

    AMERICANS WITH DISABILITY ACT OF 1991 – If special accommodations are needed in order to attend the Pre-Bid Meeting or the Bid opening, contact Purchasing, or (352)392-1331 within three (3) days of the event.

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