Agency for Health Care Administration, Certificate of Need  


    The Agency for Health Care Administration received and accepted the following letters of intent for the March 7, 2012, application filing date for the first 2012 Hospital Beds and Facilities batching cycle:

    County: Collier                                 District: 8

    Date Filed: 2/6/2012                        LOI #: H1202001

    Applicant/Facility: Landmark Hospital of Southwest Florida, LLC.

    Project: Establish a long term care hospital of up to 50 beds

    County: Palm Beach                         District: 9-4

    Date Filed: 2/6/2012                        LOI #: H1202002

    Applicant/Facility: Florida Regional Medical Center, Inc.

    Project: Establish a general acute care hospital of up to 80 beds

    County: Miami-Dade                        District: 11

    Date Filed: 2/6/2012                        LOI #: H1202003

    Applicant/Facility: Plantation General Hospital, LP d/b/a Mercy Hospital A Campus of Plantation Gen. Hosp.

    Project: Add up to 10 Comprehensive Medical Rehabilitation Beds to Existing 15-Bed Unit

    If requested within 14 days after notice that an application has been filed, a public hearing may be held at the local level within 21 days after April 11, 2012, the date the application is scheduled to be deemed complete. Tentative hearing dates will be published on March 23, 2012.

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