Department of Education, School Districts  

  • BID TITLE: Chiller Replacement


    The School Board of Pinellas County, Florida will receive sealed bids in the Purchasing Department of the School Board of Pinellas County, Florida, 301 – Fourth Street S.W., Largo, Florida 33770-3536 until 4:00 p.m. local time, on April 14, 2011 for the purpose of selecting a Contractor for supplying all labor, material, and ancillary services required for the scope listed below.

    SEALED BID NO.: 11-968-226

    BID TITLE: Chiller Replacement

    DUE DATE/TIME: April 14, 2011 @ 4:00 p.m. E.T.

    SCOPE OF PROJECT: This bid will select a “General or Building Contractor”. The work shall consist of furnishing all materials, labor, tools, equipment and supervision required for the following:

    1. Remove and dispose of existing chillers, pumps, piping and accessories, as indicated.

    2. Modify existing chiller yard walls as noted in Structural/Architectural Drawings to improve chiller yard airflow and create a new pump room.

    3. Provide a new 480V, 3 phase, 60Hz electrical service to initially serve the chiller yard. Make all electrical connections required by the new installation.

    4. Install new chillers (pre-purchased by Owner), piping, pumps, variable frequency drives and hydronic specialties.

    5. Provide and install a new DDC control system to control the new plant. The new chiller yard is being configured as a variable primary pumping system. System should be capable of future expansion to tie-in existing campus buildings as a future replacement of the existing campus EMS. As a minimum, the new control system shall control/monitor the following points or features for both chillers and all pumps, indicated in Section 2.04 of the project specifications. The new control system shall be located adjacent to the existing control system.

    6. The existing chilled water loop is air-bound. Include all costs to purge air from system and install three (3) new air vents at high points in the system. Contractor shall field investigate the site to determine suitable locations for air vents

    BID & PERFORMANCE SECURITY: Bid and Performance Security is required with this bid.

    PRE-BID CONFERENCE: A pre-bid conference will be held at the Main Office of Pinellas Park Elementary School located at 7520 – 52nd Street North, Pinellas Park, FL 33781 on March 24, 2011 at 10:00 a.m. (Sign-in at the front desk, and you will be escorted to the pre-bid room for the “official” sign-in). Attendance at this pre-bid conference is MANDATORY in order for all potential bidders to receive the benefit of answers to theirs and other’s technical questions first hand. If you are not the prime bidder but are attending on behalf of someone else, please make note of this when signing the attendance roster where indicated. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you, but it is imperative that all information be disseminated in a public forum with all potential bidders present to minimize confusion or misunderstandings. Additions or changes to the original bid documents resulting from this conference of a material nature, will be documented In the form of written addenda and distributed to all attendees. Please note that if you are late to this mandatory pre-bid conference you will not be eligible to sign the attendance roster and therefore may not submit a bid. You may still, however, attend the conference if you wish.

    Purchasing Department

    301 Fourth Street, S.W.

    Largo, Florida 33770


    (727)588-6129 (fax)

    The Owner reserves the right to reject all bids.


    DR. Julie M. Janssen, Ed. D                                                                         Carol J. Cook

    SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS                                                                   CHAIRMAN


    TO THE SCHOOL BOARD                                                                                 LINDA BALCOMBE

                                                                                                                                    DIRECTOR, PURCHASING

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