Notice of Bid
The University of Florida, Purchasing Services will receive sealed bids for the following: ITB14MB-129, Broward Hall Fire Sprinkler Replacement #14107, estimated budget: $350,000 to be opened February 27, 2014 at 3:00 p.m. at 971 Elmore Drive, 101 Elmore Hall Conference RM, Gainesville, FL. Scope of Work: The work includes the materials and labor described in the contract documents for the fire sprinkler work and all associated penetration fire stopping as required for rated locations and specification Section 078413 Penetration Firestopping. The contract documents also show work for acoustical ceilings. These items are shown for coordination and completion of the entire project but are not part of the fire sprinkler contractor’s scope of work. Mandatory pre-bid meeting will be held February 17th, 2014 at 10:00 a.m. at Jennings Annex, Museum Road, Gainesville, FL. It will be the sole responsibility of the attendees to allow sufficient time to ensure prompt attendance as doors will close at set time. Questions should be directed to Mercedes Bongiovanni, or (352)392-1331, ext. 210. For more information visit AMERICANS WITH DISABILITY ACT OF 1991 – If special accommodations are needed in order to attend the Pre-Bid Meeting or the Bid opening, contact Purchasing, or (352)392-1331 within three (3) days of the event.