Adam D. Sterlace, D.O., seeking a waiver or variance of Rule 64B15-13.001, F.A.C., with respect to attending live continuing medical education credits sufficient to maintain licensure renewal in this biennial period. And the requirement to take ...  

    Board of Osteopathic Medicine

    64B15-13.001: Continuing Education for Biennial Renewal

    The Board of Osteopathic Medicine hereby gives notice that it has received a petition, filed on February 22, 2010, by Adam D. Sterlace, D.O., seeking a waiver or variance of Rule 64B15-13.001, F.A.C., with respect to attending live continuing medical education credits sufficient to maintain licensure renewal in this biennial period. And the requirement to take certain continuing education credits.

    Comments on this petition should be filed with: Board of Osteopathic Medicine, 4052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin #C06, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3256, within 14 days of publication of this notice.

    For a copy of the petition, contact: Kaye Howerton, Executive Director, at the above address or telephone (850)245-4161.

Document Information

Kaye Howerton, Executive Director, at the above address or telephone (850)245-4161.
Related Rules: (1)
64B15-13.001. Continuing Education for Biennial Renewal