The purpose of this amendment is to update guidelines for managing public records created or maintained in electronic form. Updated guidelines reflect current technologies and best practices in managing electronic records and ensuring their ...  

    1B-26.003: Electronic Recordkeeping
    PURPOSE AND EFFECT: The purpose of this amendment is to update guidelines for managing public records created or maintained in electronic form. Updated guidelines reflect current technologies and best practices in managing electronic records and ensuring their retention and accessibility in accordance with public records provisions of Chapter 119, Florida Statutes.
    SUMMARY: This amendment updates references to required technical standards, clarifies ambiguous language, reorganizes and consolidates various provisions, and provides for greater flexibility in agency technology practices while continuing to require adherence to records retention and access requirements set forth in Chapters 119 and 257, Florida Statutes.
    SUMMARY OF STATEMENT OF ESTIMATED REGULATORY COSTS: No Statement of Estimated Regulatory Cost was prepared.
    Any person who wishes to provide information regarding a statement of estimated regulatory costs, or provide a proposal for a lower cost regulatory alternative must do so in writing within 21 days of this notice.
    SPECIFIC AUTHORITY: 257.14, 257.36 FS.
    LAW IMPLEMENTED: 257.14, 257.36 FS.
    DATE AND TIME: Tuesday, March 4, 2008, 2:00 p.m.
    PLACE: Conference Room 307, R. A. Gray Building, 500 S. Bronough Street, Tallahassee, FL 32399
    Pursuant to the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act, any person requiring special accommodations to participate in this workshop/meeting is asked to advise the agency at least 3 days before the workshop/meeting by contacting: Jim Berberich, Program Manager, Information Resources Management, Division of Library and Information Services, M.S. 9A, Tallahassee, FL 32399-0250, phone (850)245-6750, e-mail If you are hearing or speech impaired, please contact the agency using the Florida Relay Service, (800)955-8771 (TDD) or (800)955-8770 (Voice).
    THE PERSON TO BE CONTACTED REGARDING THE PROPOSED RULE IS: Jim Berberich, Program Manager, Information Resources Management, Division of Library and Information Services, M.S. 9A, Tallahassee, FL 32399-0250, phone (850)245-6750, e-mail


    1B-26.003 Electronic Recordkeeping.

    (1) PURPOSE. These rules provide standards for record (master) copies of public records which reside in electronic recordkeeping systems. Recordkeeping requirements must be incorporated in the system design and implementation of new systems and enhancements to existing systems. Public records are those as defined by Section 119.011(11), F.S.

    (2) AUTHORITY. The authority for the establishment of this rule these rules is Sections 257.14 and 257.36(1) and (6)(c), F.S.

    (3) SCOPE.

    (a)1. These rules are applicable to all agencies as defined by Section 119.011(2), F.S.

    2. These rules establish minimum requirements for the creation, utilization, maintenance, retention, preservation, storage and disposition of electronic record (master) copies, regardless of the media.

    3. Electronic records include numeric, graphic, audio, sound video, and textual information which is recorded or transmitted in analog or digital form.

    4. These rules apply to all electronic recordkeeping systems, including, but not limited to, microcomputers, minicomputers, main-frame computers, and image recording systems (regardless of storage media) in network or stand-alone configurations.

    (b) Before existing records are committed to an electronic recordkeeping system, the agency shall conduct a cost benefit analysis to insure that the project or system contemplated is cost effective.

    (c) Any electronic recordkeeping system not meeting the provisions of these rules may be utilized for long-term or permanent records provided the record (master) copy is maintained or microfilmed in accordance with the provisions of Rule 1B-26.0021, F.A.C., prior to disposition.

    (4) INTENT. Electronic recordkeeping systems in use at the effective date of this rule, that are not in compliance with the requirements of this rule, may be used until the systems are replaced or upgraded. New and upgraded electronic recordkeeping systems created after the effective date of this rule shall comply with the requirements contained herein. The Department is aware that it may not be possible to implement this rule in its entirety immediately upon its enactment, and it is not the intent by this rule to disrupt existing recordkeeping practices provided that agencies make no further disposition of public records without approval of the Division of Library and Information Services of the Department of State.

    (5) DEFINITIONS. For the purpose of these rules:

    (a) “ASCII” means the American Standard Code for Information Interchange, a 7-bit coded character set for information interchange which was formerly ANSI (American National Standards Institute) Standard X3.4 and has since been incorporated into the Unicode standard as the first 128 Unicode characters.

    (b)(a) “Database” means an organized collection of automated information.

    (c)(b) “Database management system” means a set of software programs that controls the organization, storage and retrieval of data (fields, records and files) in a database. It also controls the security and integrity of the database.

    (c) “Data file” means related numeric, textual, sound, video, or graphic information that is organized in a prescribed form and format.

    (d) “Digital signature” means a type of electronic signature (any letters, characters, or symbols executed with an intent to authenticate) that can be used to authenticate the identity of the sender of a message or the signer of a document and to ensure that the original content of the message or document that has been sent is unchanged. Digital signatures can be created through hashing algorithms.

    (e)(d) “Electronic record” means any information that is recorded in machine readable form.

    (f)(e) “Electronic recordkeeping system” means an automated information system for the organized collection, processing, transmission, and dissemination of information in accordance with defined procedures.

    (g) “Hashing algorithm” (hash function, checksum) means a formula or procedure for checking that electronically transmitted messages or documents have not been altered by transforming a string of characters into a usually shorter fixed-length “hash value” or key that represents the original string. The receiver of the message can execute the same hashing algorithm as the sender and compare the resulting hash values; any difference in the hash values indicates an alteration of the message or document sent. Hashing algorithms can be used to create digital signatures.

    (h)(f) “System design” means the design of the nature and content of input, files, procedures, and output and their interrelationships.

    (i)(g) “Permanent or long-term Long-term records” means any public records as defined by Section 119.011(11), F.S. which have an established retention period of more than 10 years. See Section 119.011(11), F.S., for the definition of a public record.

    (j)(h) “Record (master) copy” means public records specifically designated by the custodian as the official record.

    (k)(i) “Geographic information system” means a computer system for capturing, storing, checking, integrating, manipulating, analyzing and displaying data related to positions on the Earth’s surface.

    (l)(j) “Open format” means a data format that is defined in complete detail and that allows transformation of the data to other formats without loss of information. An open format may be either standards-based or proprietary.

    (m) “Unicode” means the universal character encoding standard maintained by the Unicode Consortium, providing the basis for processing, storage, and interchange of text data in any language in all modern software and information technology protocols.

    (6) AGENCY DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES. The head of Eeach agency shall:

    (a) Develop and implement a program for the management of electronic records.

    (b) Ensure that all records are included within records retention schedules, either by being included within an applicable General Records Schedule, or by developing and obtaining approval for an individual agency-specific records retention schedule in accordance with Rule 1B-24.003, F.A.C., Records Retention Scheduling and Dispositioning. Each record series shall be considered on an individual basis by the Division of Library and Information Services in establishing this retention period. See subsection 1B-24.001(3), F.A.C., for the definition of a record series.

    (c) Integrate the management of electronic records with other records and information resources management programs of the agency.

    (d) Incorporate electronic records management objectives, responsibilities, and authorities in pertinent agency directives, or rules, as applicable.

    (e) Establish procedures for addressing records management requirements, including recordkeeping requirements and disposition, before approving, recommending, adopting, or implementing new electronic recordkeeping systems or enhancements to existing systems.

    (f) Provide training for users of electronic recordkeeping systems in the operation, care, and handling of the equipment, software, and media used in the system.

    (g) Ensure that agency electronic recordkeeping systems meet state requirements for public access to records in accordance with Chapter 119, F.S.

    1. STANDARD. Each agency which maintains public records in an electronic recordkeeping system shall provide, to any person making a public records request pursuant to Chapter 119, F.S., a copy of any data in such records which is not specifically exempt from disclosure by statute. Said copy shall be on paper, disk, tape, optical disk, or any other electronic storage device or media requested by the person, if the agency currently maintains the record in that form, or as otherwise required by Chapter 119, F.S. Except as otherwise provided by state statute, the cost for providing a copy of such data shall be in accordance with the provisions of Sections 119.07(4), F.S.

    2. STANDARD. Except as otherwise provided by law, no agency shall enter into a contract with, or otherwise obligate itself to, any person or entity for electronic recordkeeping hardware, software, systems, or services if such contract or obligation impairs the right of the public under state law to inspect or copy the agency’s nonexempt public records, or impairs the agency’s ability to retain the records in accordance with established records retention schedules existing on-line in, or stored on a device or media used in connection with, a computer system or optical imaging system owned, leased or otherwise used by an agency in the course of its governmental functions.

    3. STANDARD. Each agency shall ensure that current and proposed electronic recordkeeping systems adequately provide for the rights of the public to access public records under Chapter 119, F.S.

    3.4. STANDARD. In providing addition to ensuring that electronic recordkeeping systems meet requirements for public access to electronic public records, agencies shall ensure that procedures and controls are in place to maintain confidentiality for information which is exempt from public disclosure.

    (h) Develop and maintain documentation about electronic recordkeeping systems used by the agency to specify technical characteristics necessary for reading or processing the records. Documentation for electronic records systems shall meet the following standards:

    1. STANDARD. Each agency shall identify all inputs and outputs of the system; define the organization and contents of the files and records; define policies on access and use; define the purpose and function of the system; define update cycles or conditions and rules for adding information to the system, changing information in it, or deleting information; and ensure the timely, authorized disposition of the records in accordance with Chapter 1B-24, F.A.C.

    2. STANDARD. Each agency shall specify the location and media in which electronic records are maintained to meet retention requirements, establish and document security controls for the protection of the records, and maintain inventories of electronic recordkeeping systems to facilitate disposition.


    (a) STANDARD. Agencies shall develop and maintain adequate and up-to-date technical and descriptive documentation for each electronic recordkeeping system to specify characteristics necessary for reading or processing the records. Documentation for electronic records systems shall be maintained in printed form, and may should also be maintained in computer-readable form to facilitate access to the records. The minimum documentation required is:

    1. A narrative description of the system, including all inputs and outputs of the system; the organization and contents of the files and records; policies on access and use; security controls; purpose and function of the system; update cycles or conditions and rules for adding information to the system, changing information in it, or deleting information; and the location and media in which electronic records are maintained and their retention requirements to ensure appropriate disposition of records in accordance with Chapter 1B-24, F.A.C.

    2. The physical and technical characteristics of the records, including a record layout or markup language that describes each file or field including its name, size, starting or relative position, and description of the form of the data (such as alphabetic, decimal, or numeric), or a data dictionary or the equivalent information associated with a database management system including a description of the relationship between data elements in databases;

    3. For information coming from geographic information systems, the physical and technical characteristics of the records must be described including a data dictionary, a quality and accuracy report and a description of the graphic data structure, such as recommended by the federal Spatial Data Transfer Standards; and

    4. Any other technical information needed to read or process the records.

    (8) CREATION AND USE OF ELECTRONIC RECORDS AS RECORD (MASTER) COPIES. Electronic recordkeeping systems that maintain record (master) copies of public records on electronic media shall meet the following minimum requirements:

    (a)1. Provide a method for all authorized users of the system to retrieve desired records;

    2. Provide an appropriate level of security to ensure the integrity of the records, in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 282, F.S. Security controls should include, at a minimum, physical and logical access controls, backup and recovery procedures, and training for custodians and users. Automated methods for integrity checking should be incorporated in all systems that generate and use official file copies of records. Hashing algorithms and digital signatures should be considered for all official file copies of electronic records. The use of automated integrity controls, such as hashing algorithms and digital signatures, can reduce the need for other security controls. Hashing algorithms used to protect the integrity of official file copies of records should meet the requirements of US Federal Information Processing Standard Publication 180-21 (FIPS-PUB 180-21) (August 1, 2002 April 17, 1995) entitled “Secure Hash Standard” (or “Secure Hash Signature Standard”) which is hereby incorporated by reference, and made a part of this rule. This publication is available from the National Technical Information Service (NTIS), 5285 Port Royal Road, U.S. Department of Commerce, Springfield, VA 22161, and at the Internet Uniform Resource Locator: Agencies utilizing hashing algorithms shall only use validated implementations of hashing algorithms should also consider using only validated implementations of hashing algorithms in cases where the data being protected are of great intrinsic value or where the content and authenticity of the records are likely to be at issue in litigation.

    3. Identify the open format or standard interchange format when necessary to permit the exchange of records on electronic media between agency electronic recordkeeping systems using different software/operating systems and the conversion or migration of records on electronic media from one system to another. For text records in the absence of other conversion capabilities, the word processing or text creation system should be able to import and export files in the ASCII or Unicode format as prescribed by the Unicode 5.0 Standard (or successor Unicode Standard) Federal Information Processing Standard Publication (FIPS PUB) Number 1-2; entitled Coded Character Sets – 7-Bit American National Standard Code for Information Exchange (7-Bit ASCII) (1986, R2002), which is hereby incorporated by reference, and made a part of this rule. This publication is available from the Unicode Consortium, P. O. Box 391476, Mountain View, CA 94039-1476, and at the Internet Uniform Resource Locator: book/bookform.html National Technical Information Service (NTIS), 5285 Port Royal Road, U.S. Department of Commerce, Springfield, VA 22161; and

    4. Provide for the disposition of the records including, when appropriate, transfer to the Florida State Archives.

    (b) STANDARD. Before a record (master) copy is created on an electronic recordkeeping system, the record shall be uniquely identified to enable authorized personnel to retrieve, protect, and carry out the disposition of records in the system. Agencies shall ensure that records maintained in such systems can be correlated with any existing related records on paper, microfilm, or other media.

    (9) LEGAL AUTHENTICATION. Agencies shall implement the following procedures to enhance the legal admissibility of electronic records:

    (a) Document that similar kinds of records generated and stored electronically are created by the same processes each time and have a standardized retrieval approach.

    (b) Substantiate that security procedures prevent unauthorized addition, modification, or deletion of a record and ensure systems are protected protection against such problems as power interruptions.

    (c) Identify the electronic media on which records are stored throughout their life cycle, the maximum time span that records remain on each storage media, and the official retention requirements as approved by the Division of Library and Information Services.

    (d) State agencies shall, and other agencies are encouraged to, establish and maintain integrity controls for record (master) copies of electronic records in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 282, F.S.

    (10) SELECTION OF ELECTRONIC RECORDS STORAGE MEDIA. For storing record (master) copies of electronic public records throughout their life cycle, agencies shall select appropriate media and systems which meet the following requirements:

    (a) Permit easy and accurate retrieval in a timely fashion;

    (b) Retain the records in a usable format until their authorized disposition and, when appropriate, meet the requirements necessary for transfer to the Florida State Archives.

    (c)  STANDARD. Agencies shall not use floppy disks, audio cassettes, or VHS-format video cassettes for the storage of record (master) copies of long-term or permanent or long-term records. Long-term and Ppermanent or long-term records on magnetic tape shall be stored on polyester-based media. Agencies shall use only previously unrecorded audio or video tape videotape for original record (master) copies of long-term or permanent or long-term audio or video recordings. Obtain recording media only from vendors whose guarantee of 10 years or more of readability is based upon documented accelerated aging tests which are linked to specific locations on the media.

    (d) STANDARD. A scanning density with a minimum of 300 dots per inch is required for scanned images created by the agency from hard copy permanent or long-term records recording electronic records.

    (e) STANDARD. Record (master) copies of scanned digital images created by the agency from hard copy permanent or long-term records must be stored in accordance with a published International Organization for Standardization (ISO) open standard image format the TIFF 6.0 specification (June 3, 1992), which is hereby incorporated by reference and made a part of this rule. This specification is available from the Aldus Corporation, 411 First Avenue South, Seattle, WA 98104-2871. If use of a proprietary image format is unavoidable, the agency must provide a gateway to lossless conversion to the TIFF 6.0 specification.

    (f) The following factors are to be considered before selecting a storage media or converting from one media to another:

    1. The authorized retention of the records as determined during the scheduling process;

    2. The maintenance necessary to retain the records;

    3. The cost of storing and retrieving the records;

    4. The access time to retrieve stored records;

    5. The portability of the medium (that is, selecting a medium that can be read by equipment offered by multiple manufacturers); and

    6. The ability to transfer the information from one medium to another, such as from optical disk to magnetic tape.


    (a) STANDARD. Agencies shall back up electronic records on a regular basis to safeguard against the loss of information due to equipment malfunctions, human error, or other disaster. Agencies shall maintain backup all long-term and permanent backup/security electronic recording media created for disaster recovery purposes, and all preservation duplicates of permanent or long-term records, in an off-site storage facility, either on-site or off-site, with constant temperature (below 68 degrees Fahrenheit) and relative humidity (20 to 30 percent) controls. Storage and handling of long-term and permanent or long-term records on magnetic tape shall conform to the standards contained in Standard AES22-1997 (r2003), “AES recommended practice for audio preservation and restoration – Storage and handling – Storage of polyester-base magnetic tape,” (published 1997, reaffirmed 2003), which is hereby incorporated by reference and made a part of this rule. This publication is available from the Audio Engineering Society, Incorporated, 60 East 42nd Street, Room 2520, New York, New York, 10165-2520, and at the Internet Uniform Resource Locator: If an agency cannot practicably maintain backups and preservation duplicates as required in this section, the agency shall document the reasons why it cannot do so.   Other electronic records media should be stored in a cool, dry, dark environment when possible (maximum temperature 73 degrees Fahrenheit, relative humidity 20-50 percent),

    (b) STANDARD. Agencies shall annually read a statistical sample of all electronic media containing long-term or permanent or long-term records to identify any loss of information and to discover and correct the cause of data loss.

    (c) STANDARD. Agencies shall test all long-term or permanent or long-term electronic records at least every 10 years and verify that the media are free of permanent errors. More frequent testing (e.g. at least every 5 years) is highly recommended.

    (d) STANDARD. Agencies shall only rewind tapes immediately before use to restore proper tension. When tapes with extreme cases of degradation are discovered, they should be rewound to avoid more permanent damage and copied to new media as soon as possible. Tapes shall be played continuously from end to end to ensure even packing. Tapes shall be stored so that the tape is all on one reel or hub.

    (e) STANDARD. Agencies shall prohibit smoking, eating, and drinking in areas where electronic records are created, stored, used, or tested.

    (f) STANDARD. External labels (or the equivalent automated management system) for electronic recording media used to store long-term or permanent or long-term records shall provide unique identification for each storage media, including:

    1. The name of the organizational unit responsible for the data;

    2. System title, including the version number of the application;

    3. Special security requirements or restrictions on access, if any; and

    4. Software in use at the time of creation.

    (g) STANDARD. For all media used to store permanent or long-term electronic records, each electronic records series, agencies shall maintain human readable information specifying the metadata associated with the series, and technical documentation specifying recording methods, formats, languages, dependencies, and schema sufficient to ensure continued access to, and intellectual control over, the records series. Additionally, the following information shall be maintained for each media used to store long-term or permanent or long-term electronic records:

    1. File title;

    2. Dates of creation;

    3. Dates of coverage; and

    4. Character code/software dependency.

    (h) STANDARD. Electronic records shall not be stored closer than 2 meters (about 6 feet, 7 inches) from sources of magnetic fields, including generators, elevators, transformers, loudspeakers, microphones, headphones, magnetic cabinet latches and magnetized tools.

    (i) STANDARD. Electronic records on magnetic tape or disk shall not be stored in metal containers unless the metal is non-magnetic. Storage containers shall be resistant to impact, dust intrusion and moisture. Compact disks shall be stored in hard cases, and not in cardboard, paper or flimsy sleeves.

    (j) STANDARD. Agencies shall ensure that record (master) copies of electronic records are maintained by personnel properly trained in the use and handling of the records and associated equipment.

    (k) STANDARD. Agencies shall not use floppy disks, audio cassettes, or VHS-format video cassettes for the storage of record (master) copies of long-term or permanent records. Long-term and permanent records on magnetic tape shall be stored on polyester-based media. Agencies shall use only previously unrecorded videotape for original record (master) copies of long-term or permanent video recordings. For long-term or permanent audio recordings of record (master) copies, agencies shall use only one quarter inch open-reel tapes at three and three-quarters or seven and one half inches per second, full track, using professional unrecorded polyester splice-free tape stock. For long term or permanent digital recordings of record (master) copies, agencies may use open reel one-half inch tape reels recorded at 1600 or more bits-per-inch; 3480, 3490, or 3590-type tape cartridges; or compact disk read-only-memory (CD-ROM) media.

    (k)(l) Agencies shall establish and adopt procedures for external labeling of the contents of diskettes, disks, tapes, or optical disks so that all authorized users can identify and retrieve the stored information.

    (l)(m) Agencies shall convert storage media to provide compatibility with the agency’s current hardware and software to ensure that information is not lost due to changing technology or deterioration of storage media. Before conversion of information to different media, agencies must determine that authorized disposition of the electronic records can be implemented after conversion long-term or permanent. Permanent or long-term electronic records stored on magnetic tape shall be transferred to new media as needed to prevent loss of information due to changing technology or deterioration of storage media.

    (n) Agencies shall back up electronic records on a regular basis to safeguard against the loss of information due to equipment malfunctions or human error. Duplicate copies of long-term or permanent records shall be maintained in storage areas located in buildings separate from the location of the records that have been copied.

    (12) RETENTION OF ELECTRONIC RECORDS. Each agency is responsible for ensuring the continued accessibility and readability of public records throughout their entire life cycle regardless of the format or media in which the records are maintained.

    Agencies shall establish policies and procedures to ensure that electronic records and their documentation are retained and accessible as long as needed. These retention procedures shall include provisions for:

    (a) STANDARD. Scheduling the retention and disposition of all electronic records, as well as related access documentation and indexes, in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 1B-24, F.A.C.

    (b) STANDARD. Establishing procedures for regular recopying, reformatting, and other necessary maintenance to ensure the retention and usability of the electronic records throughout their authorized life cycle. Transferring a copy of the electronic records and any related documentation and indexes to the Florida State Archives at the time specified in the records retention schedule, if applicable. Transfer may take place at an earlier date if convenient for both the agency and the Archives.

    (c) STANDARD. Transferring a copy of the electronic records and any related documentation and indexes to the Florida State Archives at the time specified in the records retention schedule, if applicable. Transfer may take place at an earlier date if convenient for both the agency and the Archives. Establishing procedures for regular recopying, reformatting, and other necessary maintenance to ensure the retention and usability of the electronic records throughout their authorized life cycle.

    (13) DESTRUCTION OF ELECTRONIC RECORDS. Electronic records may be destroyed only in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 1B-24, F.A.C. At a minimum each agency shall should ensure that:

    (a) Electronic records scheduled for destruction are must be disposed of in a manner that ensures that protection of any information that is confidential or exempt from disclosure, including sensitive, proprietary, or security information, cannot practicably be read or reconstructed, and;

    (b) Recording media previously used for electronic records containing information that is confidential or exempt from disclosure, including sensitive, proprietary, or security information, are not reused if the previously recorded information can be compromised in any way by reuse.

    Specific Authority 257.14, 257.36(1), 257.36(6) FS. Law Implemented 257.36(1)(a) FS. History–New 8-16-92, Amended 5-13-03,_________.

    NAME OF PERSON ORIGINATING PROPOSED RULE: Jim Berberich, Program Manager, Information Resources Management, Division of Library and Information Services, M.S. 9A, Tallahassee, FL 32399-0250, phone (850)245-6750, e-mail

Document Information

Comments Open:
This amendment updates references to required technical standards, clarifies ambiguous language, reorganizes and consolidates various provisions, and provides for greater flexibility in agency technology practices while continuing to require adherence to records retention and access requirements set forth in Chapters 119 and 257, Florida Statutes.
The purpose of this amendment is to update guidelines for managing public records created or maintained in electronic form. Updated guidelines reflect current technologies and best practices in managing electronic records and ensuring their retention and accessibility in accordance with public records provisions of Chapter 119, Florida Statutes.
Rulemaking Authority:
257.14, 257.36 FS.
257.14, 257.36 FS.
Jim Berberich, Program Manager, Information Resources Management, Division of Library and Information Services, M.S. 9A, Tallahassee, FL 32399-0250, phone (850)245-6750, e-mail
Related Rules: (1)
1B-26.003. Electronic Recordkeeping