Florida Atlantic University, on behalf of its Board of Trustees, announces that Construction Management services will be required for the project listed below:
Project No.: BT-653 Florida Atlantic Blvd. Northern Four Lane
Located on Florida Atlantic Universitys Boca Ratons campus, the project consists of site development and construction of a new four-lane road, on the west side of the Innovation Village Housing site, connecting Lee Street and Spanish River Boulevard. The project will include lighting, irrigation and drainage.
The project shall be handicap accessible. Total Construction budget is approximately $4,000,000.00.
It is a requirement of this project that four (4) lanes of road be available for use by the general public beginning October 10th, 2011, and final completion by December 31, 2011. Selection of finalists for interviews will be made on the basis of Construction Manager qualifications, including experience and ability; past experience; bonding capacity; record-keeping, administrative ability, critical path scheduling expertise; cost estimating; cost control ability; quality control capability; qualification of the firms personnel, and staff and consultants. Finalist may request a copy of the standard Florida Atlantic University Agreement between Owner and Construction Management.
Interested contractors may review a progress set of construction documents at the FAU Facilities Planning Department, by contacting the Universitys Sole Point of Contact for this project, Joel Schultz, Bldg. 69, Room 107, (561)297-3153 or From the date of issuance of this Notice until a final selection of a Construction Manager is made or a notice of cancellation is posted, the Construction Manager must not make available or discuss its proposal, or any part thereof, with any member of the Selection Committee, or the Design Team, unless permitted by the Sole Point of Contact, in writing, for purposes of clarification only, as set forth herein. Any individual associated with a Construction Manager who contacts members of the Selection Committee, or Design Team, regarding any aspect of this project, whether such contact be in person, telephone, or through electronic or written correspondence, may be determined to have violated the terms and conditions of this solicitation. If that determination is made, any proposal received from such an individual OR their company may be rejected as non-responsive and not subject to evaluation. If there are any changes or additions to the Sole Point of Contact information at any time in the process, participating Construction Managers will be notified via an addendum to the Notice.
Questions regarding the Notice and/or process should be submitted via fax or email to the Sole Point of Contact. No oral communications shall be considered as a change to the Notice. FAU may respond to questions deemed by the University to be material in nature via a written addendum to the Notice. Interpretation of the wording of this document shall be the responsibility of FAU and that interpretation shall be final.
All postings referred to in this Notice will be posted electronically on the FAU Facilities website: At all times it shall remain the responsibility of the Construction Manager participating in this solicitation to check the website for postings of addenda, short lists, and award decisions. No further notice will be given.
The Selection Committee may reject all proposals and stop the selection process at anytime. The Construction Manager shall have no ownership, entrepreneurial or financial affiliation with the selected architect/engineer involved with this project.
Firms desiring to provide Construction Management services for the project shall submit a letter of application and a completed Florida Atlantic University Construction Manager Qualification Supplement (FAUCMPQS Revised January 2004). Proposals must not exceed 40 pages, including the Construction Manager Qualifications Supplement and letter of application. Pages must be numbered consecutively. Submittals that do not comply with these requirements or do not include the requested data will not be considered. No submittal material will be returned.
All applicants must be licensed to practice as general contractors in the State of Florida at the time of application. Corporations must be registered to operate in the State of Florida by the Department of State, Division of Corporations, at the time of application. As required by Section 287.133, Florida Statutes, a Construction Management firm may not submit a proposal for this project if it is on the convicted vendor list for a public entity crime committed within the past 36 months. The selected Construction Management firm must warrant that it will neither utilize the services of, nor contract with, any supplier, subcontractor, or consultant in excess of $15,000.00 in connection with this project for a period of 36 months from the date of their being placed on the convicted vendor list.
Five (5) bound sets of the required proposal data shall be submitted and addressed to: Office of Facilities Planning, Florida Atlantic University, 777 Glades Road, Campus Operations Building #69-Room 107, Boca Raton, Florida 33431 by 5:00 p.m. on April 26, 2011. In an effort to be sustainable; submittals shall be printed double sided (total 20 sheets/40 pages), on recycled paper and the submittal is to be either stapled or GBC bound (no three ring binders).Facsimile (FAX) submittals are not acceptable and will NOT be considered.
BT-653 Florida Atlantic Blvd. Northern Four Lane
Florida Atlantic University
Boca Raton Campus
The project consists of construction of a new four (4) lane road on the west side of Innovation Village Housing connecting Lee St. and Spanish River Blvd. and will include lighting and drainage.
This facility will be constructed using the construction manager at risk delivery process.
The Construction budget is approximately $4,000,000.
Firms will be evaluated in the following areas: Experience and ability, past experience; bonding capacity; record-keeping-administrative ability; critical path scheduling expertise; cost estimating; cost control ability; quality contract capability; qualification of the firms personnel, staff and consultants; and the ability to phase a project such that campus traffic is continuous at all times. The selected firm must demonstrate the ability to make available for use by the general public, four (4) lanes of roadway beginning October 10, 2011 and final completion by December 31, 2011.
Experience and ability scores will be based on the following criteria:
1. Experience in projects of similar size and scope.
2. Experience in working with Universities.
· Bob Richman, Director, Facilities Planning
· Azita Dashtaki, Associate Vice President, Facilities
· John Singer, Director, Physical Plant (or designee)
· Jim Baker, Director, Engineering and Utilities
The anticipated schedule for selection, award, and negotiation is as follows:
Submittal Due: April 26, 2011
Shortlist Meeting: TBD
Final Interviews: TBD
Contract Negotiation: TBD
1. The University is not liable for any costs incurred by the Applicants prior to the issuance of an executed contract.
2. In order to minimize the possibility of unethical pressures or influences on the recommendation of the Selection Committee, no verbal or written communication is permitted between the applicants and the members of the Selection Committee. Any questions or requests for project information must be in writing to: Joel Schultz, Bldg. 69, Room 107, (561)297-3153 or
3. All applicants will be notified of the results of the shortlist in writing. Finalists will be informed of the interview date and time and will be provided with additional project information, if available.
4. The Selection Committee will make a recommendation to the President of the University. All finalists will be notified in writing of the Presidents action. Upon approval by the President, negotiations will be conducted in accordance with Section 287.055, Florida Statutes.
5. A copy of the building program is available on our website at