Department of Education, School Districts  

  • Plumbing Renovations, BID NO.: 11-968-217


    The School Board of Pinellas County, Florida will receive sealed bids in the Purchasing Department of the School Board of Pinellas County, Florida 301 – Fourth Street S.W., Largo, Florida 33770-3536 until 3:00 p.m. local time, on April 13, 2011 for the purpose of selecting a Contractor for supplying all labor, material, and ancillary services required for the scope listed below.

    SEALED BID NO.: 11-968-217

    BID TITLE: Plumbing Renovations

    DUE DATE/TIME: April 13, 2011 @ 3:00 p.m. E.T.


    This bid will select a “Plumbing Contractor(s)”. The work shall consist of furnishing all materials, labor, tools, equipment and supervision required demolition of various rooms on campus and the renovation of those rooms at the following schools shown below. Specifications are “free of charge” see information in these bid documents. Scope is abstract and bidders need to read entire specification prior to bidding.




    Bauder Elementary School

    12755 86th Avenue North,

    Seminole, FL 33776

    Removal of the water closets, and associated flush valves, urinals, valves, hot and cold water piping and installing new piping and fixtures. Removal of the urinals and associated flush valves. Lavatories are to remain. Remove and dispose of all hot and cold water galvanized pipes serving each plumbing fixture including hose bib. Removal of air compressor. Relocation of water softener and salt tank to the mechanical room, also refer to new notes. Removal of gas fired water heater. Removal of all galvanized potable water, hot water supply and hot water return pipes. Rooms: Mechanical Room, Kitchen, Lounge, Clinical areas and various restrooms on campus.




    Bardmoor Elementary School

    8900 Greenbriar Rd,

    Seminole, FL 33777

    Plumbing work: Removal of plumbing piping, plumbing fixtures, and plumbing accessories and installation of new plumbing piping, plumbing fixtures and plumbing accessories. Provide seal assemblies at pipe penetrations of fire rated partitions. Provide new cold water service from outside to inside of building. Test, disinfect, and provide an operable plumbing system, Ceiling removal and reinstallation: bathroom wall attachments (partitions, mirrors, soap dispensers, wall grilles, and wall accessories) and re-installation; patching, sealing, stucco work; and painting. Removal of main water pipe ground and re-installation at new water pipe; provision of new electric hand dryers with new circuiting; relocation of existing branch circuiting at relocated in-line recirculation pump and new circuiting at new pump.




    Pinellas Central Elementary School

    10501 58th Street North,

    Pinellas Park, FL 33782

    Demolition of the entire domestic water distribution piping system complete including valves, hangers and appurtenances back to incoming service gate valve in mechanical room. Demolition of existing electric water heater and hot water recirculation pump located on mezzanine. Demolition of existing hot water recirculation pump for gas water heater in mechanical room. Demolition of existing hot water recirculation pump for electric water heater in mechanical room. Provide new domestic water piping, valves, hangers and appurtenances. Piping systems to include; hot & hot soft water, cold & cold soft water, hot water return & hot soft water return. Provide new floor mounted water closets connected to existing sanitary system. Provide new water closet manual flush valves connected to the new water piping.


    BID & PERFORMANCE SECURITY: Bid and Performance Security is required with this bid


    A pre-bid conference will be held at each school in the Main Office at the prescribed schools, date and time shown in the table below. Attendance at this pre-bid conference is MANDATORY in order for all potential bidders to receive the benefit of answers to theirs and other’s technical questions first hand. If you are not the prime bidder but are attending on behalf of someone else, please make note of this when signing the attendance roster where indicated. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you, but it is imperative that all information be disseminated in a public forum with all potential bidders present to minimize confusion or misunderstandings. Additions or changes to the original bid documents resulting from this conference of a material nature, will be documented in the form of written addenda and distributed to all attendees. Please note that if you are late to this mandatory pre-bid conference you will not be eligible to sign the attendance roster and therefore may not submit a bid. You may still, however, attend the conference if you wish. (Sign-in at the front desk, and you will be escorted to the pre-bid room for the “official” sign-in).


    Bauder Elementary School, March 23, 2011 @ 9:00 a.m.

    Bardmoor Elementary School, March 23, 2011 @ 11:30 a.m.

    Pinellas Central Elementary School, March 23, 2011 @ 2:00 p.m.

    Purchasing Department

    301 Fourth Street, S.W.

    Largo, Florida 33770


    (727)588-6129 (fax)

    The Owner reserves the right to reject all bids.


    DR. Julie M. Janssen, Ed. D                                                                         Carol J. Cook

    SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS                                                                   CHAIRMAN


    TO THE SCHOOL BOARD                                                                                 LINDA BALCOMBE

                                                                                                                                    DIRECTOR, PURCHASING

Document Information