On February 2, 2024, the Florida Housing Finance Corporation issued an order granting the waiver from Rule 67-48.0072(17)(e) and (f), and 67-48.023(5) and (7) Florida Administrative Code from Delmar Terrace South, LLC, 1.) ....
67-48.0072Credit Underwriting and Loan Procedures
67-48.023Housing Credits General Program Procedures and Requirements
The Florida Housing Finance Corporation hereby gives notice: On February 2, 2024, the Florida Housing Finance Corporation issued an order granting the waiver from paragraphs 67-48.0072(17)(e) and (f), and subsections 67-48.023(5) and (7) Florida Administrative Code from Delmar Terrace South, LLC, 1.) allowing Petitioner’s General Contractor (in this case the performance bond surety) to subcontract its duty to manage and control construction; 2) allowing Petitioner’s General Contractor to subcontract greater than 20% of the Construction Cost to a single contractor; 3) allowing Petitioner to complete the General Contractor Cost Certification process utilizing Agreed Upon Procedures that will be developed with Florida Housing Staff to provide assurance of the reasonableness and accuracy of costs and allow Florida Housing Staff to determine acceptability of the content of the Agreed Upon Procedures report when the report is completed. Florida Housing determined that the Petitioner had demonstrated that it would suffer a substantial hardship if the waiver was not granted. The petition was filed on November 29, 2023, and notice of the receipt of petition was published on December 1, 2023, in Vol. 49, Number 232 F.A.R.
A copy of the Order or additional information may be obtained by contacting: Ana McGlamory, Corporation Clerk, Florida Housing Finance Corporation, 227 N. Bronough St., Ste. 5000, Tallahassee, FL 32301-1329.