Other Agencies and Organizations, Jackson County Hospital District d/b/a Jackson Hospital  



    Jackson County Hospital District d/b/a Jackson Hospital

    Jackson County Hospital District, Marianna, Florida

    Jackson Hospital has received an unsolicited proposal for the development of a satellite medical office building to be located at the north intersection of Highway 90 and State Route 71 in Marianna, Jackson County, Florida.  This property includes a Restricted Parcel, as designated by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, which contains specific land disturbance and building restrictions to be confirmed by the developer.  The proposal includes an approximate 15,000 gross square foot (which includes rentable square footage), commercial-grade building and tenant interior build-out along with the utilities, parking, site work and landscaping required to meet local, state and federal governing codes.  All surveying, soil testing, engineering, architectural/interior design, permitting, review and impact fees and any other development costs are to be included with the proposal.  Land transfer costs from the developer to the hospital are also to be included.  Additional proposals from qualified healthcare development firms may be submitted to Jackson Hospital, attention Brooke Donaldson, Assistant Administrator, 4250 Hospital Drive, Marianna, Florida  32446 no later than March 28, 2014.  All questions related to the project must be submitted in writing via email to bdonaldson@jacksonhosp.org.


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