Department of Juvenile Justice, Departmental  



    “RFP 10630 – Public Meetings”

    RFP 10630 – The Department of Juvenile Justice (Department) is seeking proposals in the Central Region ( from community, faith-based, not-for-profit organizations, LLC, and/or divisions of local government by County to address the issues facing youth at risk of delinquency between the ages of five and seventeen (17). The Department seeks the implementation and delivery of innovative programs to address juvenile delinquency prevention and intervention efforts throughout the State of Florida that include, but are not limited to: mentoring; after-school programming; tutoring; academic assistance; life skills training; job internships; learning to live violence-free; family engagement; recreational programs for girls and boys; substance abuse intervention; educational enhancement; and other services that will support prevention and intervention of youth from the juvenile justice system.  

    All public  meetings for this RFP are advertised on the Vendor Bid System at:

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