Department of State, Division of Library and Information Services  

  • Notice of Public Sale

    The Florida Department of State will receive sealed bids for public auction of equipment listed in this notice. Sealed bids must be received by 4:00 p.m. on February 15, 2011 at the State Record Center, 4319 Shelfer Road, Tallahassee, Florida. The equipment may be inspected on February 15, 2011 from 10:00 a.m. to 3:45 p.m. at the State Records Center, 4319 Shelfer Road. Interested parties may contact Robert Taylor, Florida Department of State, Support Services Administrator, at (850)245-6472. The Florida Department of State reserves the right to reject any and all bids without notice. The equipment being offered for sealed bid public auction is as follows:

    ITEM NUMBER                DESCRIPTION

    00003815                             KODAK 16/35 PLANETARY MRD-2

    00012592                             BELL & HOWELL FICH/JACKET LOADER

    00014754                             ALLEN F-10 FILM PROCESSOR

    00020006                             B&H CLASSIC 3000 ROTARY CAMERA

    00022345                             B&H CLASSIC 3000 ROTARY CAMERA

    00022906                             RECORDAK 35mm PLANETARY MRG

    00023457                             MINOLTA DAR2800 AUTO-FEED PLANETARY

    00013230                             B&H FILE MASTER PLANETARY CAMERA

    00020615                             DATAGRAPHIX XFP 2000 COM UNIT

    00019957                             DATAGRAPHIX 4288 TAPE DRIVE

    00025027                             DATEX HSD 16/35 DIAZO DUPLICATOR

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