An order has been issued on February 7, 2024 that disposes of the petition for temporary, limited waiver of Rule 65D-30.004(6)(c), Florida Administrative Code, from Metro Treatment of Florida, L.P. The Notice of Variances ....



    Substance Abuse Program


    65D-30.004Common Licensing Standards

    The Department of Children and Families hereby gives notice: An order has been issued on February 7, 2024 that disposes of the petition for temporary, limited waiver of paragraph 65D-30.004(6)(c), Florida Administrative Code, from Metro Treatment of Florida, L.P. The Notice of Variances and Waivers was published in Vol. 49, No. 243 of the Florida Administrative Register on December 18, 2023. Paragraph 65D-30.004(6)(c) states in pertinent part that, for the medication and methadone maintenance service component, the maximum number of individuals a medical director may serve is 1,745.

    The petition for temporary, limited waiver was granted until April 1, 2024 because Petitioner demonstrated a substantial hardship and that the underlying purpose of the statutes will likely be achieved.

    A copy of the Order or additional information may be obtained by contacting: Agency Clerk, Department of Children and Families, 2415 North Monroe Street, Suite 400, Tallahassee, FL 32303 or


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Related Rules: (1)
65D-30.004. Common Licensing Standards