Department of Juvenile Justice, Departmental  



    “ITN 10477 – 40 Bed Nonsecure Residential Program of Boys,

    to include MHOS, DD OR BDD Services, and 8 Voc Slots”

    “The Department is seeking a forty (40) bed Residential Program for boys appropriate for nonsecure residential placement, between the ages of nine (9) and eighteen (18) years old with innovations in delinquency programming and treatment services. Basic Care and Custody of a residential program shall be provided in accordance with Florida Statutes, Florida Administrative Rules and Department policy meeting the minimum requirements as described in Attachment A-1. The proposed services shall also include funding for forty (40) filled slots for males in need of Mental Health Overlay Services (MHOS), and Developmental Disability Treatment Services (DD) or Borderline Developmental Disability (BDD) Services as described in the Attachments A-2, A-4 and A-5. Program services shall also include eight (8) Vocational Slots as described in the Attachment A-3. The program shall be located in a Respondent owned/leased building in DJJ North Region.” All public meetings for this ITN are advertised on the Vendor Bid System at:

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