Apprenticeship Requirements and Training Program  


    Board of Opticianry

    64B12-16.003: Apprenticeship Requirements and Training Program


    Notice is hereby given that the following change has been made to the proposed rule to correct form number to DH-MQA 1180 in subsection (1) and to add language in subsection (2) providing the website address where form DH-MQA 1063 can be obtained in accordance with subparagraph 120.54(3)(d)1., FS, published in Vol. 35, No. 2, of the January 16, 2009, issue of the Florida Administrative Weekly. The change is in response to concerns by the Board of Opticianry regarding a proposed revision to form DH-MQA 1180 that had been overlooked and was not voted on at its meeting on November 7, 2008, and modifications made by the Board of Opticianry at its meeting on February 9, 2009. No Statement of Estimated Regulatory Cost was prepared. It was determined that this rule will not affect small businesses. Any person who wishes to provide information regarding the statement of estimated costs, or to provide a proposal for a lower regulatory cost alternative must do so in writing within 21 days of this notice.

    The rule shall read as:

    64B12-16.003 Apprenticeship Requirements and Training Program.

    (1) Any persons seeking to be registered as an apprentice optician shall submit to the Board  an Apprentice Optician Application (Form DH-MQA 1180, revised 11/08), hereby adopted and incorporated by reference, which can be obtained from the Board’s website at All apprenticeship training must be conducted by the sponsor(s) with whom the apprentice is currently registered with the Agency. Credits shall be granted to apprentices if the training is properly documented according to this rule. An apprentice shall not receive credit for any training received from a person other than the properly registered sponsor(s). However, an apprentice can receive credit for attending continuing education courses by a board-approved provider pursuant to this rule.

    (2) An apprentice shall have no more than two sponsors at any given time. If an apprentice has two sponsors, one sponsor shall be the primary sponsor responsible for the secondary sponsor and the apprentice. The primary sponsor shall be responsible for the completion, filing, signature and verification of the Apprenticeship Sponsor Attestation Form (DH-MQA 1063, revised 11/08 1/02) which is hereby adopted and incorporated by reference, which can be obtained from the Board’s website at and is available from the Board office at Department of Health, Board of Opticianry, 4052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin #C08, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3258. The secondary sponsor may work with the apprentice in a store or office other than the primary store or office as long as the apprentice works under the apprenticeship requirements and training program.

    (3) through (6) No change.

    Specific Authority 484.005 FS. Law Implemented 484.002, 484.007(1)(d)4. FS. History–New 10-12-80, Amended 8-31-83, 8-30-84, Formerly 21P-16.03, Amended 3-5-87, 7-15-87, 1-26-88, 3-30-89, 10-17-90, 5-27-92, 9-30-92, 1-27-93, Formerly 21P-16.003, Amended 9-14-93, 5-2-94, Formerly 61G13-16.003, Amended 2-21-96, 4-23-97, Formerly 59U-16.003, Amended 10-1-97, 2-16-99, 6-25-02, 4-11-06, 9-27-06, 4-19-07, 11-20-07,________.


    THE PERSON TO BE CONTACTED REGARDING THE PROPOSED RULE IS: Sue Foster, Executive Director, Board of Opticianry/MQA, 4052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin #C08, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3258