Canaveral Port AuthorityRevised Scope Only to Notice
Published 2/12/2010: Issue Vol. 36/06
The Canaveral Port Authority (CPA) is requesting technical proposals and qualifications from consulting firms interested in providing planning and engineering Design Services for Northside Land Improvements for Port Canaveral and to provide technical support to staff at Port Canaveral – located in Brevard County, Florida. These services will be acquired in compliance with the Consultants Competitive Negotiations Act, Section 287.055, Florida Statutes. The A & E consulting firm will be required to display a recurring knowledge of cargo, container yards, and bulk handling facilities and marine terminal design. The Consultant will be asked to provide master planning of the entire North Cargo Area in addition to planning, design, and permitting of roads, stormwater, utilities, fire protection, and lighting for a 56-acre + parcel. The intended use of this parcel is a combination of General Cargo, Bulk Cargo and an expansion to an existing container facility. The project is to be phased and constructed as development progresses. In addition, the Consultant will be required to prepare a Cargo Market Assessment of the current and potential cargo business for the project area as it relates to the entire Port.
As a minimum, the firms proposing shall have at least ten (10) years experience in work of a similar nature with airports/seaports and military installations. Consultant must provide references of at least 5 prior successful projects of a similar nature.
It is recommended that the firm have an office within reasonable proximity to the Canaveral Port Authority and/or demonstrate that they would be able to provide services in a timely manner.
Each responding consulting firm shall provide six (6) copies and one (1) CD (containing complete proposal in pdf format) of their proposal, giving detailed information on the following:
1.Firm history, location, capabilities, etc.
2.GSA Standard Form 330 or equivalent
3.Five (5) examples of previous experience with providing similar services in the recent past. Include a brief description of the work and individuals to be contacted with telephone numbers.
4.A list of services which would not be performed in-house and a list of consultants, which would provide these services for the firm.
5.A schedule of current commitments and the degree of completion of each.
6.An organization chart and other information which will be useful in evaluating the proposal service.
7.Outline of methodology for implementation of the proposed scope of work.
8.Resumes of key individuals to be involved in the various aspects of the project and an explanation of each individual’s role in the project.
9.Evidence of coverage with at least one million dollars of professional liability insurance.
10.Provide evidence that firm is licensed to do business in the State of Florida.
Firms desiring to provide such professional services to the CPA must furnish six (6) copies and one (1) CD (containing complete proposal in pdf format) of their expression of interest to:
Canaveral Port Authority
Attn.: Peggy Gooch, Sr. Administrative Assistant, Engineering
P. O. Box 267
445 Challenger Road
Cape Canaveral, FL 32920
All proposals shall be delivered to the Canaveral Port Authority no later than 3:00 p.m., Tuesday, March 2, 2010. The selected firm will be required to perform all contract services under a standard CPA service contract, a sample of which may be requested by contacting Peggy Gooch, Senior Administrative Assistant, Engineering, Canaveral Port Authority by email pgooch@portcanaveral.com or via phone at (321)783-7831, ext. 218. All notices will be posted on our website – http://www.portcanaveral.com/general/bids/php.
A committee established by the Chief Executive Officer will meet to review and recommend for approval a ranking of qualified firms to the CPA Commission at their regularly scheduled meeting to be held at 2:00 p.m., March 17, 2010, at which time selections will be established.