for variance or waiver filed on behalf of Julio Sanguily, III, M.D., and Palm Vascular Center of Treasure Coast, LLC, from Rules 64B8-9.009(4)(b)1 and 64B8-9.0091(1)(c)2.f., F.A.C., with regard to the transfer agreement. ....
64B8-9.009Standard of Care for Office Surgery
64B8-9.0091Requirement for Physician Office Surgery Registration; Inspection or Accreditation
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on March 08, 2024, the Board of Medicine, received a petition for variance or waiver filed on behalf of Julio Sanguily, III, M.D., and Palm Vascular Center of Treasure Coast, LLC, from subparagraph 64B8-9.009(4)(b)1 and sub subparagraph 64B8-9.0091(1)(c)2.f., F.A.C., with regard to the transfer agreement. Petitioners request the Board of Medicine grant a variance or wavier of subparagraph 64B8-9.009(4)(b)1 and sub subparagraph 64B8-9.0091(1)(c)2.f., F.A.C., that would permit Dr. Sanquily to perform percutaneous endovascular procedures at Palm Vascular Center without a transfer agreement as long as Dr. Sanguily continues to maintain his specialty certificate with the American Board of Surgery. Petitioners also request that the Board of Medicine initiate rulemaking for the purpose of amending administrative subparagraph 64B8-9.009(4)(b)1 and sub subparagraph 64B8-9.0091(1)(c)2.f., F.A.C., regarding the transfer agreement locations. Comments on this petition should be filed with the Board of Medicine, 4052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin #C03, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3053, within 14 days of publication of this notice.
A copy of the Petition for Variance or Waiver may be obtained by contacting: Paul Vazquez, J.D., Executive Director, Board of Medicine/MQA,