This conference call is to allow the chairs of the 4 subcommittees; Sustainable Growth, Economic Diversity, Environmental Stewardship and Access to Education, Healthcare and Culture to present progress reports to the committee chair.; Wednesday, ...  


    Florida State University

    The Florida Conflict Resolution Consortium and the Committee for a Sustainable Emerald Coast announces a telephone conference call to which all persons are invited.

    DATE AND TIME: Wednesday, April 4, 2007, 10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.

    PLACE: Call-in Number: (850)644-2255

    GENERAL SUBJECT MATTER TO BE CONSIDERED: This conference call is to allow the chairs of the 4 subcommittees; Sustainable Growth, Economic Diversity, Environmental Stewardship and Access to Education, Healthcare and Culture to present progress reports to the committee chair.

Document Information

This conference call is to allow the chairs of the 4 subcommittees; Sustainable Growth, Economic Diversity, Environmental Stewardship and Access to Education, Healthcare and Culture to present progress reports to the committee chair.
telephone conference call
No agenda