11B-35.001(6)(a): Removes the requirement to provide printed copies of the Florida Statutes and Florida handbook on jury instructions because the resources are available online (the 2014 Curriculum will include links to these resources). 11B-35....
Criminal Justice Standards and Training Commission
11B-35.001General Training Programs; Requirements and Specifications
11B-35.0011Requirements for Applicant Admission into a Law Enforcement, Correctional, and Correctional Probation Basic Recruit Training Program
11B-35.002Basic Recruit Training Programs for Law Enforcement, Correctional, and Correctional Probation
11B-35.0021Courses and Requirements for Basic Recruit Training, Advanced, and Instructor Training Requiring Proficiency Demonstration
11B-35.0024Student Performance in Commission-approved High-Liability Basic Recruit Training Courses and Instructor Training Courses Requiring Proficiency Demonstration
11B-35.003Basic Recruit Training Programs for Law Enforcement, Correctional, and Correctional Probation Auxiliary Training
11B-35.007Specialized Training Program
11B-35.009Exemption from Basic Recruit Training
PURPOSE AND EFFECT: 11B-35.001(6)(a): Removes the requirement to provide printed copies of the Florida Statutes and Florida handbook on jury instructions because the resources are available online (the 2014 Curriculum will include links to these resources).
11B-35.001(9)(d)1. and 11B-35.007(4)(i): Retires the 400-hour Canine Team Training Course number 1112 effective 11/6/13 and replaces with the updated 480-hour Canine Team Training Course number 1198 effective 11/7/13 (this course is not a Commission mandated certification and is optional for an agency to have its canine team complete the Canine Team Training Course).
11B-35.001(10): Deletes the implementation phase of the Florida CMS Correctional Basic Recruit Training Program due to the completed implementation on July 1, 2012, and adds rule language to allow for implementation of the new Correctional Probation Basic Recruit Training Program in 2015.
11B-35.001(15)(b): Moves the Physical Fitness Assessment rule language in subsection 11B-35.0011(2), F.A.C., to paragraph 11B-35.001(15)(b)., F.A.C., under Physical Fitness Assessment.
11B-35.001(16): Makes grammatical revisions.
11B-35.0011: Revises the title to remove the correctional probation discipline (correctional probation officers are no longer required to take the Basic Abilities Test).
11B-35.0011(1)(i): Moves American with Disabilities Act rule language from paragraph 11B-35.0011(1)(i), F.A.C. to subsection 11B-35.0011(2), F.A.C.
11B-35.0011(2): Moves rule language regarding the American with Disabilities Act in paragraph 11B-35.0011(1)(i), F.A.C. to subsection 11B-35.0011(2), F.A.C., and moves the Physical Fitness Assessment rule language from subsection 11B-35.0011(2), F.A.C., to paragraph 11B-35.001(15)(b)., F.A.C., under Physical Fitness Assessment.
11B-35.002(1)(a)3. & 13.: Retires the Florida CMS Law Enforcement Basic Recruit Training Program number 1177, and replaces with the new Florida Law Enforcement Academy Program number 2000.
11B-35.002(3): Removes the word “sequencing” for instruction of a basic recruit training course because it conflicts with competency-based instruction in subsection 11B-35.001(12), F.A.C.
11B-35.002(5)(e): Retires the Florida CMS Law Enforcement Basic Recruit Training Program number 1177, effective June 30, 2014.
11B-35.002(5)(f)1.-18.: Adds the new Florida Law Enforcement Academy Program number 2000 to replace the retired Florida CMS Law Enforcement Basic Recruit Training Program number 1177, effective July 1, 2014.
11B-35.002(5)(g)-(h): Renumbers the rule paragraphs.
11B-35.002(6)(f)3.: Retires the Law Enforcement Officer Cross-Over Training to Florida Correctional Probation Basic Recruit Training Program number 1184, effective June 30, 2014, at the request of the Department of Corrections.
11B-35.002(6)(f)4.: Clarifies the training required for a law enforcement officer to become a correctional probation officer.
11B-35.002(6)(f)5.: Updates the paragraph number.
11B-35.0021: Adds “Specialized” to the title of Rule 11B-35.0021, F.A.C., to include Specialized Training Program Courses.
11B-35.0021(1): Adds “Program” to the name of the “High-Liability Basic Recruit Training Program Courses” for consistency with other rule language.
11B-35.0021(4)(d): Adds the new Canine Team Training Instructor Course number 1199 to the Specialized Instructor Courses category.
11B-35.0021(6): Adds the Specialized Training Program Courses category and new Canine Team Training Course number 1198.
11B-35.0021(8): Adds the Specialized Training Program Courses category to require instructor to student ratios for instruction of proficiency skills for specialized training courses and rearranges the training programs in the order of the training programs in subsections 11B-35.0021(1)-(6), F.A.C.
11B-35.0021(7)(h): Adds the instructor to student ratio requirements for instruction of the new Underwater Police Science and Technology course number 077 for students actively engaged in water activities and adds the definition of “actively engaged.”
11B-35.0021(7)(i): Adds the instructor to student ratio requirements for instruction of the new Canine Team Training Course number 1198 for canine teams actively engaged in canine team patrol activities and adds the definition of “actively engaged.”
11B-35.0021(7)(j): Adds the instructor to student ratio requirements for instruction of the new Canine Team Training Instructor Course number 1199 for canine teams actively engaged in canine team patrol activities and adds the definition of “actively engaged.”
11B-35.0024(3)(a)2.: Revises the CMS Defensive Tactics Performance Evaluation form CJSTC-6 CMS to allow the instructor to sign the evaluator’s name and initials for the first exercise and then draw an arrow through the remaining exercises to avoid repetitive signatures and initials, and revises the restrain device, Frisks and Searches, and Ground Escapes techniques to conform with the current curriculum.
11B-35.0024(3)(g)2.: Revises the CMS Vehicle Operations Performance Evaluation form CJSTC-7 CMS to update the performance requirements (added Tactical Backing Exercise; for Nighttime Emergency Reverse Serpentine, allows the sirens to be optional; and changes “Threshold Braking” to “Braking)” to conform with the current curriculum.
11B-35.0024(4): Adds the Underwater Police Science and Technology course number 077, Canine Team Training Course number 1198, and Canine Team Training Instructor Course number 1199, that require demonstration of proficiency skills.
11B-35.0024(4)(a)2.: Revises the DUI Traffic Stops Performance Evaluation form CJSTC-13 CMS, to include the Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus Test, Walk-and-Turn Test, and the One-Leg Stand Test to conform with the current curriculum.
11B-35.0024(4)(b): Revises the Speed Measurement Operator Performance Report form CJSTC-11, to allow the instructor, in addition to the training center director or designee, to approve successful completion of the field practical portion of training to assist the training center director with processing performance reports.
11B-35.0024(4)(c)2.: Revises the Speed Measurement Device Instructor Field Evaluation form CJSTC-10, to allow the training center director or designee to approve the successful demonstration of a speed measurement device to assist the training center director with processing the evaluations.
11B-35.0024(4)(j): Adds the required written end-of-course examination and demonstration of proficiency skills for the new Underwater Police Science and Technology course number 077.
11B-35.0024(4)(j): Creates the new Criminal Justice Diver Performance Evaluation form CJSTC-19 to record the Underwater Police Science and Technology performance evaluations to conform with the current curriculum.
11B-35.0024(4)(k): Substantially rewrites the Canine Performance Evaluation form CJSTC-83, by reformatting the form, clarifying the proficiency demonstrations, including an attestment for both the evaluators and applicant, adding additional training information, and revising the canine performance requirements to conform with the current curriculum.
11B-35.0024(4)(l)1.: Adds the training requirements for successfully completing the new Canine Team Instructor Course number 1199.
11B-35.0024(4)(l)2.: Creates the new Canine Team Instructor Performance Evaluation form CJSTC-20 for evaluating canine teams and provides the requirements for completing the Canine Team Training Course number 1199 to become a Canine Team Training Instructor to conform with the current curriculum.
11B-35.003(8)-(9): Updates rule references.
11B-35.007(2)(b)10.: Revises the Specialized Training Documentation form CJSTC-16 to correspond with the changes in subparagraph 11B-35.007(2)(b)9., F.A.C., i.e., reduces the minimum number of course hours from 4 to zero hours, and reduces the maximum hours of electives from 8 to 4 hours used for each forty hours of course instruction.
11B-35.007(3)(l): Retires the 40-hour Canine Team Training Instructor Course number 1107 effective 11/6/13, and adds the new 80-Canine Team Training Instructor course number 1199 effective 11/7/13.
11B-35.007(4)(i): Increases the number of hours for the Canine Team Training Course from 400 to 480 to reflect the actual number of hours required in the field to instruct the Canine Team Training Course and changes the course number from 1112 to 1198 - this course is not a Commission mandated certification and is optional for an agency to have its canine team complete the Canine Team Training Course.
11B-35.007(4)(ee): Adds the new STEP Course for Red Light Cameras number 1197 to the list of Specialized Training Program courses.
11B-35.009(3)(a): Updates the topics required for training comparable to the Florida Law Enforcement Academy program to conform with the current curriculum.
11B-35.009(3)(b): Updates the topics required for training comparable to the Florida CMS Correctional Basic Recruit Training Program to conform with the current curriculum.
11B-35.009(3)(c): Updates the topics required for training comparable to the Florida Correctional Probation Basic Recruit Training Program to conform with the current curriculum.
11B-35.009(5): Revises the Equivalency-of Training form CJSTC-76 to update the comparable training for the law enforcement, correctional, and correctional probation basic recruit training programs and to clarify the procedures for submitting form CJSTC-76 to Commission staff.
SUMMARY: Deletes the requirement to provide printed copies of the Florida Statutes and Florida handbook on jury instructions; retires the 400-hour Canine Team Training course 1112 and adds the 480-hour Canine Team Training Course 1198; deletes the implementation phase of the Florida CMS Correctional Basic Recruit Training Program implements the new Correctional Probation Basic Recruit Training Program in 2015; relocates Physical Fitness Assessment rule language to the appropriate rule section; makes grammatical and paragraph number revisions; removes reference to “correctional probation” in Rule 11B-35.0011, F.A.C., rule title; retires the Florida CMS Law Enforcement Basic Recruit Training Program and adds the new Florida Law Enforcement Academy Program; removes “sequencing” from the instruction of a basic recruit training; retires the Law Enforcement Officer Cross-Over Training to Florida Correctional Probation Basic Recruit Training Program; specifies the training required for a law enforcement officer to become a correctional probation officer; revises the title of Rule 11B-35.0021, F.A.C., to add “Specialized Training Program Courses”; adds “Program” to the title of High-Liability Basic Recruit Training Program Courses; retires the 40-hour Canine Team Training Instructor Course 1107 and adds the updated 80-hour Canine Team Training Instructor Course 1199; adds the Specialized Training Program Courses category; adds Specialized Training Program Courses category and updated Canine Team Training Course; adds the Specialized Training Program Courses category; adds Specialized Training Program Courses category and updated Canine Team Training Course; adds the Specialized Training Program Courses category to require instructor to student ratios for instruction of proficiency skills; adds the instructor to student ratio requirements for instruction for the new Underwater Police Science and Technology course; adds the instructor to student ratio requirements for instruction of the new Canine Team Training Course; adds the instructor to student ratio requirements for instruction of the new Canine Team Training Instructor Course; revises the CMS Defensive Tactics Performance Evaluation form CJSTC-6 CMS; revises the CMS Vehicle Operations Performance Evaluation form CJSTC-7 CMS; adds demonstration of proficiency skills for the Underwater Police Science and Technology course; revises the DUI Traffic Stops Performance Evaluation form CJSTC-13 CMS; revises the Speed Measurement Operator Performance Report form CJSTC-11; revises the Speed Measurement Device Instructor Field Evaluation for CJSTC-10; adds the written end-of-course examination and demonstration of proficiency skills requirements for the new Underwater Police Science and Technology; creates the new Criminal Justice Diver Performance Evaluation form CJSTC-19; rewrites the Canine Performance Evaluation form CJSTC-83; adds the training requirements for successfully completing the new Canine Team Instructor Course; creates the new Canine Team Instructor Performance Evaluation form CJSTC-20; revises the Specialized Training Documentation form CJSTC-16; increases the number of hours for the Canine Team Training Instructor Course from 40 to 80; adds the new STEP Course for Red Light Cameras to the Specialized Training Program courses; updates the topics for equivalency-of-training for correctional officers; updates the topics for equivalency-of-training for correctional probation officers; revises the Equivalency-of-Training form CJSTC-76; and updates rule references and renumbers paragraphs.
The Agency has determined that this will not have an adverse impact on small business or likely increase directly or indirectly regulatory costs in excess of $200,000 in the aggregate within one year after the implementation of the rule. A SERC has not been prepared by the Agency.
The Agency has determined that the proposed rule is not expected to require legislative ratification based on the statement of estimated regulatory costs or if no SERC is required, the information expressly relied upon and described herein: OTHER RULES INCORPORATING THIS RULE: N/A. EFFECT ON THOSE OTHER RULES: N/A The proposed rule is not expected to exceed any of the criteria set forth in Section 120.541(2)(a), F.S., and thus, a legislative ratification is not required under Section 120.541(3), F.S. This determination is based upon the nature of the subject matter of the proposed amendment.
Any person who wishes to provide information regarding a statement of estimated regulatory costs, or provide a proposal for a lower cost regulatory alternative must do so in writing within 21 days of this notice.
RULEMAKING AUTHORITY: 943.03(4)943.03(4), 943.12(1), (2), 943.14(3), 943.17 FS.
LAW IMPLEMENTED: 943.12943.12, 943.12(5), 943.131(2), 943.17(1)(a), 943.17, 943.175, 943.25 FS.
DATE AND TIME: Friday, March 7, 2014, 10:00 a.m.
PLACE: Florida Department of Law Enforcement, Criminal Justice Professionalism, 2331 Phillips Road, Room B1055, Tallahassee, Florida 32308
Pursuant to the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act, any person requiring special accommodations to participate in this workshop/meeting is asked to advise the agency at least 5 days before the workshop/meeting by contacting: Donna Hunt at (850)410-8615 or donnahunt@fdle.state.fl.us or write to Florida Department of Law Enforcement, Criminal Justice Professionalism, 2331 Phillips Road, Tallahassee, Florida 32308. If you are hearing or speech impaired, please contact the agency using the Florida Relay Service, 1(800)955-8771 (TDD) or 1(800)955-8770 (Voice).
THE PERSON TO BE CONTACTED REGARDING THE PROPOSED RULE IS: Donna Hunt at (850)410-8615, or donnahunt@fdle.state.fl.us or write to Florida Department of Law Enforcement, Criminal Justice Professionalism, 2331 Phillips Road, Tallahassee, Florida 32308
11B-35.001 General Training Programs; Requirements and Specifications.
(1) through (5) No change.
(6) For the Florida CMS Law Enforcement Basic Recruit Training Program, Cross-Over Programs to Florida CMS Law Enforcement Basic Recruit Training Program, and CMS Law Enforcement Auxiliary Prerequisite Course effective April 1, 2008, the training center director shall:
(a) Ensure that each student is taught from and has printed class materials to include the current copy of the curriculum, Florida Statutes, Florida handbook on jury instructions, and CJSTC Course Summary. These materials are to be provided prior to or at the start of the program.
(7) through (8) No change.
(9) Student academic performance in courses.
(a) through (c) No change.
(d) Specialized Instructor Training Courses outlined in subsection 11B-35.007(3), F.A.C., and the following Specified Specialized Training Program Courses require an end-of-course examination:
Course Number
Course Title
Course Hours
Canine Team Training Course (Retired 11/6/13)
Canine Team Training Course
2. through 13. No change.
(e) No change.
(10) Implementation of the new Correctional Probation Basic Recruit Training Program Florida CMS Correctional Basic Recruit Training Programs. The Commission is preparing a significant update to the Commission-approved Correctional Probation Basic Recruit Training Program to be implemented in 2015. This program and courses are based on a statewide job-task analysis and provides an enhanced learning environment. Delivery of the program shall comply with the requirements set forth in the Commission’s new approved Correctional Probation Basic Recruit Training Curriculum.
(a) Each training school that offers a Florida CMS Correctional Basic Recruit Training Program shall deliver all course materials included in the training program. Delivery and sequencing of the course materials shall comply with the requirements set forth in the Commission’s approved Florida CMS Correctional Basic Recruit Training Curriculum.
(b) Finalization and field delivery of these course materials are necessary to evaluate the programs before certain course criteria can be established and final rules adopted. To accomplish these goals the Commission:
1. Authorizes implementation of the Florida CMS Correctional Basic Recruit Training Program effective July 1, 2012.
2. Approves the continued delivery of the Traditional Correctional Basic Recruit Training Program. Notwithstanding subsection 11B-27.002(4), F.A.C., a basic recruit student enrolled in a Commission-approved Traditional Correctional Basic Recruit Training Program, with a beginning date prior to July 1, 2012, shall be allowed to continue in that program until the student successfully completes, fails, or withdraws from the program.
(c) Florida CMS Correctional State Officer Certification Examination SOCE. Notwithstanding subsection 11B-27.002(4), F.A.C., a basic recruit student who successfully completes the Florida CMS Correctional BRTP is eligible to apply for and take the Florida CMS Correctional SOCE pursuant to Rule 11B-30.0062, F.A.C.
(d) Notwithstanding subsection 11B-27.002(4), F.A.C., a basic recruit student enrolled in one of the following Commission-approved Cross-Over Basic Recruit Training Programs with a beginning date prior to July 1, 2012, shall be allowed to continue in the program until the student successfully completes, fails, or withdraws from the program.
1. Law Enforcement Officer Cross-Over Training to Traditional Correctional Basic Recruit Training Program, number 1181 (Retired 6/30/12).
2. Correctional Probation Officer Cross-Over Training to Traditional Correctional Basic Recruit Training Program, number 1182 (Retired 6/30/12).
3. Correctional Officer Cross-Over Training to Florida CMS Law Enforcement Basic Recruit Training Program, number 1178 (Retired 6/30/12).
4. Correctional Officer Cross-Over Training to Traditional Correctional Basic Recruit Training Program, number 1183.
(11) through (14) No change.
(15) Basic Recruit Student Physical Fitness Program.
(a) No change.
(b) Basic Recruit Student Physical Fitness Test and Chemical Agent Exposure. Prior to beginning a Florida CMS Law Enforcement, Florida CMS Correctional, or Florida Correctional Probation Basic Recruit Training Program, a student shall receive a physical examination and complete the Physical Fitness Assessment form CJSTC-75B, which shall be maintained in the student or course file at the training school. Prior to beginning a Florida CMS Law Enforcement, Florida CMS Correctional, or Florida Correctional Probation Basic Recruit Training Program, a student shall complete the Physical Fitness Assessment form CJSTC-75B.
(c) No change.
(16) Proof of course completion. A training school shall, within thirty days following the completion of a Commission-approved Basic Recruit, Advanced, or Specialized Training Program Course, provide to a student who has successfully completed the program, a certificate, which shall contain at a minimum, the name of the training school, the student’s name, the dates of the program or course, the number of program or course hours, the title of the Basic Recruit, Advanced, or Specialized Training Program Course, and the current training center director’s signature. Basic Recruit Training Completion Certificates shall contain the Curriculum Version Number for the course taught. The In addition to a certificate, the training school shall provide a certificate to a student, who has successfully completed a Commission-approved Basic Recruit Training Program, and the student shall will be required to pass the State Officer Certification Examination.
Rulemaking Authority 943.03(4), 943.12(1), (2), 943.17 FS. Law Implemented 943.12, 943.17 FS. History–New 12-13-92, Amended 8-7-94, 1-2-97, 7-7-99, 8-22-00, 7-29-01, 11-5-02, 11-30-04, 3-27-06, 3-21-07, 6-9-08, 9-28-09, 6-3-10, 5-21-12, 3-13-13,_________.
11B-35.0011 Basic Abilities Test Requirements for Applicant Admission into a Law Enforcement and Correctional, Correctional, and Correctional Probation Basic Recruit Training Program.
(1) Basic Abilities Test. To comply with Section 943.17(1)(g), F.S., applicants who apply for entry into a Commission-approved Basic Recruit Training Program after January 1, 2002, shall obtain a passing score on a Commission-approved Basic Abilities Test (BAT) for the law enforcement or correctional disciplines, prior to entering a program. The BAT shall be administered in the state of Florida.
(a) through (h) No change.
(i) Requests for accommodations pursuant to the American with Disabilities Act shall be governed by subsection 11B-30.0071(4), F.A.C. Determinations as to eligibility for accommodations shall be made by the individual BAT providers on a case-by-case basis.
(2) Requests for accommodations pursuant to the American with Disabilities Act shall be governed by subsection 11B-30.0071(4), F.A.C. Determinations as to eligibility for accommodations shall be made by the individual BAT providers on a case-by-case basis. Basic Recruit Student Physical Fitness Test and Chemical Agent Exposure. Prior to beginning a Florida CMS Law Enforcement, Florida CMS Correctional, or Florida Correctional Probation Basic Recruit Training Program, a student shall receive a physical examination and complete the Physical Fitness Assessment form CJSTC-75B, which shall be maintained in the student or course file at the training school.
Rulemaking Authority 943.03(4), 943.12(1), (2) FS. Law Implemented 943.17 FS. History–New 7-29-01. Amended 11-5-02, 11-30-04, 3-21-07, 6-9-08, 5-21-12, 3-13-13,__________.
11B-35.002 Basic Recruit Training Programs for Law Enforcement, Correctional, and Correctional Probation.
(1) There are established by the Criminal Justice Standards and Training Commission, Basic Recruit Training Programs (BRTP) that provide the minimum required knowledge and proficiency skills necessary for officer employment and certification pursuant to Sections 943.10(1)-(3), F.S. Individuals who apply for employment as a Florida law enforcement, correctional, or correctional probation officer, shall successfully complete one of the following Commission-approved Basic Recruit Training Programs:
Law Enforcement Discipline
1. through 2. No change.
Florida CMS Law Enforcement BRTP
4. through 12. No change.
Florida Law Enforcement Academy
(b) through (c) No change.
(2) No change.
(3) Each training school that offers a Commission-approved Basic Recruit Training Program, pursuant to this rule section, shall deliver all course materials included in the program. Delivery and sequencing of the course materials shall comply with the requirements set forth in the Commission’s approved Basic Recruit Training Curriculum.
(4) No change.
(5) Commission-approved Basic Recruit Training Programs. Pursuant to Section 943.12, F.S., Commission-approved Basic Recruit Training Programs establish the minimum required entry-level training for law enforcement, correctional, and correctional probation officers. Individuals who are requesting employment as an officer, and have not had previous basic recruit training or have not been certified as an officer in the discipline for which certification is sought, and have met the requirements of Sections 943.13(1)-(8) and (11), 943.14(7), and 943.17(1)(g), F.S., shall successfully complete a Commission-approved Basic Recruit Training Program pursuant to this rule section. The Commission’s Basic Recruit Training Programs are:
(a) through (d) No change.
(e) Florida CMS Law Enforcement Basic Recruit Training Program number 1177 Retired June 30, 2014. (Effective April 1, 2008):
Course Name
Course Hours
Introduction to Law Enforcement
Human Issues
Patrol 1
Patrol 2
Crime Scene Investigations
Criminal Investigations
Traffic Stops
DUI Traffic Stops
Traffic Crash Investigations
CMS Law Enforcement Vehicle Operations
CMS First Aid for Criminal Justice Officers
CMS Criminal Justice Firearms
CMS Criminal Justice Defensive Tactics
Dart-Firing Stun Gun
Criminal Justice Officer Physical Fitness Training
(f) Florida Law Enforcement Academy number 2000 (Effective July 1, 2014):
Course Name
Course Hours
Introduction to Law Enforcement
Interactions in a Diverse Community
Interviewing and Report Writing
Fundamentals of Patrol
Calls for Service
Criminal Investigations
Crime Scene to Courtroom
Critical Incidents
Traffic Stops
DUI Traffic Stops
Traffic Crash Investigations
CMS Law Enforcement Vehicle Operations
CMS First Aid for Criminal Justice Officers
CMS Criminal Justice Firearms
CMS Criminal Justice Defensive Tactics
Dart-Firing Stun Gun
Criminal Justice Officer Physical Fitness Training
(g)(f) Florida Correctional Probation Basic Recruit Training Program number 1176, Version 2008.04 (Effective July 1, 2012):
1. through 9 No change.
(h)(g) Florida CMS Correctional Basic Recruit Training Program number 1190, (Effective July 1, 2012):
1. through 12. No change.
(6) Commission-approved Basic Recruit Cross-Over Training Programs. The Commission has established basic recruit cross-over training programs to provide lateral movement of officers between criminal justice disciplines.
(a) through (e) No change.
(f) Correctional Probation Cross-Over Basic Recruit Training Programs.
1. through 2. No change.
3. Law Enforcement Officer Cross-Over Training to Florida Correctional Probation Basic Recruit Training Program number 1184 (Retired June 30, 2014) (Effective July 1, 2012). An individual who has successfully completed the Law Enforcement Basic Recruit Training Program and passed the SOCE, shall complete the following courses to satisfy the training requirements to become a correctional probation officer:
Course Name
Course Hours
Law Enforcement Cross-Over to Correctional Probation Legal and Investigations
Law Enforcement Cross-Over to Correctional Probation Caseload Management
Law Enforcement Cross-Over to Correctional Probation Supervision
Correctional Probation Management Information Systems
Cross-Over Program Updates
Law Enforcement Cross-Over to Correctional Probation Officer Wellness
4. A law enforcement officer who requests certification as a correctional probation officer shall successfully complete the Correctional Probation BRTP and pass the SOCE to satisfy the training requirements.
5.4. Correctional Officer Cross-Over Training to Florida Correctional Probation Basic Recruit Training Program number 1183 (Effective July 1, 2012). An individual who has successfully completed the Correctional Basic Recruit Training Program and passed the SOCE, shall complete the following courses to satisfy the training requirements to become a correctional probation officer:
a. through h. No change.
Rulemaking Authority 943.03(4), 943.12(1), (2), 943.17 FS. Law Implemented 943.12, 943.17 FS. History–New 12-13-92, Amended 1-10-94, 8-7-94, 1-2-97, 7-7-99, 8-22-00, 7-29-01, 11-5-02, 11-30-04, 3-27-06, 3-21-07, 6-9-08, 9-28-09, 5-21-12, 3-13-13,_________.
11B-35.0021 Courses and Requirements for Basic Recruit Training, Advanced, Specialized, and Instructor Training Requiring Proficiency Demonstration.
(1) High-Liability Basic Recruit Training Program Courses:
(a) through (e) No change.
(2) through (3) No change.
(4) Specialized Instructor Courses:
(a) through (c) No change.
(d) Canine Team Training Instructor Course, number 1199.
(5) No change.
(6) Specialized Training Program Course: Canine Team Training Course, number 1198.
(7)(6) Applicants shall complete the training requirements set forth in subsections 11B-20.0014(2)-(3), F.A.C., to become certified by the Commission to instruct in the topics of firearms, vehicle operations, defensive tactics, first aid, speed measurement, and breath test.
(8)(7) Instructor to student ratios for instruction of proficiency skills in High-Liability Basic Recruit Training Program Courses, DUI Traffic Stops, High-Liability Instructor Training Courses, Specialized Instructor Courses, Advanced Training Program Courses, and Specialized Training Program Courses, and Specialized Instructor Training Program Courses requiring proficiency demonstration.
(a) through (g) No change.
(h) For instruction of the Underwater Police Science and Technology course, there shall be at least one Commission-certified Criminal Justice Diving Instructor for each eight students actively engaged in water activities. Training centers are permitted to use qualified safety divers in assisting the instructor with water exercises. For each qualified safety diver, two additional students are permitted to actively engage in water activities. A maximum of three qualified safety divers are permitted per instructor. Qualified safety divers shall not be included as an instructor to comply with the instructor to student ratio requirements. Actively engaged is defined as “a student in the water participating in the practical performance of any dive activities.” Qualified safety diver is defined as “an individual who possesses a current Advanced Open Water Dive Certification, is an active or former member of a criminal justice dive team, and is approved by the training center director or designee to assist the instructor with water exercises.” A copy of the Instructor Exemption form CJSTC-82 shall be maintained in the course file.
(i) For instruction of the Canine Team Training Course number 1198, there shall be at least one Commission-certified instructor for eight student canine teams while actively engaged in canine team patrol activities. Individuals approved by the training center director or designee are allowed to assist in canine exercises and assist the instructor during practical exercises and shall not be included as an instructor to comply with the instructor to student ratio requirements. Actively engaged is defined as a canine team actively working and performing practical exercises. A canine team is defined as a student handler and a canine. A copy of the Instructor Exemption form CJSTC-82 shall be maintained in the course file.
(j) For instruction of the Canine Team Training Instructor Course number 1199, there shall be at least one Commission-certified instructor for eight student canine teams while actively engaged in canine team patrol activities. Individuals approved by the agency head or training center director are allowed to assist in canine exercises and assist the instructor during practical exercises. Actively engaged is defined as a canine team actively working and performing practical exercises. A copy of the Instructor Exemption form CJSTC-82 shall be maintained in the course file.
Rulemaking Authority 943.03(4), 943.12(1), (2), 943.14(3), 943.17 FS. Law Implemented 943.12(5), 943.17 FS. History–New 12-13-92, Amended 1-2-97, 7-7-99, 8-22-00, 7-29-01, 11-5-02, 11-30-04, 3-21-07, 6-9-08, 9-28-09, 3-13-13,__________.
11B-35.0024 Student Performance in Commission-approved High-Liability Basic Recruit Training Courses, Instructor Training Courses, and Specialized and Advanced Training Program Courses Requiring Proficiency Demonstration.
(1) through (2) No change.
(3) Successful completion and demonstration of proficiency skills is required for each of the following high-liability courses: CMS Criminal Justice Defensive Tactics Course, CMS Defensive Tactics Instructor Course, CMS Criminal Justice Firearms Course, Cross-Over Handgun Transition Course, CMS Firearms Instructor Course, CMS Law Enforcement Vehicle Operations Course, CMS Vehicle Operations Instructor Course, CMS First Aid for Criminal Justice Officers Course, and CMS First Aid Instructor Course.
(a) CMS Criminal Justice Defensive Tactics Course.
1. No change.
2. A basic recruit student shall achieve a score of no less than 80% on the required written end-of-course examination and demonstrate at 100% proficiency, defensive tactics skills taught by a training school, with the results recorded on the required CMS Defensive Tactics Performance Evaluation, form CJSTC-6 CMS, revised November 7, 2013, effective________, December 16, 2010, (effective 3/2013), hereby incorporated by reference https://www.flrules.org/Gateway/reference.asp?No=Ref_______. Form CJSTC-6 CMS can be obtained at the following FDLE Internet address: http://www.fdle.state.fl.us/Content/CJST/Publications/Professionalism-Program-Forms.aspx, or by contacting Commission staff at (850)410-8615. Form CJSTC-6 CMS shall be maintained in the student or course file.
3. No change.
(b) through (f) No change.
(g) CMS Law Enforcement Vehicle Operations Course.
1. No change.
2. A basic recruit student shall achieve a score of no less than 80% on the required written end-of-course examination and demonstrate the required Vehicle Operations High-Liability Proficiency Skills, with four out of five runs (80%) for each exercise, with the results recorded on the required CMS Vehicle Operations Performance Evaluation, form CJSTC-7 CMS, revised November 7, 2013, effective_________, December 16, 2010, (effective 3/2013), hereby incorporated by reference https://www.flrules.org/Gateway/reference.asp?No=Ref_______. Form CJSTC-7 CMS can be obtained at the following FDLE Internet address: http://www.fdle.state.fl.us/Content/CJST/Publications/Professionalism-Program-Forms.aspx, or by contacting Commission staff at (850) 410-8615. Form CJSTC-7 CMS shall be maintained in the student or course file. Form CJSTC-7 CMS shall be maintained in the student or course file.
(h) No change.
(4) Successful completion and demonstration of proficiency skills is required for each of the following basic recruit, advanced, specialized instructor, or specialized training program courses: DUI Traffic Stops, Speed Measurement Course, Speed Measurement Instructor Course, Breath Test Instructor Course, Breath Test Instructor Renewal Course, Breath Test Operator Course, Breath Test Operator Renewal Course, Agency Inspector Course, and Agency Inspector Renewal Course, Underwater Police Science and Technology course, Canine Team Training Course, and Canine Team Training Instructor Course.
(a) DUI Traffic Stops Course.
1. No change.
2. A basic recruit student shall achieve a score of no less than 80% on the required written end-of-course examination and demonstrate the required DUI Traffic Stops proficiency skills at 100% proficiency, with the results recorded on the required DUI Traffic Stops Performance Evaluation, form CJSTC-13 CMS, created October 30, 2008, revised November 7, 2013, effective________, hereby incorporated by reference https://www.flrules.org/Gateway/reference.asp?No=Ref_______. Form CJSTC-13 CMS can be obtained at the following FDLE Internet address: http://www.fdle.state.fl.us/Content/CJST/Publications/Professionalism-Program-Forms.aspx, or by contacting Commission staff at (850) 410-8615. Form CJSTC-13 CMS shall be maintained in the student or course file.
(b) Speed Measurement Course, number 1158. A student shall achieve a score of no less than 80% on the required written end-of-course examination and demonstrate the required proficiency skills at 100%, with the results recorded on the required Speed Measurement Operator Performance Report form CJSTC-11, revised November 7, 2013, effective________, December 16, 2010, (effective 3/2013), hereby incorporated by reference https://www.flrules.org/Gateway/reference.asp?No=Ref_______. Form CJSTC-11 can be obtained at the following FDLE Internet address: http://www.fdle.state.fl.us/Content/CJST/Publications/Professionalism-Program-Forms.aspx, or by contacting Commission staff at (850) 410-8615. Form CJSTC-11 shall be maintained in the student or course file.
(c) Speed Measurement Instructor Course, number 1159.
1. No change.
2. An instructor student shall achieve a score of no less than 85% on the required written end-of-course examination and demonstrate the required proficiency skills at 100%, with the results recorded on the required Speed Measurement Device Instructor Field Evaluation form CJSTC-10, revised November 7, 2013, effective________, October 30, 2008, hereby incorporated by reference https://www.flrules.org/Gateway/reference.asp?No=Ref_______. Form CJSTC-10 can be obtained at the following FDLE Internet address: http://www.fdle.state.fl.us/Content/CJST/Publications/Professionalism-Program-Forms.aspx, or by contacting Commission staff at (850) 410-8615. A copy of the completed form CJSTC-10 shall be provided to the student and the original form CJSTC-10 shall be maintained in the student or course file.
(d) through (i) No change.
(j) Underwater Police Science and Technology course number 077. A student shall achieve a score of no less than 80% on the required written end-of-course examination and demonstrate the required proficiency skills at 100%, with the results recorded on the required Criminal Justice Diver Performance Evaluation form CJSTC-19, Created November 7, 2013, effective________, hereby incorporated by reference https://www.flrules.org/Gateway/reference.asp?No=Ref_______. Form CJSTC-19 can be obtained at the following FDLE Internet Address: http://www.fdle.state.fl.us/Content/CJST/Publications/Professionalism-Program-Forms.aspx, or by contacting Commission staff at (850) 410-8615. A copy of the completed form shall be provided to the student and the original shall be maintained in the course file.
(k) Canine Team Training Course number 1198. A handler shall achieve a score of no less than 80% on the required written end-of-course examination and demonstrate the required proficiency skills at 100%, with the results recorded on the required Canine Performance Evaluation form CJSTC-83, revised November 7, 2013, effective_______, hereby incorporated by reference https://www.flrules.org/Gateway/reference.asp?No=Ref_______. Form CJSTC-83 can be obtained at the following FDLE Internet Address: http://www.fdle.state.fl.us/Content/CJST/Publications/Professionalism-Program-Forms.aspx, or by contacting Commission staff at (850) 410-8615. A copy of the completed form shall be provided to the student and the original maintained in the course file.
(l) Canine Team Training Instructor Course number 1199.
1. An instructor student shall complete the Canine Team Training Instructor Course requirements pursuant to Rule 11B-20.0014, F.A.C., to instruct the Canine Team Course number 1198 and Canine Team Training Instructor Course number 1199.
2. An instructor student shall achieve a score of no less than 85% on the required written end-of-course examination, demonstrate instruction of one classroom topic from the Canine Team Training Course number 1199, and demonstrate instructing field exercises in obedience, criminal apprehension, building search, area search, and tracking and trailing from the Canine Team Training Course, with the results recorded on the required performance evaluation form. A copy of the completed Canine Team Instructor Performance Evaluation form CJSTC-20, created November 7, 2013, effective_______, hereby incorporated by reference https://www.flrules.org/Gateway/reference.asp?No=Ref_______, shall be provided to the student and the original form CJSTC-20 maintained in the instructor student course file.
Rulemaking Authority 943.03(4), 943.12(1), (2) FS. Law Implemented 943.12, 943.17 FS. History–New 2-17-93, Amended 1-2-97, 7-7-99, 8-22-00, 7-29-01, 11-5-02, 11-30-04, 3-27-06, 3-21-07, 6-9-08, 9-28-09, 6-3-10, 3-13-13,_________.
11B-35.003 Basic Recruit Training Programs for Law Enforcement, Correctional, and Correctional Probation Auxiliary Training.
(1) through (7) No change.
(8) Correctional Auxiliary Officer Basic Recruit Training Program. To become a Correctional Auxiliary Officer an individual shall complete the Florida CMS Correctional Basic Recruit Training Program, number 1190, pursuant to paragraph 11B-35.002(5)(h)(g), F.A.C.
(9) Correctional Probation Auxiliary Officer Basic Recruit Training Program. To become a Correctional Probation Auxiliary Officer an individual shall complete the Florida Correctional Probation Basic Recruit Training Program, number 1176, pursuant to paragraph 11B-35.002(5)(g)(f), F.A.C.
Rulemaking Authority 943.03(4), 943.12(1), (2) FS. Law Implemented 943.12(5), 943.17(1)(a) FS. History–New 12-13-92, Amended 1-2-97, 7-7-99, 8-22-00, 7-29-01, 11-5-02, 11-30-04, 3-27-06, 3-21-07, 6-9-08, 9-28-09, 6-3-10, 3-13-13,__________.
11B-35.007 Specialized Training Program.
(1) No change.
(2) Courses developed from the Specialized Goals and Objectives have been designed to use Commission-established categories, topics, and objectives that encompass subject matter pertinent to training within the criminal justice profession. Such courses shall be developed using a “menu” approach to fulfill local criminal justice agency training needs.
(a) No change.
(b) A training school shall adhere to the following procedures to develop courses from the Specialized Goals and Objectives:
1. through 9. No change.
10. Document the training by completing a Specialized Training Documentation, form CJSTC-16, revised November 7, 2013, effective________, November 8, 2007, hereby incorporated by reference https://www.flrules.org/Gateway/reference.asp?No=Ref_______, and when applicable complete a Specialized Training Documentation Supplemental, form CJSTC-16A, revised May 6, 2004, hereby incorporated by reference. Forms CJSTC-16 and CJSTC-16A can be obtained at the following FDLE Internet address: http://www.fdle.state.fl.us/Content/CJST/Publications/Professionalism-Program-Forms.aspx, or by contacting Commission staff at (850) 410-8615. A training school shall attach the goals and objectives provided by the instructor to form CJSTC-16 and complete “Section A” of the form. Forms CJSTC-16 and CJSTC-16A shall be maintained in the course file at the training school.
(3) Specialized Instructor Training Courses pursuant to paragraph (1)(b) of this rule section. The following Specialized Instructor Training Courses are developed and approved by the Commission for instructor training and shall be delivered in their entirety by a training school for an individual to qualify to apply as a Commission-certified instructor.
(a) through (k) No change.
Canine Team Training Instructor Course (Retired 11/6/13)
Canine Team Training Instructor Course
(m) through (q) No change.
(4) Commission-approved Specialized Training Program Courses pursuant to paragraph (1)(c) of this rule section. The following Commission-approved Specialized Training Program Courses are developed and approved by the Commission and have not been designated as Commission-approved Advanced Training Program Courses:
(a) through (h) No change.
Canine Team Training Course (Retired 11/6/13)
Canine Team Training Course
(j) through (dd) No change.
STEP Course for Red Light Cameras
(5) through (7) No change.
Rulemaking Authority 943.03(4), 943.12(1), (2) FS. Law Implemented 943.175, 943.25 FS. History–New 12-13-92, Amended 8-7-94, 1-2-97, 7-7-99, 8-22-00, 7-29-01, 11-5-02, 11-30-04, 3-27-06, 3-21-07, 6-9-08, 9-28-09, 5-21-12, 3-13-13,__________.
11B-35.009 Exemption from Basic Recruit Training.
(1) through (2) No change.
(3) For individuals who request an exemption from a Commission-approved Basic Recruit Training Program, the employing agency or Criminal Justice Selection Center shall:
(a) Verify that the applicant’s law enforcement training is comparable to the Commission’s Florida Law Enforcement Academy CMS Law Enforcement Basic Recruit Training Program for which the exemption is requested, and at a minimum reflects successful completion of training, pursuant to the Equivalency-of-Training form CJSTC-76, for the topics of Legal, Interactions in a Diverse Community, Interviewing and Report Writing, Communications, Human Issues, Patrol (including Fundamentals, Calls for Service, and Critical Incidents), Criminal Investigations (including Crime Scene and Courtroom), Traffic Stops, Traffic Crash Investigations, Vehicle Operations, First Aid or equivalent, Firearms, and Defensive Tactics.
(b) Verify that the applicant’s correctional officer training is comparable to the Commission’s Florida CMS Correctional Basic Recruit Training Program whenever an exemption is requested, and at a minimum reflects successful completion of training , pursuant to the Equivalency-of-Training form CJSTC-76, for the topics of Legal, Communications, Officer Safety, Facility and Equipment, Intake and Release, Supervising in a Correctional Facility, Supervising Special Populations, Responding to Incidents and Emergencies, Firearms, Defensive Tactics, and First Aid or Equivalent Responding to Emergencies, Correctional Operations, Inmate Supervision, Intake and Release, Officer Safety, Defensive Tactics, First Aid or Equivalent, and Firearms.
(c) Verify that the applicant’s correctional probation officer training is comparable to the Commission’s Florida Correctional Probation Basic Recruit Training Program whenever an exemption is requested, and at a minimum reflects successful completion of training, pursuant to the Equivalency-of-Training form CJSTC-76, for the topics of Legal, Interpersonal Communication Skills, Caseload Management, Supervision, Investigations, Management Information Systems, Defensive Tactics, and First Aid or equivalent, and Firearms.
(d) through (e) No change.
(4) No change.
(5) Documentation requirements for out-of-state, federal, and inactive Florida Officers. Upon verification of an individual’s request for exemption of training, pursuant to this rule section, an employing agency or Criminal Justice Selection Center shall submit to Commission staff a completed Equivalency-of-Training, form CJSTC-76, revised November 7, 2013, effective__________, December 16, 2010, (effective 5/2012), hereby incorporated by reference https://www.flrules.org/Gateway/reference.asp?No=Ref_______, for out-of-state, federal, and inactive Florida Officers. Form CJSTC-76 CMS can be obtained at the following FDLE Internet address: http://www.fdle.state.fl.us/Content/CJST/Publications/Professionalism-Program-Forms.aspx, or by contacting Commission staff at (850)410-8615. Supporting documentation verifying the individual’s compliance with comparable basic recruit training and sworn criminal justice experience pursuant to this rule section shall be maintained on file by the employing agency or Criminal Justice Selection Center and submitted to Commission staff for review. The agency shall be notified of the approval or denial of the requested exemption of certification in writing within 30 working days. Any appeal of denial of exemption is governed by Section 120.57, F.S.
(6) through (9) No change.
Rulemaking Authority 943.03(4), 943.12(1), (2) FS. Law Implemented 943.131(2) FS. History–New 1-2-97, Amended 7-7-99, 11-5-02, 11-30-04, 3-27-06, 3-21-07, 6-9-08, 5-21-12, 3-13-13,__________.
Document Information
- Comments Open:
- 2/12/2014
- Summary:
- Deletes the requirement to provide printed copies of the Florida Statutes and Florida handbook on jury instructions; retires the 400-hour Canine Team Training course 1112 and adds the 480-hour Canine Team Training Course 1198; deletes the implementation phase of the Florida CMS Correctional Basic Recruit Training Program implements the new Correctional Probation Basic Recruit Training Program in 2015; relocates Physical Fitness Assessment rule language to the appropriate rule section; makes ...
- Purpose:
- 11B-35.001(6)(a): Removes the requirement to provide printed copies of the Florida Statutes and Florida handbook on jury instructions because the resources are available online (the 2014 Curriculum will include links to these resources). 11B-35.001(9)(d)1. and 11B-35.007(4)(i): Retires the 400-hour Canine Team Training Course number 1112 effective 11/6/13 and replaces with the updated 480-hour Canine Team Training Course number 1198 effective 11/7/13 (this course is not a Commission ...
- Rulemaking Authority:
- 943.03(4), 943.12(1), (2), 943.14(3), 943.17 FS.
- Law:
- 943.12, 943.12(5), 943.131(2), 943.17(1)(a), 943.17, 943.175, 943.25 FS.
- Contact:
- Donna Hunt at 850-410-8615, or donnahunt@fdle.state.fl.us, or write to Florida Department of Law Enforcement, Criminal Justice Professionalism, 2331 Phillips Road, Tallahassee, Florida 32308.
- Related Rules: (8)
- 11B-35.001. General Training Programs; Requirements and Specifications
- 11B-35.0011. Basic Abilities Requirements for Applicant Admission into a Law Enforcement, Correctional, and Correctional Probation Basic Recruit Training Program
- 11B-35.002. Basic Recruit Training Programs for Law Enforcement, Correctional, and Correctional Probation
- 11B-35.0021. High-Liability Proficiency Courses for Basic Recruit Training and Instructor Training
- 11B-35.0024. Student Performance in Commission-approved High-Liability Basic Recruit Training Courses and High-Liability Instructor Training Courses
- More ...