NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on January 19, 2006 the Division of Hotels and Restaurants received a Petition for an Emergency Variance for paragraph 61C-4.0161(2)(c) and subsections 61C-4.0161(4),(5), Florida Administrative Codes from Florida Auto ...  

  • NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on January 19, 2006, Division of Hotels and Restaurants NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on January 19, 2006 the Division of Hotels and Restaurants received a Petition for an Emergency Variance for paragraph 61C-4.0161(2)(c) and subsections 61C-4.0161(4),(5), Florida Administrative Codes from Florida Auto Auction of Orlando located in Ocoee. The above referenced F.A.C. addresses self-sufficient mobile food dispensing vehicles and their operation. They are requesting a temporary variance to operate a mobile unit(s) with direct connection to the City of Ocoee for water and sewage disposal until the permanent structure is constructed. This variance request was approved on February 3, 2006, and is for 7 months from the date the approved variance is date stamped by the Agency Clerk and is contingent upon the Petitioner using the City of Ocoee’s sewer and water services that meet the standards provided in Chapters 64E-8, 62-550 and 62-555, Florida Administrative Code. Petitioner is required to meet all provisos and plan review deficiencies prior to licensing. The Petitioner shall follow all applicable Administrative Rules and Federal Food and Drug Administration Food Code references. Any violation of the variance is the equivalent of a violation of the rule and may result in a recession of the variance, and subject the Petitioner to disciplinary sanctions as enumerated in Section 509.261, Florida Statutes.