Other Agencies and Organizations, West Central Florida Area Agency on Aging, Inc.  

  • Request for bid for Telephone System



    The West Central Florida Area Agency on Aging, Inc. is seeking bid proposals from qualified vendors to replace the agency’s telephone system.

    Instructions for this Request for Proposals, including the telephone system specifications, are available beginning March 23, 2007 from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at the office of the West Central Florida Area Agency on Aging, Inc., 5905 Breckenridge Parkway, Suite F, Tampa, FL 33610-4239. The documents can also be accessed at the agency’s website: www.agingflorida.com (click on the drop down menu under Information at the top or QuickLinks at the bottom and select Request for Proposals).

    In order to be considered for this award and to receive notice of any changes or addenda to the RFP documents, a Notice of Intent to Submit a Proposal must be submitted to the West Central Florida Area Agency on Aging, Inc. Sealed bid proposals are due by 3:00 p.m. on April 23, 2007 at the office of the West Central Florida Area Agency on Aging, Inc., 5905 Breckenridge Parkway, Suite F, Tampa, FL 33610-4239. Public opening of the bid proposals will be at 3:01 p.m., on April 23, 2007.

    The West Central Florida Area Agency on Aging, Inc. reserves the right to reject any and all bid proposals, and to re-advertise for bids.

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