Other Agencies and Organizations, Environmental Protection Agency  

  • U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA)

    USEPA Region 4 is providing notice of the opportunity to be placed on a mailing list to receive notification of EPA Region 4 air quality permitting actions.

    Most permits required by the Clean Air Act are issued by state and local agencies. Occasionally, however, the USEPA is responsible for issuing permits for sources of air pollution located in areas of federal jurisdiction, such as offshore.

    USEPA Region 4 is the agency responsible for issuing CAA permits to liquefied natural gas (LNG) deepwater ports that may be located on the Outer Continental Shelf beyond the seaward boundaries of the States of Alabama, Florida, and Mississippi. These facilities, primarily vessels, will be engaged in vaporizing imported LNG and sending it to shore through pipelines and will be located a minimum of three miles, but often much farther, from shore. If licensed, such projects will require an air quality preconstruction permit and Title V operating permit issued pursuant to the CAA and applicable regulations.

    USEPA is required to “Notify the public of the opportunity to be put on the mailing list through periodic publication in the public press and in such publications as Regional and State funded newsletters, environmental bulletins, or State law journals.” USEPA is also required to notify the public when we propose to issue an air quality permit and allow the opportunity for comment on the proposed permit or request a public hearing. The public comment period is a minimum of 30 days. The public will be notified of a draft permit through a printed legal notice in a newspaper of general circulation in an area onshore from where the source will be located. The public may also be notified of the draft permit through our website. USEPA will directly notify by e-mail or mail any person who requests to be on the mailing list.

    USEPA Region 4 is providing notice of the opportunity to be placed on a mailing list and notified of these LNG deepwater port air quality permitting actions. If you are interested in receiving such notifications, please go to http://www.epa.gov/ region4/air/permits/LNGPermits/LNGpublicnotices.html and fill out and submit the Public Notice Distribution List form. You can also submit the following information by e-mail to R4LNGpermits@epa.gov or by US mail to the address below: first and last name; organization (if applicable); mailing address; e-mail address; and phone number (optional, for clarification purposes only). Please specify that you are interested in “LNG permits” and if you prefer notification through e-mail or US mail. For questions regarding the mailing list, please contact: Permits Clerk, Air Permits Section, USEPA Region 4, 61 Forsyth Street, S.W., Atlanta, GA 30303, (404)562-9643.

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