Other Agencies and Organizations, City of North Lauderdale  



    City of North Lauderdale

    North Lauderdale City Commission - Design, Build, and Finance Infrastructure Improvements in North Lauderdale




    The City of North Lauderdale will receive sealed bids and/or proposals for the following, until the stated date and time when they will be publicly opened.

    Invitation To Submit Proposals for

    City of North Lauderdale Infrastructure Improvements

    The City of North Lauderdale has received a proposal from a private entity to design, build, and finance qualified infrastructure improvements in the City of North Lauderdale. The general outline of the qualified projects were presented in a Commission workshop on May 8, 2013 and updated on September 12, 2013. The proposed project workshop presentation can be found at http://www.nlauderdale.org/services/legal_notices/index.php.

    It will be asserted that the specifics of the documents received by City of North Lauderdale as of the date of this notice are exempt from disclosure under both Fla. Stat. 288.075 and Fla. Stat. Chapter 688.

    The City of North Lauderdale provides this notice pursuant to Fla. Statute 287.05712(4)(b) of its intent to consider the development of an interim and/or comprehensive public private partnership agreement for the purposes of implementing qualified infrastructure improvements in the City of North Lauderdale and invites interested private parties to submit other proposals. Proposals must be submitted by 2:00 p.m. on March 21, 2014.

    Proposers must meet the following minimum qualifications:

    1) Compliance with the applicable provisions of the Jones Act, 46 USC § 50101;

    2) At least ten years of successful experience building public structures;

    Proposals should include or address:

    1) Identification of private entity partners;

    2) Financial ability to complete the project;

    3) Estimated timeline for completion of project;

    4) Financing plans for implementation of the project;

    5) A description of the distribution of risk between the public and private sector;

    6) A description of the Public benefit

    Interested proposers shall submit 10 printed copies of the proposal to:

    Mike Shields – Director of Public Works, City of North Lauderdale, 701 SW 71st Ave., North Lauderdale, Florida 33068

    The proposal will be evaluated based upon its compliance with the requirements and goals set out in Section 287.05712, F.S.

    The City of North Lauderdale reserves the right to reject all proposals to this solicitation at any point when in its sole discretion the public benefit of the proposal is inadequate.

    Information on these and other Requests for Bids, along with Bid/Proposal results may be accessed at http://www.nlauderdale.org/services/legal_notices/index.php.

    Minority- and women-owned firms will be afforded a full opportunity to participate in these matters and will not be subject to discrimination on the basis of race, sex, color or national origin.

    Questions regarding the above projects may be directed to City of North Lauderdale, Public Works Department, 701 SW 71st Ave., North Lauderdale, Florida 33068, (954)724-7070, during regular business hours.

Document Information