On March 16, 2018, the Florida Housing Finance Corporation issued an order granting waiver of Rule 67-48.0072(4)(c) and (21), F.A.C. from Dunbar Improvement Association, Inc., allowing the RFA 2015-102 EHCL loan closing deadline to be extended until ...  




    67-48.0072:Credit Underwriting and Loan Procedures

    The Florida Housing Finance Corporation hereby gives notice:

    On March 16, 2018, the Florida Housing Finance Corporation issued an order granting waiver of paragraph 67-48.0072(4)(c) and subsection (21), F.A.C., from Dunbar Improvement Association, Inc., allowing the RFA 2015-102 EHCL loan closing deadline to be extended until October 31, 2018, and allowing the RFA 2016-108 EHCL firm loan commitment issuance deadline to be extended until October 31, 2018. Florida Housing determined that the Petitioner had demonstrated that it would suffer a substantial hardship if the waiver was not granted. The petition was filed on February 28, 2018, and notice of the receipt of petition was published on March 1, 2018 in Volume 44, Number 42, F.A.R.

    A copy of the Order or additional information may be obtained by contacting Ana McGlamory, Corporation Clerk, Florida Housing Finance Corporation, 227 N. Bronough St., Suite 5000, Tallahassee, Florida 32301-1329. The Order has also been posted on Florida Housing's website at floridahousing.org.

Document Information

Ana McGlamory, Corporation Clerk, Florida Housing Finance Corporation, 227 N. Bronough St., Suite 5000, Tallahassee, Florida 32301-1329. The Order has also been posted on Florida Housing's website at floridahousing.org.
Related Rules: (1)
67-48.0072. Credit Underwriting and Loan Procedures