Other Agencies and Organizations, Hillsborough County Aviation Authority  


    Hillsborough County Aviation Authority

    HCAA Inv to Bid, Project # 7050 07 & 8009 07


    Sealed bids will be received from bidders by the Authority in the Service Building front office located on the second level/red side, Tampa International Airport, for the project listed below, until 10:00 a.m., February 27, 2008, at which time all bids received will be publicly opened and read aloud in the Service Building Lobby Conference Room B, second level/red side:

    Airport NameTampa International Airport

    HCAA Project Number:7050 07 & 8009 07

    FDOT FM Number:414911

    Project Title:Airport Support Area Environmental Remediation Phase 3

    A mandatory pre-bid conference will be held in the Authority boardroom, located in the Landside Terminal Building, third level/blue side on February 13, 2008, 10:30 a.m.

    For more information regarding the bidding of this project, please access the Authority’s website at www.tampaairport.com, Quick Links, Airport Business, Invitation to Bid.

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