The purpose of this amendment will be to establish in rule the procedures for the Division’s online grant and information services system; amend existing language for clarity; add Rural Economic Development Initiative (REDI) language; and delete ...
Division of Cultural Affairs
1T-1.001 Division of Cultural Affairs
PURPOSE AND EFFECT: The purpose of this amendment will be to establish in rule the procedures for the Division’s online grant and information services system; amend existing language for clarity; add Rural Economic Development Initiative (REDI) language; and delete programs no longer in existence.
SUMMARY: The proposed rule describes the procedures for online and website application and administration; adds REDI language to the rule, and deletes non-existent programs.
SUMMARY OF STATEMENT OF ESTIMATED REGULATORY COST: There are no regulatory costs associated with this proposed rule. Any person who wishes to provide information regarding the statement of regulatory costs, or to provide a proposal for a lower cost regulatory alternative must do so in writing within 21 days of this notice.
SPECIFIC AUTHORITY: 255.043(4), 265.284(5)(d), 265.285(1)(c), 265.286(1), (4), (6), 265.2861(2)(b)(d), 265.2865(6), 265.51, 265.605(1), 265.608, 265.609, 265.701(4), 265.702(8) FS.
LAW IMPLEMENTED: 215.97, 255.043, 265.284, 265.285, 265.286, 265.2861, 265.2865, 265.51-.56, 265.601-.603, 265.605-.606, 265.608, 265.609, 265.701, 265.702, 286.011, 286.012, 286.25 FS.
DATE AND TIME: Monday, April 24, 2006, 9:00 a.m.
PLACE: Division of Cultural Affairs, 500 South Bronough Street, R.A. Gray Building, 3rd Floor, Tallahassee, Florida
Should any person wish to appeal any decision made with respect to any matter considered at the above-referenced meeting, he/she may need to ensure verbatim recording of the proceeding in order to provide a record for judicial review. The Division of Cultural Affairs will not record this meeting. To request special aids or services, contact Division staff at least 72 hours prior to the above stated schedule at (850)245-6356 or Text Telephone 711.
THE PERSON TO BE CONTACTED REGARDING THE PROPOSED RULE IS: Dr. Gaylen Phillips, Division of Cultural Affairs, 500 South Bronough Street, R.A. Gray Building, 3rd Floor, Tallahassee, Florida
1T-1.001 Division of Cultural Affairs.
The purpose of the rule is to establish administrative procedures for all Division of Cultural Affairs (Division) activities.
(1) No change.
(2) (a) through (c) No change.
(d) Florida Arts License Plate Program. The section provides guidelines for revenue distributions from the sales of Florida Arts License Plates. The Florida Arts License Plate Program Guidelines (Form CA1E006, eff. 8/02), incorporated by reference and available from the Division, outline procedures for the administration and distribution of license plate revenues to counties in Florida.
(3) Grant Application Procedures. The Division shall be responsible for the administration of all grant applications, procedures, and awards, as recommended by the Council. Applicants shall meet all program deadlines as published in the Division’s newsletter and posted on the Division’s website and through the Division’s online system; the posted deadlines will appear at least 90 days in advance of the deadline. Deadline dates are also available by calling the Division. Review panel and committee meetings shall be noticed in the Florida Administrative Weekly, and on the Division’s website, and through the Division’s online system. Review panel meetings shall be conducted in accordance with procedures outlined in this rule and in Sections 112.313, 112.3143, 120.525, 286.012, and 265.285, F.S. During the scheduled panel meetings, applications from state-supported institutions will be considered separately from those of private institutions or individuals. All grant awards shall be subject to final approval by the Secretary of State.
(4) Program gGuidelines publications shall be posted on the Division’s website and shall contain information on eligibility requirements, application review procedures, evaluation criteria, funding methods, and grant administration procedures, if applicable, and application forms. Application forms shall be accessible on the Division’s website through the online application system. Applicants for grants shall meet the eligibility and application requirements as set forth in the following grant program descriptions in this rule.
(5) Basic Eligibility. This section applies to all grant programs that reference subsection (5) in their eligibility section. Some Division programs require additional eligibility criteria that are detailed in this rule under the program description. To be eligible to apply to the Division for grant funding, an applicant organization must:
(a) through (b) No change.
(c) Submit a completed and signed application form. The form is available through the Division’s online application system (unless specifically directed to do otherwise for the grant deadlines for the State Touring Program, the Cultural Facilities Program, and the Regional Cultural Facilities Program) (CA2E009, eff. 8/02), incorporated by reference and available from the Division, for each program to which application is made, including the required number of application copies, on or before the announced postmark deadline for that program.; A completed application shall include the following information submitted through the Division’s online system: general identification and contact information, operating budget(s), proposal budget, proposal budget detail, proposal description including goals, objectives, activities and evaluation outline, and program narrative responses. Instructions for submitting support documents will also be available through the online system.
(d) through (e)1. No change.
2. REDI Waiver. The Division of Cultural Affairs will waive the cash financial matching requirements on Division project grants, except those noted in subsection (3), for an applicant that has been designated as REDI qualified in accordance with Sections 288.0656 and 288.06561, F.S. This cash waiver is applicable only to the following project programs: Cultural Support Specific Project, Quarterly Assistance, Arts in Education, International Cultural Exchange, and Challenge. In lieu of cash match, the equivalent of total match must be instead shown in the proposal budget as in-kind match. To obtain a match waiver, the applicant must submit a letter from the local county government that acknowledges the grant application and requests the waiver; this letter must accompany the grant application. The list of REDI counties and communities is reviewed and updated annually and is available on the Division’s website. A written request for waiver of matching requirements must be submitted with each grant application.
(f) through (h) No change.
(6) Grant Review Panels. The Secretary shall appoint panels to review and recommend grant applications for funding to the Council whenever it is determined that grant review panels are necessary to the process.
(a) No change.
(b) The Division shall seek nominations for panelists on an ongoing annual basis. Panelists shall be practicing artists, arts-related professionals, and educators, or other persons with current or prior active involvement in specific artistic disciplines that include, but are not limited to, dance, theatre, visual arts, music, folk arts, literature, media arts, and sponsor/ presenter. In appointing panel members, the Secretary shall give due consideration to professional acumen, geographical representation, minority representation, and diverse aesthetic, institutional, and cultural viewpoints.
(c) through (h) No change.
(7) Cultural Support Grants. The Cultural Support Grants program provides state recognition through competitive grants for significant public programs that preserve, strengthen, and foster excellence and diversity in art or culture for Florida’s residents and visitors. This program area includes the programs formerly known as Discipline-Based Arts Grants, Science/ Youth and Children’s Museums Grants, and Cultural Institutions Program. Two types of funding are offered: General Program Support and Specific Project. General Program Support applications are grouped in two three funding categories referred to as Levels.: Cultural Organizations and Cultural Institutions. There will be an annual application cycle for submission of Specific Projects, proposals and a 2-year multi-year application cycle for Cultural Organizations, General Program Support and funding with Levels 1 and 2 on a two-year cycle and Level 3 institutions being evaluated on a four-year application cycle for Cultural Institutions.
(a) Specific funding eligibility and maximum requests.
1. No change.
a. Level 1. Cultural Organizations. Revenues from the organization’s last completed fiscal year must be greater than or equal to $25,000. Organizations may request up to 10% of their last completed fiscal year revenue, not to exceed $100,000 $50,000. Completed fiscal year revenue figures are subject to audit verification by the Division. Youth and Children’s Museums as defined in Section 265.609, F.S., may request up to 20% of their last completed fiscal year revenue, not to exceed $50,000. Organizations requesting more than $50,000 must have no less than three years of continuous programming history and at least one paid full-time employee.
b. Level 2. Revenues from the organization’s last completed fiscal year must be greater than or equal to $500,000. Organizations must also have no less than three years of continuous programming history and at least one paid full-time employee. Eligible applications may request up to 10% of their last completed fiscal year revenue, not to exceed $100,000.
b.c. Cultural Institutions Level 3. The average Total Fund Revenue from the organization’s last four completed and audited fiscal years must be at least $1,000,000. Disciplines requiring higher minimum budgets are: $1,250,000 for museums; at least $1,250,000 dedicated to producing/ presenting within overall minimum budgets of $3,500,000 for sponsor/presenters; $2,500,000 for symphonies, operas, and pop orchestras; and $1,500,000 for other music institutions. Organizations must also have no less than five years of continuous programming history and established endowments with minimum required values of at least $75,000 at the time of application. Disciplines requiring higher minimum endowments are: $100,000 for ballet companies and theatres; $600,000 for museums and sponsor/presenters; and $1,000,000 for music institutions. For the purposes of this program, an endowment is a permanently restricted fund that is an asset of the corporation with a minimum market value as established for the discipline. Eligible applicants may request up to 10% of their eligible four-year average total fund revenue, not to exceed $350,000, but must have sufficient non-state revenues to request at least $100,000. Eligible fund revenue is defined as all revenue received and recognized in the applicant’s audits, excluding all state funds. All applicants to a Museum discipline must document by the application deadline that they have received accreditation by the American Association of Museums or the American Zoological Association by the application deadline.
c.d. The next application cycle for General Program Support will be for the fiscal year 2004-2005 funding for Levels 1 and 2, and fiscal year 2006-2007 funding for Level 3. Actual Ddeadlines will be announced not less than three months in advance and may be staggered by discipline or category group over the prior fiscal year.
2. No change.
a. Organizations may request up to $25,000 for each Specific Special Project application submitted. No more than two Specific Project applications may be submitted. No more than $25,000 will be awarded in a single year. Organizations may submit only one application to each discipline category.
b. No change.
(b) No change.
c. Organizations can only receive one General Program Support grant from the Division of Cultural Affairs and any division within the Department of State in the same fiscal year. This policy is effective as of July 1, 2008 for Cultural Organizations and July 1, 2010 for Cultural Institutions. The only exception to this limitation is for General Museums. A General Museum is defined as a museum that addresses two or more disciplines to a significant extent: for example, a museum that interprets both art and history or both history and science. General Museums will be permitted to receive a total of two General Program Support grants from the Division of Cultural Affairs or any other division within the Department of State. A discipline-specific operating budget must be used for each application; General Museums cannot use the same operating budget for both applications.
1. No change.
2. An average panel score of at least 75 points out of a maximum possible 100 points must be earned to be considered for receive funding for Specific Project applications.; The panel is not required to fund all Specific Project applications that receive a minimum average score of 75 points. An average panel score of 80 points out of a maximum possible 100 points must be earned to receive funding for Level 1 and Level 2 General Program Support Cultural Organizations applications; and 85 points out of a maximum possible 100 points must be earned to receive funding for Level 3 General Program Support Cultural Institutions applications. General Program Support award amounts recommended to the Council will be determined through the use of a funding method that awards base funding to all applications achieving the minimum eligible category-specific Level score and adds competitive funds for those applications achieving higher scores. All General Program Support applications earning an eligible category-specific Level average will receive funding under the formula of not less than $2,500. Based on their review, the panel makes funding recommendations for Specific Project grant awards to the Council. In determining which applications to fund, the panel will consider only applications that have achieved the required minimum average score of 75 and other criteria which include the overall group of eligible Specific Project applications, the relative merits of each proposal as demonstrated through scores based on the program review criteria, the anticipated funds available for the program, the perceived needs of the artistic or cultural discipline, the constituency served, and how well the proposed project fulfills the mission of the Cultural Support Grants program. In determining award amounts for those proposals recommended for funding, the panel may not recommend funding of less than $2,500.
3. In addition to the basic eligibility requirements detailed in subsection (5), For this program, a complete application is one that has a fully completed Organization Grant Application Form (CA2E009, eff. 8/02); support documentation in the form of financial statements or audits, investment account statements, and program materials as appropriate to substantiate specific program eligibility; and a response to at least one of the application narrative questions, is required. Cultural Institutions applicants are also required to provide: a complete funding worksheet; applicants must submit financial statements or audits for all 4 fiscal years provided on the funding worksheet; and documentation that the applicant organization has received accreditation by the American Association of Museums or the American Zoological Association. The application will be declared ineligible if required information is not submitted by the application deadline.
(8) Programs for Local and Statewide Service Organizations. The purpose of this program is to foster the development of local and statewide arts service organizations. There are two funding categories as outlined below:
(a) Local Arts Agency Program. The purpose of this program is to assist in the development of local arts agencies and to strengthen and stabilize their statewide network to further local and statewide cultural goals and objectives. A local arts agency is defined as an umbrella agency that serves its county or counties’ arts and cultural constituencies. This includes county arts councils established pursuant to Section 265.32, F.S. In addition to the basic eligibility requirements, as detailed in subsection (5), the applicant must be officially recognized by one or more county commissions as the local arts agency, commission alliance, or division of a county or city government.
1. New applications will be reviewed for all eligible applications on a three-year application cycle. Off-year out-of-cycle New applications will be accepted annually from any agency not funded in this program in the current cycle, or an agency that qualifies mid-cycle to move up to a higher funding category.
2. through 4. No change.
(b) State Service Organization Program. The purpose of this program is to support the efforts of state service organizations through stabilized funding and to work collaboratively with state service organizations to achieve statewide goals and objectives. A state service organization is defined as a not-for-profit organization that implements programs which have substantial cultural significance, giving emphasis to American creativity and the maintenance and encouragement of professional excellence. Statewide is defined as at least 50% of the state’s population, or 34 or more Florida counties. The goal of the program is to foster quality and professionalism in support of cultural excellence, access, and inclusion to the benefit of the public. In order to be eligible for funding, an organization must be designated as a State Service Organization by the Department, if recommended by the Florida Arts Council to the Secretary of State pursuant to the procedures contained in Section 265.285, F.S. Upon designation, an organization retains this status for a three-year cycle at which time designation will again be reviewed by the Florida Arts Council and recommended by the Secretary of State. Organizations in all clusters listed below are eligible to request up to 15% of their last completed fiscal year revenue. Organizations are arranged in three clusters:
1. through 5. No change.
(9) Quarterly Assistance Program. The purpose of this program is to provide funding to promote professional development for arts organizations. There are five funding categories in this program. In addition to the basic eligibility requirements detailed in subsection (5), the applicant must meet the category-specific eligibility criteria as stated below. For the purpose of this program, an arts organization is defined as a non-profit organization whose primary mission, or more than 50% of its operating budget, is dedicated to activity in the arts.
(a) No change.
(b) Review panel, scoring, and funding recommendations. A committee appointed by the Secretary of State will serve as the review panel for this program. The total maximum points that can be earned for any of the application categories is 100 20. Applicants must achieve a minimum of 75 10 to be considered for funding. Funding recommendations will be made by the panel in consideration of the funds available and the relative merits of each proposal. The panel is not required to fund all proposals that achieve the minimum score.
(10) No change.
(11) State Touring Program. This program is designed to provide performances, activities, and exhibitions, all by Florida artists, to as many communities as possible. This program has two components, the artist roster and the presenter application.
(a) No change.
1. Applicants must submit a completed State Touring Program application available on the Division’s website form (CA3E013, eff. 8/02, incorporated by reference and available from the Division) with all required attachments and samples of work as described in the program description guidelines, on or before the announced postmark deadline for the roster appointment program component;
2. through 3. No change.
(b) Eligibility for presenter fee support applications. Organizations who wish to apply to present one of the companies or individual artists featured in the State Touring Program roster must meet the basic eligibility criteria described in subsection (5), and must submit a completed State Touring Program presenter application available on the Division’s website form (CA2E014, eff. 8/02, incorporated by reference and available from the Division), and documentation of roster company or artist intent to contract, on or before the announced postmark deadline for the presenter fee support program component. Private schools may qualify under Chapter 623, F.S.
1. through 2. No change.
(12) Arts in Education Program. The purpose of the Arts in Education Program is to cultivate the learning and artistic development of students and teachers in preK-12 and to support activities that promote the arts as an integral part of education and life-long learning to Florida’s citizens and visitors. In addition, the program supports initiatives and proposals that help artists, educators, schools, colleges/ universities, and community, social, and cultural organizations carry out individual or cooperative programs.
(a) No change.
(b)1. through 2. No change.
3. For this program, a complete application is that which is described will be considered as the Organization Grant Application form, incorporated by reference in subsection (5), with two the exceptions: only the completed fiscal year of Operating Results and Projections is required, and responses to all narrative questions must be included. Incomplete applications will not be forwarded to the panel for review.
(13) Florida’s Artist Residency Directory. The directory includes biographical and programmatic information about professional visual and performing artists from Florida and other states. These individuals are experienced educators and are available for employment as artists-in-residence. The directory is intended to be used by organizations and schools interested in conducting residency programs. An artist residency is defined as those projects that place practicing, professional artists in Florida schools at K-12 or community college/university levels to teach all aspects of their art form, to create or perform works of art so that participants may observe the creative process, and, where appropriate, relate their art forms to curriculum areas.
(a) Individual artists and not-for-profit arts organizations with a commitment to arts education may apply for inclusion in the directory.
(b) Applicant artists are approved for the Directory by a peer review panel, and may be appointed for up to four consecutive years, after which they must reapply for subsequent appointment terms.
(c) Directory artists are expected to be highly qualified practicing artists. They may not be students pursuing a degree.
(d) There are two application categories: K-12 level Artist Residencies and Community Artist Residencies.
(e) Applicants must submit a completed and signed application, using form CA2E050, eff. 8/02, incorporated by reference and available from the Division, including the required number of copies, on or before the announced postmark deadline.
(f) Review scoring and criteria: The required minimum average score for a single-level application is 50 of the 65 total points possible. A dual category application requires 80 of 100 total points. The panel will evaluate the application materials according to the following general criteria:
1. Background Information: Artistic abilities and applicability to a residency program (up to 10 points); educational background, experience as a professional artist, and experience as a residency artist (up to 10 points);
2. Proposed Residency: Quality of residency program, quality of lecture/demonstrations, workshops, or master classes (up to 10 points);
a. For K-12 Residencies: Applicability of program to a K-12 curriculum. Ability of artist to work with teachers in integrating proposal into curriculum; quality of pre- and post-residency materials; holistic information on the art form presented; integration of the arts with non-arts subjects; linkage to Sunshine State Standards (up to 15 points); Ability to communicate with children for target grade levels (up to 10 points); Appropriateness of residency length, grade level, and skills that students and teachers are expected to achieve (up to 10 points);
b. For Community Artist Residencies: Understanding of community arts programs; applicability of proposal to an adult learning curriculum or special needs of the community (up to 15 points); Experience as a community artist, working with all age levels (up to 10 points); Evaluation of short-term and long-term residencies (up to 10 points).
(13)(14) International Cultural Exchange Program. The purpose of this program is to support international cultural exchange projects of outstanding artistic and cultural merit. Projects may be developed and originate in Florida for travel outside of the United States, or may be developed or originate in another country and be brought to the state by a Florida sponsor. The program aims to provide support for international cultural exchange projects of arts organizations, including museums, theatres, dance companies, sister city organizations, art centers, and others. Projects are expected to demonstrate the ability to build on the international reputation of Florida artists and organizations.
(a) through (b) No change.
(14)(15) Challenge Grant Program. This program provides funding support to arts and cultural organizations for projects that are designed as new initiatives or unique in nature to the organization’s regular programming. The category does not support general program operations or other ongoing programming. In addition to the basic eligibility requirements detailed in subsection (5), the applicant organization must also demonstrate in the application the impact of its general programs on at least a local basis, defined herein to encompass at least the county of the residence. There are four funding categories for the program: a community capital challenge and three levels of cultural project support with each level requiring greater scope, impact, and local match. Cultural projects must be of an artistic nature or be consistent with the general mission of a museum. For the purposes of this program, regional is defined as at least the county of residence and all counties within a 100 mile radius of the applicant’s primary venue; and statewide is defined as at least 50% of the state’s population, or 34 or more Florida counties.
(a) through (b) No change.
(15)(16) Cultural Endowment Program. The purpose of this program is to create an endowment matching funds program that will provide operating resources to participating cultural organizations. There are two components to the program, application for Cultural Sponsoring Organization Designation and State Matching Share application, receipt, and management.
(a) through (b) No change.
(16)(17) Cultural Facilities Program. The purpose of this program is to coordinate and guide the State of Florida’s support and funding of renovation, construction, or acquisition of cultural facilities. It is not intended to fund project planning, such as feasibility studies and architectural drawings, or operational support.
(a) through (m) No change.
(17)(18) Programs for Individual Artists. The purpose of this program area is to foster the development of individual artists. There are two funding categories as outlined below:
(a)1. No change.
2. Eligible applicants must submit a completed Fellowship application form (CA2E012, eff. 6-21-05, incorporated by reference and available on from the Division’s website, 1001 DeSoto Park Drive, Tallahassee, Florida 32301); with all required samples of work in the discipline appropriate formats described in the program guidelines, on or before the announced postmark deadline. Samples of work must be original and authentic representations of the applicant’s work. Applications will be accepted in each discipline on a rotating cycle. The disciplines of visual arts and media arts will apply together in odd years while the disciplines of literature, folk arts, music, interdisciplinary, dance and theatre will apply in even years. In the event that additional funding becomes available and all disciplines can be accommodated in one application cycle, the two discipline groups will be combined.
3. through 5. No change.
6. Fellowship awards are made based on the panel’s recommendations. Funds are available through a grant agreement (CA1E076, eff. 6-10-05, which is hereby incorporated by reference and available from the Division, 1001 DeSoto Park Drive, Tallahassee, Florida 32301) on a non-matching basis. The grant recipient is also required to complete a Final gGrant rReport Form (CA2E003, eff 6-10-05, which is hereby incorporated by reference and available from the Division’s website, 1001 DeSoto Park Drive, Tallahassee, Florida 32301) detailing expenditures and activities during the grant period and associated with the grant award.
(b) Artist Enhancement Grants. This program is designed to assist practicing, professional and emerging artists residing in Florida. This program provides support for artists to take advantage of specific, professional development, skill-building opportunities, or equipment purchases of significance to advance their work and careers.
1. No change.
2. Eligible applicants must submit a completed Artist Enhancement Application (CA2E105, eff. 6-10-05, which is hereby incorporated by reference and available on from the Division’s website, 1001 DeSoto Park Drive, Tallahassee, Florida 32301); with all required support material as described in the program guidelines, on or before the announced postmark deadline.
3.,4., No change.
5. Artist enhancement grants are awarded based on the panel’s recommendations. Each application recommended will be funded at full request. Funds are available through a grant agreement (CA2E106, eff. 6-10-05, which is hereby incorporated by reference and available from the Division, 1001 DeSoto Park Drive, Tallahassee, Florida 32301) on a non-matching basis. The grant recipient is also required to complete an Final aActivity rReport Form (CA2E107, eff. 6-10-05, which is hereby incorporated by reference and available from the Division’s website, 1001 DeSoto Park Drive, Tallahassee, Florida 32301) detailing expenditures and activities during the grant period and associated with the grant award.
(18)(19) Grant Awards to Organizations. The Division shall be responsible for the administration of all grant awards as recommended by the Council with the approval of the Secretary, pursuant to Section 265.286, F.S. The annual grant period shall be July 1 through June 30, or any grant activity start and end date within that time frame as stated in the award documents, or an approved amendment.
(a) through (d) No change.
(e) Revisions to grant. The Division shall consider Grant Amendment Requests on the basis of adherence to the goals of the funded application. The Grantee shall be required to request prior written approval from the Division by submitting such request on the a gGrant aAmendment Request Form #CA2E002, eff. 11/03 (incorporated by reference and form available on the Division’s website from the Division) for the following changes to the grant:
1. through 5. No change.
6. Project start and end dates outside the established grant period. Project date change requests are to do not require use of Form #CA2E002 and may be signed by the organization’s authorizing official and submitted to the Division through email in writing on grantee letterhead.
(f) Administrative Changes Notice. The Division must be notified of any cChanges in the organization’s name, address, phone number, authorizing officials, or contact person by submitting such changes through the Division’s website requires a written notice of change. This may be done by filing an administrative change notice form or a letter on grantee letterhead. The Division will not change the organization’s name without documentation from both the Division of Corporations and the IRS that reflects the organization name change.
(g) through (l) No change.
(m) Reporting. For all programs, unless otherwise specified, the grantee shall file a final report no more than 30 days following the project ending date. Interim reports will be required for grants with ending dates after June 30. These interim reports shall contain program financial and statistical results as of June and must be submitted no later than July 30. A final report will also be required 30 days after the project ending date. Requests for report due date extensions must be submitted in writing prior to the original due date. Interim and final reports shall be completed and submitted using on the gGrant rReport fForm (CA2E004, eff. 11/03), incorporated by reference and forms available on from the Division’s website.
(n) through (r) No change.
(s) Failure to respond to report deficiencies will place the grantee in a non-compliance status, and payment on current grants shall be withheld, and a refund of grant funds will be requested until the deficiencies are resolved.
(t) No change.
(19)(20) Regional Cultural Facilities Program. The purpose of this program is to accept and administer funds to provide grants for the renovation, construction, or acquisition of regional cultural facilities. It is not intended to fund project planning, such as feasibility studies and architectural drawings, or operational support.
(a) through (l) No change.
(20) Artwork Collection Care and Maintenance. The Division has statutory duty or authority under the Florida Fine Arts Act in Chapter 265.284, F.S. to administer and be responsible for all of the enumerated arts programs such as the Department of State Art Collection and the Capitol Complex Exhibition Program; to sponsor performances and exhibits; and to accept on behalf of the state donations of money, property, art objects, and antiquities. Under paragraph 265.284(3)(d), F.S., the Division has authority to consult with and advise other individuals, groups, organizations, or state agencies and officials, particularly the Governor and Cabinet, concerning the acquisition by gift or purchase of fine art works, the appropriate use and display of state-owned art treasures for maximum public benefit, and the suitability of any structures or fixtures, including framing, primarily intended for ornamental or decorative purposes in public buildings.
Specific Authority 255.043(4) FS., 265.284(5)(d) FS., 265.285(1)(c) FS., 265.286(1), (2), (3), (4), (5), (6) FS., 265.2861(2)(b), (d), (f) FS., 265.2865(6) FS., 265.51, 265.605(1) FS., 265.608(1) FS., 265.609(1) FS., 265.701(4), (5) FS., 265.702(8) FS. Law Implemented 215.97 FS., 255.043 FS., 265.284 FS., 265.285 FS., 265.286 FS., 265.2861 FS., 265.2865 FS., 265.51-.56, 265.601-.603 FS., 265.605-.606 FS., 265.608 FS., 265.609 FS., 265.701 FS., 265.702 FS., 286.011 FS., 286.012 FS., 286.25 FS., 288.0656 FS., 288.06561 FS. History–New 11-23-82, Formerly 1T-1.01, Amended 10-1-96, 10-31-96, 2-2-97, 6-2-97, 7-17-97, 9-10-97, 1-4-98, 7-26-98, 8-2-98, 10-5-98, 10-25-98, 8-17-99, 8-1-02, 12-29-02,10-14-03(17), 10-14-03(20), 11-16-03, 2-2-05, 5-16-05, 6-21-05, 12-20-05, ________.
NAME OF PERSON ORIGINATING PROPOSED RULE: Dr. Gaylen Phillips, Division of Cultural Affairs
NAME OF SUPERVISOR OR PERSON WHO APPROVED THE PROPOSED RULE: Sandy Shaughnessy, Director, Division of Cultural Affairs
Document Information
- Comments Open:
- 3/31/2006
- Summary:
- The proposed rule describes the procedures for online and website application and administration; adds REDI language to the rule, and deletes non-existent programs.
- Purpose:
- The purpose of this amendment will be to establish in rule the procedures for the Division’s online grant and information services system; amend existing language for clarity; add Rural Economic Development Initiative (REDI) language; and delete programs no longer in existence.
- Rulemaking Authority:
- 255.043(4), 265.284(5)(d), 265.285(1)(c), 265.286(1), (4), (6), 265.2861(2)(b)(d), 265.2865(6), 265.51, 265.605(1), 265.608, 265.609, 265.701(4), 265.702(8) FS.
- Law:
- 215.97, 255.043, 265.284, 265.285, 265.286, 265.2861, 265.2865, 265.51-.56, 265.601-.603, 265.605-.606, 265.608, 265.609, 265.701, 265.702, 286.011, 286.012, 286.25 FS.
- Contact:
- Dr. Gaylen Phillips, Division of Cultural Affairs, 500 South Bronough Street, R.A. Gray Building, 3rd Floor, Tallahassee, Florida.
- Related Rules: (1)
- 1T-1.001. Division of Cultural Affairs